DeSantis and the attack on actual freedom

DeSantis 2024?

  • No

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • Oh hell no

    Votes: 11 84.6%
  • нет

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • tabernak!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • He likes turtles

    Votes: 5 38.5%

  • Total voters
I don’t know much about it. I assume that it is simply a bookkeeping aid for interbank commerce. If you can say otherwise without invoking conservative bugbears like a commodity standard, please do.
You may want to look into how the Chinese handle it.
They are the pioneers and do it best..........the worlds role model.
Florida Man...

Florida considers ban on discussion of menstruation before sixth grade

Florida's so-called 'Don't Say Gay' policy could be expanded into high school

Florida Man...

Florida considers ban on discussion of menstruation before sixth grade

Florida's so-called 'Don't Say Gay' policy could be expanded into high school

View attachment 5273812
He won't stop till someone stops him...he'll build a sharia state, and stoning the unfaithful to death will become common.
And that isn't a joke.
Good thread, cannabineer. TY.
Let's just hope DeMaga don't run. Or that he does and splits the GOP primary, or...hell,
can the dems find somebody besides biden? Magats hate biden. My bud tells me he
is the worst pres in history. What he says i usually find later is what the magats are saying.
I'll ask him where he comes up w/this loony shit, and he'll say "It's all over the news." I'll
ask if it's, or or where. And he'll never say. Then later I'll see
some story about the lunatic polemic shit he spews. Been doing this for 20 some years.
Good thread, cannabineer. TY.
Let's just hope DeMaga don't run. Or that he does and splits the GOP primary, or...hell,
can the dems find somebody besides biden? Magats hate biden. My bud tells me he
is the worst pres in history. What he says i usually find later is what the magats are saying.
I'll ask him where he comes up w/this loony shit, and he'll say "It's all over the news." I'll
ask if it's, or or where. And he'll never say. Then later I'll see
some story about the lunatic polemic shit he spews. Been doing this for 20 some years.
you seem like a decent guy...maybe find another "Bud" to hang out with, unless you intend to keep using him as a weather vane.
As far as magats hating Biden, GOOD...that means he's doing the right things.
I'll be honest, I'd like someone younger, more popular, but with real passion, a real mission, to run, but if Biden wins the nomination, that's who I'll vote for, to avoid enabling the republicans. It isn't like he hasn't done a fine job, or that i have any problem with him personally, I'd just like to make sure everything that can be done to keep the republicans out of every office is being done, and the oval office especially.
Thanks for the vote of confidence. Agreed on Biden. Not on my friend, tho.

I'm not using the guy, he's my friend, dammit. He's a good guy, dammit. He
is kinda like you are, only not nearly as mean. Hell, he ain't even as mean as
I am. You keep telling me not to be friends with him. Give up, he's my friend.
I'd do anything for the ol' boy, period. He says the most unbelievably insane
things, and like you say, it just teaches me what these magats are all about.

I have posted that I believe Biden's the best pres this country's had since Ike,
but that he's a political hack. Too long in the Senate, I think. So, whatcha gonna
do, yanno? I'll vote Biden, but yeah, I wish dems had another decent candidate.
Who? Harris? :( Have no doubt I will never vote for a GOP. I did not, however
vote for Bubba his second election. I voted, Nader then. Bubba is/was a DINO.
Hillary, yuck, but i voted for her. Hell, i'd vote Bubba if he was running against
trump, understand me on this.
can you take children to burlesque or Cabaret? I’ve never been to a drag show that wasn’t sexual in nature - that’s part of the fun
This sounds like opposing EVs because coal is used to generate electricity - one of those arguments conservatives use to paint the walls in their echo chamber because they actually feel it's a real solid logical argument and with that expose their own baffling level of ignorance.
You keep telling me not to be friends with him.
i suggested that once...if he's your friend, then he's your friend...everyone seems to have at least one friend that isn't a good person...
and a trump supporting, republican supporting, Biden hating magat isn't a good person.
I have personally cut ties with 3 people who drank the koolaid, and now are zombies. I made honest efforts to wake them the fuck up, and they resisted, so i ignored their phones, stay the fuck away from them, walk the other way if i see them...
It hurts, but i can't be associating with those kind of people, that is implicitly condoning what they say and do, and i won't do that.
Thanks for the vote of confidence. Agreed on Biden. Not on my friend, tho.

I'm not using the guy, he's my friend, dammit. He's a good guy, dammit. He
is kinda like you are, only not nearly as mean. Hell, he ain't even as mean as
I am. You keep telling me not to be friends with him. Give up, he's my friend.
I'd do anything for the ol' boy, period. He says the most unbelievably insane
things, and like you say, it just teaches me what these magats are all about.

I have posted that I believe Biden's the best pres this country's had since Ike,
but that he's a political hack. Too long in the Senate, I think. So, whatcha gonna
do, yanno? I'll vote Biden, but yeah, I wish dems had another decent candidate.
Who? Harris? :( Have no doubt I will never vote for a GOP. I did not, however
vote for Bubba his second election. I voted, Nader then. Bubba is/was a DINO.
Hillary, yuck, but i voted for her. Hell, i'd vote Bubba if he was running against
trump, understand me on this.

My BFF since we were in 5th grade is a trumpie bear with Q leanings. It's loony toons when we interact with each others peer groups. We talk a bit about politics, but not much. It's typically normal conversations, but get a few of them together and oh man, its b a n a n a s. They get all hammered and whoa buddy, out it comes. I try to keep him kinda grounded and point out some of the bigger fallacies, but it has been a losing battle.
I wonder if some magat in body armor threatened to cut her throat if she shows up again, or maybe a hundred death threats called in to her phone outta shut her up. Your friends and family who support the republicans support this and worse, there are no excuses, they ran out of them long ago, they support, lies, treason and terrorism, the party is under the control of the worst people in America.

100-year-old woman stands up against Florida’s book ban during school board meeting

37,783 views Mar 23, 2023 #msnbc #florida #bookban
A 100-year-old woman stands up against Florida’s book ban during a heated school board meeting, arguing the freedom to read is under attack.
My BFF since we were in 5th grade is a trumpie bear with Q leanings. It's loony toons when we interact with each others peer groups. We talk a bit about politics, but not much. It's typically normal conversations, but get a few of them together and oh man, its b a n a n a s. They get all hammered and whoa buddy, out it comes. I try to keep him kinda grounded and point out some of the bigger fallacies, but it has been a losing battle.
quit trying, you've already failed...
No it won't, it's a lost cause. Its over in that realm of things that can't be changed so I don't let it bother me. Still my friend, but yeah, it's nearly as pointless as telling someone not to do a weird drug as it's bad for them.
My BFF since we were in 5th grade is a trumpie bear with Q leanings. It's loony toons when we interact with each others peer groups. We talk a bit about politics, but not much. It's typically normal conversations, but get a few of them together and oh man, its b a n a n a s. They get all hammered and whoa buddy, out it comes. I try to keep him kinda grounded and point out some of the bigger fallacies, but it has been a losing battle.
Email him some video clips of fox calling their viewers, "Cousin fucking terrorists" and other choice terms, used by Tucker's team, while he lied and made suckers out of them. You might not convert him, but you will do what they constantly try to do, sow doubt and confusion, plant some seeds and he might just stay home on election day.