Thanks for the vote of confidence. Agreed on Biden. Not on my friend, tho.
I'm not using the guy, he's my friend, dammit. He's a good guy, dammit. He
is kinda like you are, only not nearly as mean. Hell, he ain't even as mean as
I am. You keep telling me not to be friends with him. Give up, he's my friend.
I'd do anything for the ol' boy, period. He says the most unbelievably insane
things, and like you say, it just teaches me what these magats are all about.
I have posted that I believe Biden's the best pres this country's had since Ike,
but that he's a political hack. Too long in the Senate, I think. So, whatcha gonna
do, yanno? I'll vote Biden, but yeah, I wish dems had another decent candidate.
Who? Harris?

Have no doubt I will never vote for a GOP. I did not, however
vote for Bubba his second election. I voted, Nader then. Bubba is/was a DINO.
Hillary, yuck, but i voted for her. Hell, i'd vote Bubba if he was running against
trump, understand me on this.