Denser buds really better?


Well-Known Member
For a while ive been wondering if 1g of fluffy bud from a CFL (for expample) might be more potent than that from dense bud from a HID grow. I would almost think the loose bud is more potent since THC doesnt form inside the bud but on the outside of it. You need more bud from a CFL grow than from a HID to reach 1g (yes i know a gram is a gram, but i hope you know what i mean).
The CFL bud, although less dense, still has what i would say is as much THC on it as from a HID per squre inch of surface. But since you need more to reach 1g, your getting more surface with more THC on it.
Therefor if you get 1g of weed from a CFL grow youll be getting more THC than from 1g off of a HID grow. Could this be?
I hope this is at all understandable, if not ill try to clearify better.


Well-Known Member
For a while ive been wondering if 1g of fluffy bud from a CFL (for expample) might be more potent than that from dense bud from a HID grow. I would almost think the loose bud is more potent since THC doesnt form inside the bud but on the outside of it. You need more bud from a CFL grow than from a HID to reach 1g (yes i know a gram is a gram, but i hope you know what i mean).
The CFL bud, although less dense, still has what i would say is as much THC on it as from a HID per squre inch of surface. But since you need more to reach 1g, your getting more surface with more THC on it.
Therefor if you get 1g of weed from a CFL grow youll be getting more THC than from 1g off of a HID grow. Could this be?
I hope this is at all understandable, if not ill try to clearify better.
Wow, I know you smoke good! LOL!! Well you're right, but it all actually evens out. Thicker bud with more plant material will have more area to form THC glands on; while on b-side the thinner bud will have a high ratio of resin,but less plant surface. It all evens out.


Well-Known Member
I see your theory. It relys on the trichs being on the outside only. Its on the inside as well. So dense is good and fluffy is not.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Before you say your sure, id like to see more people comment about it
LOL.... no, no.... YOU go ahead and wait.... I'm QUITE sure.

Have you ever even actually seen a bud or smoked one for that matter?
these are the THC resin glands, as far as i thought they are only on the outside. When making hash you also throw away all the green that gets left over

ROFL..... where are you coming up with this stuff?

The Martian

Active Member
Hi All.
Sounds to me like someone, who grows under Cfls, and either hasn't got the money, or is too tight to upgrade to a propper light, is trying to delude themselves into believeing that their present system is fine, and will produce as much as a more expensive, larger wattage system.
If that was the case everyone would be using a couple Cfls to grow 50sq foot of top quality tackle.
Think about it mate!!!!!!
BTW, its not just the buds, the smaller leaves also have resin too, Just use your eyes and a lupe/magnifier if needed.
If yours havent, maybe its time for a bigger light????


Well-Known Member
Hhhmmm......THC is inside the plant and outside the plant because it creates it from inside to the outside so it is all over!

Some CFL buds look pretty dense to me. I think it just matter how many lumens you use and the spectrum not the source.


Well-Known Member
ThC is inside of the buds.............. Not outside............ Its just like a coating of thc, to make fly's stick there and not eat the buds ;)


Active Member
Hey atleast your thinking and trying. CFLs have come a long way, i tihnk one day HID will be replaced with something much cooler running and we will look back and laugh at ourselves for using such HOT fixtures.

The Martian

Active Member
Hi All
Yeh mate,the time is gonna be very soon.
Although I've not yet seen a decent flowering under LEDs, its only a matter of time.
I'm in the procces of researching to Build some LED growlights now, hopefully for my next grow.

BTW Thinking and Trying = very good.
Thinking and trying and talking and sharing = even better.

Ta Ta All.