Delicious Seeds Sugar Black Rose, Anyone Grown It Indoor? DWC?


Well-Known Member
mine just got her second set of true leaves.. im stoked. from what i read and have seen shes a beauty.


Well-Known Member
im doing mine 12 12 all the way. thought itd be a good experiment since it was a freebe. so far looking good. pics later.

duo maxwell

sorry I forgot all about this thread lmao. Sugar black rose is on the left and Northern light blue is on the right. this is them after 5 weeks of veg and 1.5 week of flowering. sorry I don't have any other pics right but i will post some more as soon as i can.



I picked up 3 feminized seeds of this and have a friend growing it along with a few other strains, each plant is doing great, plants are indoors and in soil. The 3 show a slight different look as far as color and leaf size and shape, one an obvious indica the 2nd looks more of a cross and the 3rd a "slight" sativa look. They were recently cut for clones and all the clones rooted with no problems and are the healthiest looking out of the batch. They will be going into flowering as of today of typing this. I can't wait to see the end result and taste her. I have a feeling this will an exceptionally good strain.

I can't find any smoke reports on her anywhere beyond the seed sites selling them so please keep this updated, the suspense on finding out how good she is is killing me.

duo maxwell

I can't find any smoke reports on her anywhere beyond the seed sites selling them so please keep this updated, the suspense on finding out how good she is is killing me.
Yeah same here I guess its a fairly new strain. It was the same thing for the northern light blue.


Active Member
Can't wait to see how these turn out for ya. I just started a diavolo auto flower and a blue northern lights, about 10 days and they're doing great.


Well-Known Member
well shes been budding for 3 weeks now,getting heavier everyday. very stout plant too. very little give in her branching. ill get some pics up later tonight of her and my pyrymid seeds white widow whos getting close to crop.


Active Member
Hey fellas I have the black rose in week 3 of flower; she has an exceptional smell, very unique, and sharp! Keep this updated, so we can compare the final report...