Democrats Are You Worried?


Well-Known Member
I am Not,,,These "Libertarian's" are nothing more than "Tea Party",,,"Republican's" in Sheep skin.:lol:,,,Been listening to to much "Propaganda Radio",,,lol...Only the 15 year old "Fox channel",,,is fair and Balanced kinnda like spirit FM:roll: While "Everyone else" is a Dumbass:hump:,,,:dunce:,,,Just felt Like "Hating on Obama":blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
TBH, things were looking grim for a bit but I get the feeling the left is energizing and that's arguably the most important factor leading into the elections.


Well-Known Member
I think they need to put "Ms. Clinton",,,On the ballot for the dem's,,,Than they can hate on "Bill,,,A woman,,",,,kinnda like take the Edge off of "Obama",,,and his being nice to appease to the "Other side"...Way too much...


Active Member
Not a Democrat (or Republican or Libertarian) and not worried. If a Republican wins the white house and they get the Senate and Congress so much the better. We can go full blown into the shitter and get it over with. Faster turn around time for this crap we have going on.


Well-Known Member
I guess everyone Voting "Republican"...Than,,,but you think your voting "Libratarian",,,We are in trouble,,,We as in US as in the USA.............Thank the next guy......Coward's!

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I'm still going to vote for O'Bama regardless of the smokescreens and outright lies. I know what he did for this country and I know what the Republicans didn't do. I prefer what he did and is doing over a party that allowed our nation to nearly default and resulted in a downgrade by sitting on their hands for two years. How many corporations/companies/businesses do you know that would allow employees to do nothing for two solid straight years? Not a single one.


New Member
Never Ever before has there been a plethora of front groups working for the Right wing like there is now. Its a serious money making machine creating think tanks and other avenues of political Propaganda.
I imagine before it was easier becuase there wasnt as much media as there is now. but group;s like FRC, the Tea Party worldnetdaily
These people are raking in the dough

So yeah you should be worried
A lot of people will believe the outright lies they groups puke into the media
Look at FOX


Well-Known Member
I am too,,,Because,,,He is at "Least",,,trying to do the best thing for US,,,Just having major "Setback's" with what was dealt,,,and how everyone,,,no matter what will not co-operate,,,or even try and help...all it is "get rid of Obama",,,He's done this and that?,,,Who care's about the debt?,,,Really?,,,It's Not all that bad out there as the way they portrait it to be...Just less for them,,,We are used to that IMO..............

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Never Ever before has there been a plethora of front groups working for the Right wing like there is now. Its a serious money making machine creating think tanks and other avenues of political Propaganda.
I imagine before it was easier becuase there wasnt as much media as there is now. but group;s like FRC, the Tea Party worldnetdaily
These people are raking in the dough

So yeah you should be worried
A lot of people will believe the outright lies they groups puke into the media
Look at FOX
Fox is sinking into the shit pile it created. FoxNews is fragmented and there is a lot of infighting. After the News of the World/Rupert Murdoch scandal I think Fox is going to have a hard time regaining what little credibility it had. Now they are turning on their own and eating their own children. It's kind of fun to watch. Three years ago, FoxNews would have backed Hank Williams Jr. to the hilt. Now it's every man/woman for himself/herself.


Active Member
Politicians are useless. Serving no function other than facilitation the empowerment of greed. imo

but isnt this a ganja forum.... take another rip man, forget about it... idk


New Member
Fox is sinking into the shit pile it created. FoxNews is fragmented and there is a lot of infighting. After the News of the World/Rupert Murdoch scandal I think Fox is going to have a hard time regaining what little credibility it had. Now they are turning on their own and eating their own children. It's kind of fun to watch. Three years ago, FoxNews would have backed Hank Williams Jr. to the hilt. Now it's every man/woman for himself/herself.
your average FOX viewer either doesnt know what happened in the UK or doesnt connect the 2

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I have a little more faith in the American public. People are waking up.

I'd rather be wrong and disappointed than right and vindicated. It's a quirk of mine.


Well-Known Member
I wasn't aware of FOX having any credibility after they denoted themselves as a entertainment venue instead of news journalism network.