Demons. Do They not live amonst us?

why? i have seen cats kill mice for fun....but that hardly seems like the dumbest shit you could have ever read....
I could methodically pick apart each retarded sentence, but the most obvious: "ourselfs", every carnivorous or omnivorous animal is a "serial killer", many animals kill for the fuck of it, his initial statement is perhaps the most shocking - this guy here has figured out the truth behind creation! and lucky us, it's here on rollitup.
we created devils and demons to avoid responsibility for our actions. it is easier to blame a devil than to accept our own evil and take responsibility for changing ourselfs. you do not find serial killers in the animal kingdom.only man kills for sport.
I can greatly relate to this post actually, I can overlook the last statement as simple forgetfulness. The whole time I was under psychosis I was projecting my own demons on to others, I couldn't see that the demon was me, very dangerous to be completely possessed by your own mind, yes that's right roger they are a figment of our imagination, but our imagination can take on a life of it's own.
I can greatly relate to this post actually, I can overlook the last statement as simple forgetfulness. The whole time I was under psychosis I was projecting my own demons on to others, I couldn't see that the demon was me, very dangerous to be completely possessed by your own mind, yes that's right roger they are a figment of our imagination, but our imagination can take on a life of it's own.
Don't conflate mental illness with spirituality.
I could methodically pick apart each retarded sentence, but the most obvious: "ourselfs", every carnivorous or omnivorous animal is a "serial killer", many animals kill for the fuck of it, his initial statement is perhaps the most shocking - this guy here has figured out the truth behind creation! and lucky us, it's here on rollitup.
i dunno, seems like you're just as certain about what you believe as he is about what he believes....and neither one of you actually has a shred of proof of a damn how is his imagination any less valid than yours?
i dunno, seems like you're just as certain about what you believe as he is about what he believes....and neither one of you actually has a shred of proof of a damn how is his imagination any less valid than yours?

Yup, that's what belief systems are. They things folks "hope/believe" are true without any lick of evidence to back said thing up.

There's always been people going back and fourth over which self imposed belief system is correct/wrong. when in fact neither can be proven as the ultimate truth,because there are no facts to back them up.
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my "beliefs" are my own, i've pretty much made them up as i went along. it works for me, but not only do i not recommend it for other people, i don't even want to take the time to explain to them what it is i believe's taken me 53 years to come up with it, i don't have another 53 years to explain anything....
so...i don't believe in demons and angels, so i don't think they exist with us on earth, or anywhere else.
the whole concept has always confused me a little....God is an all powerful being, who can manipulate time, physical matter, and the forces of life....why does he need a cadre of angels to do anything for him?.....¿ same with Satan.....second most powerful being in existence, most of the same powers as why all the little guys with pitchforks? is it just more festive?
we created devils and demons to avoid responsibility for our actions. it is easier to blame a devil than to accept our own evil and take responsibility for changing ourselfs. you do not find serial killers in the animal kingdom.only man kills for sport.
Types of chimpanzes not only fight actual mini wars, but will literally torture enemie chimps too.

Also humans rarely kill each other for "sport", but do so for "reasons". The reasons aren't good or legitimate typically speaking, but almost everyone will be mirrored in the animal kingdom too.

Truth be told people forget we are actually part of animal kingdom ... it's easy to remember when you keep in mind that all we are is a bunch of hairless apes running around full of self importance and self righteousness who were fortunate enough that a select few apes made the advances we all enjoy today otherwise the lack of hair would be the only thing setting us apart.
Types of chimpanzes not only fight actual mini wars, but will literally torture enemie chimps too.

Also humans rarely kill each other for "sport", but do so for "reasons". The reasons aren't good or legitimate typically speaking, but almost everyone will be mirrored in the animal kingdom too.

Truth be told people forget we are actually part of animal kingdom ... it's easy to remember when you keep in mind that all we are is a bunch of hairless apes running around full of self importance and self righteousness who were fortunate enough that a select few apes made the advances we all enjoy today otherwise the lack of hair would be the only thing setting us apart.
i'm constantly reminded that we're part of the animal kingdom.....ever watch kids on the playground? strip them naked, cover them with hair, and it's a fucking pack of chimps, the only reason they don't fling poo at each other is their pants are in the way.....ever watch women at a big highly anticipated sale?.....hyenas fighting over a rotting corpse......ever go to any bar on a weekend? full mating displays and rutting behavior......and the fights outside? they think they look like this ...bighorn-rams-fighting.jpg.653x0_q80_crop-smart.jpg

we think they look like this
we created devils and demons to avoid responsibility for our actions. it is easier to blame a devil than to accept our own evil and take responsibility for changing ourselfs. you do not find serial killers in the animal kingdom.only man kills for sport.

Um I watch Barn cats kill baby bunny's for the fuck of it all summer long, just ripping their heads off and leaving them in my yard. So I kill the circle of life.
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prove to me that they aren't one in the same's ok to belive in god, but not ok to believe you are god....what's the difference?....
seems like you're trying to validate your point of view while invalidating anyone else's.....that kind of shit starts crusades.......
At some point, a man yelled out - look at those chimps. The chimps shouted in excitement, they were
my "beliefs" are my own, i've pretty much made them up as i went along. it works for me, but not only do i not recommend it for other people, i don't even want to take the time to explain to them what it is i believe's taken me 53 years to come up with it, i don't have another 53 years to explain anything....
so...i don't believe in demons and angels, so i don't think they exist with us on earth, or anywhere else.
the whole concept has always confused me a little....God is an all powerful being, who can manipulate time, physical matter, and the forces of life....why does he need a cadre of angels to do anything for him?.....¿ same with Satan.....second most powerful being in existence, most of the same powers as why all the little guys with pitchforks? is it just more festive?
I can't explain sight to a blind man, and similarly I can't explain spirituality to someone devoid of faith or even a soul. Who knows if you are of the same genus as I am. Perhaps you as an unbeliever was born in to a body with specific limitations. Not everyone has the mental ability to recognize and process allegory so that's where many get swept up.
and perhaps some people read a lot more into allegory than it deserves to have read into do you know i'm devoid of faith? not believing what you believe means i have no faith...? how do you know if any of us has a soul? again, you are a VERY presumptuous person....seems like you have a beam or two in your own eye to attend to before you start criticizing my motes.....
and perhaps some people read a lot more into allegory than it deserves to have read into do you know i'm devoid of faith? how do you know if any of us has a soul? again, you are a VERY presumptuous person....seems like you have a beam or two in your own eye to attend to before you start criticizing my motes.....
Bro it's obvious you never read the bible, don't act mystical.
At some point, a man yelled out - look at those chimps. The chimps shouted in excitement, they were

I can't explain sight to a blind man, and similarly I can't explain spirituality to someone devoid of faith or even a soul. Who knows if you are of the same genus as I am. Perhaps you as an unbeliever was born in to a body with specific limitations. Not everyone has the mental ability to recognize and process allegory so that's where many get swept up.
Do you even know what spirituality is? Have you ever even heard of the ego? It has nothing to do with religion or faith, that is the mess that humanity created trying to understand the words of the prophets, the Enlightened. Why do you see the spec that is in your brothers eye but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? First remove the log so that you can see clearly, then remove the spec.
Do you even know what spirituality is? Have you ever even heard of the ego? It has nothing to do with religion or faith, that is the mess that humanity created trying to understand the words of the prophets, the Enlightened. Why do you see the spec that is in your brothers eye but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? First remove the log so that you can see clearly, then remove the spec.
like, moat it be bro
Bro it's obvious you never read the bible, don't act mystical.
i read it through a few times, in the course of research....i went to church 3 times a week with my grandma growing up...just because i think it's a crock of shit doesn't mean i'm ignorant....i have all the same info you do...i've just drawn different conclusions from it than you have....apparently religion says ot's ok to be condescending and insulting....i seem to remember reading something about turning the other cheek....not spitting in someones eye
like, moat it be bro
Here, let me see if I can give you a glimpse of something much bigger than any words or ideologies.

You are not the Thinker, you are not the one who is thinking inside your head, that is your ego, it's a clever little devil.

Can you for just one second become aware of all the empty Space around you, you will not be able to hold Presence for very long at first, but if you can become aware of Space as often as you can remember, eventually your mind will cease to control you, the compulsive thinking stops, you recognize your true self as pure Awareness, as it were. There is no time, the ego is obsessed with past and future and spends the majority of it's time thinking about them, snap out of it, snap out of satan's spell and be Present, just be. Welcome to Eternity, welcome to Paradise, welcome to the kingdom of heaven.

If this sounds like insanity, then you will dismiss it and live the rest of your life in darkness, but if you understand it, then the awakening has begun, it is irreversible, pay close attention towards Enlightenment, come and dine with me in Paradise.