deported??? wtf


Well-Known Member
I feel really bad for Marc emery.
Though I do not like him as a person. He has done a lot for the cause on both sides of the border. And for that I respect him.
He is just another racist for lack of a better word.
He blame's all american's for our government's action's.
I would join a revolution today just for what they are doing to him.
And yet there are thousand's of other reason's we also should revolt.
And yet we don't revolt.WTF
And either do the canadian's or any other trash talking country's.
Untill then none of us has room to talk and blame each other.
Keep the blame were it is deserved. At All of our government's.


Well-Known Member
Trust a couple of Americans to take offense..

What I meant was that we are following the US's retarded drug policies of locking people up!

1 plant is a mandatory 6 month spell in jail thanks to the new law that is just waiting to be passed by our senate. I personally see it as mind control as that is exactly what it is. No one else s business what I think, especially the fucksticks calling themselves the government.

And yes; the west is way overdue a government spanking! Big, bloated, corporate master serving festering piles of dog feces! With technology today a revolution is going to be much harder than anything in the past (see Iran).