Depressed Clones! Any advice is much appreciated.

Major lee

New Member
I picked up these four clones about a week ago. I first watered them with distilled water PH @ 6.3. Two days ago I gave them a simple Worm Casting Compost Tea with a PH @ 7.2. I heard you should not PH compost tea due to the side effects of the buffer solution. I had them under T5's for the first 5 days then I recently switched over to the Spider Farmer 4000 inside my 4x4 grow tent mounted at 30" above plants. I try to keep the environment around 60% Humidity and 80 degrees. I'm sure I've made some mistakes up until this point, but I'm open to any suggestions to help fix this current problem. Ive attached some pictures to help!


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If you picked up clones; they were likely hydroponically started, and now you've asked them to grow in soil.
If they were hydro to start with, they were most likely used to a 5.8pH and now you've got them on the pH roller coaster of 6.3 and 7.2
Your clones may or may not have been under HID lighting, but the t5's then to an LED, is a change for them I'm sure.

The point being; be patient. You've changed their whole world and you're asking a lot from them...give them time to give it to you. Good luck.
It seems like you got allot goin on there . At that stage all the need is a good medium for roots to grow and water . It’s caveman stuff they should kick back up once roots can breathe and spread
I've had clones look just like those. In most cases for me it was too much light for the clones. I normally start my clones under a single 24 inch t5 at 25 watts and then slowly increase light by adding another 25 watt t5 to the light fixture when there are noticeable roots. As the plant establishes stronger and stronger roots i just keep adding a t5 to the fixture. I start off in clear plastic solo cups so its easier to keep an eye out for roots. Also, im a huge fan of Clonex seedling and clone nutrient. Its not to expensive so give it a shot.
I've had clones look just like those. In most cases for me it was too much light for the clones. I normally start my clones under a single 24 inch t5 at 25 watts and then slowly increase light by adding another 25 watt t5 to the light fixture when there are noticeable roots. As the plant establishes stronger and stronger roots i just keep adding a t5 to the fixture. I start off in clear plastic solo cups so its easier to keep an eye out for roots. Also, im a huge fan of Clonex seedling and clone nutrient. Its not to expensive so give it a shot.

Yeah, too much light or too much leaf causes this usually, IMO - the leaves curl under as the stomata close to try to prevent too much water loss because no roots to uptake more yet. My clones sometimes looked like this for the first couple days before they perked back up, so I started cutting smaller clones with less leaf and didn't see this nearly as much. They honestly don't look bad to me, just minor stress. If the leaves start to look wet and slightly translucent at the ends and edges, it means they are dying and cutting them back may help until they develop some root.