Depressing event, now need advice


Active Member
Hi all, cat knocked my three plants off of the ledge they used to sit on, sadly. The soil was heavily disturbed and I'm pretty sure the roots were given a good deal of stress. The main stems didn't break, but on my favorite plant the stem is a bit bent. One is well into flowering while the other two are just about to start. The leaves are rather droopy and sad looking now, but they don't seem like they're on death's door yet. What tlc should I administer? Would it be wise to try to clone my favorite at this point (I was trying to wait for better branching) to cut my losses? Such a sad sight to find them on the ground with soil spilling out of their containers onto the floor!

Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
In my experience, its never too late to save a plant. I have had plants bounce back from similar situations. They did go through a great deal of stress. But if they bounce back them bitches will give off some big buds. Plants that I have saved seem to come back swingin. They take a traumatic event like that and concentrates on reproducing(budding) because the plant thinks its gonna die. You basically confuse the shit outta your plant and it can cause hermies, but I have never had a problem


New Member
Agreed. Re pot or top off the lost soil then give them either a drop of superthrive of some form of vitamin b. They'll do just fine.


Active Member
Great advice. Thanks, all. I was mainly worried about hermies because it seems like they would make it back. Amusingly enough, I really wanted to repot them anyway (even though I had no intention of doing so due to stress concerns) as one of them has an awesome root system that seems to be a bit too extensive for the container.

Anyway, thanks for the advice. Off to the store I go for supplies.

re: cloning. Should I wait for them to bounce back? I'm mainly talking about my fave plant with respect to this. You see, some of the seeds came from Humboldt (trainwreck), where I used to live, and out of the few seeds I had I only got a couple to sprout and only one survived...and it was somehow a lady! I'm a little emotionally attached to her, I guess, and I was intending to get a couple clones off of her.