delete my account urgently


Well-Known Member
Maybe it IS his ex that is on here requesting the profile be deleted, lol.

You know there is usually a delete account option somewhere withing your profile controls.


Staff member
Maybe it IS his ex that is on here requesting the profile be deleted, lol.

You know there is usually a delete account option somewhere withing your profile controls.
No there isnt.

Sorry iron we dont delete accounts just stay logged out :D


Well-Known Member
Forum Rules said:
If at anytime you make it known that you are under the age of 18, we will delete your account and all of your posts. This is not a joke, please come back when you are over 18. Although the administrators and moderators of will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and neither the owners of or Jelsoft Enterprises Limited (developers of vBulletin) will be held responsible for the content of any message.
It seems they don't do that.


bud bootlegger
He could go one by one and edit his posts to be blank?
only if all of his 300 posts were in the last 3 days i think it is... you can edit posts, but only for i think it's 3 days max, it's mainly an option to fix spelling errors / typos for the most part..

after 3 days, all posts are locked to the user and they can no longer edit / delete them on their own.. :D


Well-Known Member
I am 13, i started posting as beardo when i was around 8, i don't have anyones permission to use a computer, i shouldn't be on jere neither should any of my postsposts