DeSantis sucks

DeSantis rules.

I don't know man, I think he is a douche. But one things for sure, I am really looking forward to voting against him one day.
DeSantis rules.
desantis does rule, over fascist white hate groups that he's helping to get installed in government positions. he rules over every racist redneck in florida, and that is quite an accomplishment right there, to be the king of an entire state of racist, fascist, homophobic trailer trash...LONG LIVE THE KING!
To the hardcore Dems here:

Who would rather see in the White House, Trump or DeSantis?

I know for me it would be DeSantis hands down.
All good Sunni won’t let me say what I consider you :hug:

I'm still trying to figure out what a civil discussion looks like in a discussion with people mocking Democrats over an attempted assassination of Pelosi. Were we supposed to agree with the idiot who claimed both sides do it?

Regarding PJ's question. Either as Prez would put our democracy at risk. So it's a false dichotomy. The correct answer is to prefer neither.

I'm still trying to figure out what a civil discussion looks like in a discussion with people mocking Democrats over an attempted assassination of Pelosi. Were we supposed to agree with the idiot who claimed both sides do it?

Regarding PJ's question. Either as Prez would put our democracy at risk. So it's a false dichotomy. The correct answer is to prefer neither.
it’s like would I prefer death by crucifixion
or by impalement?

To the hardcore Dems here:

Who would rather see in the White House, Trump or DeSantis?

I know for me it would be DeSantis hands down.
it doesn't matter, neither one of them is going to have a chance until at least 2028...the republicans have done fucked up this cycle.
the only chance they have is if trump gets locked up before the midterms get rolling good, otherwise trump will peel his faithful off of the gop, and that will fuck both trump, and the gop's front runner.
but honestly, even if they do lock trump up this afternoon, there are still going to be way too many people who remember 1/6, who remember trump and his fuckery, who will remember roe v wade, the pact act, the incredible horseshit going on with the supreme court...these's no motherfucking way a republican is getting into the oval office for at least 6 more years.
It's funny how you guys on one hand want to reject both choices, when given only the two as options, while on the other hand you use the lesser or the two evils as a justification for the two party system at large, when independents consider voting for a third party.

There sure is an awful lot of question avoidance in this thread today.
It's funny how you guys on one hand want to reject both choices, when given only the two as options, while on the other hand you use the lesser or the two evils as a justification for the two party system at large, when independents consider voting for a third party.

There sure is an awful lot of question avoidance in this thread today.
Would you rather lose sight in your left or right eye?.

A) You don't have to answer.
B) The best answer is "I don't want to lose sight in either".
C) Next best reply: Why do you insist I answer? Is this a choice I must make? See answer B.

I'm still trying to figure out what a civil discussion looks like in a discussion with people mocking Democrats over an attempted assassination of Pelosi. Were we supposed to agree with the idiot who claimed both sides do it?

Regarding PJ's question. Either as Prez would put our democracy at risk. So it's a false dichotomy. The correct answer is to prefer neither.
I saw some red hot Obama in Wisconsin on the news. It’s so great to see him . I miss him so much. You know what I mean?
It's funny how you guys on one hand want to reject both choices, when given only the two as options, while on the other hand you use the lesser or the two evils as a justification for the two party system at large, when independents consider voting for a third party.

There sure is an awful lot of question avoidance in this thread today.
I call bullshit on your 'lesser of two evils' comparison.

Just because the Republicans have abandoned all legitimacy in favor of a blind power grab, and are truly a shit choice to vote into office, does not mean that the Democrats are just less bad.

The Democrats have been trying to do the work for us all. And it is hard to do when people get sucked into the propaganda and don't vote to keep Democrats in power for more than 2 years every decade or so.
By that answer I can only assume that you mean you would rather that DeSantis serve a single 4-year term as President than Trump serve an additional 4-years. See, we agree on one point. Now that wasn't so hard, was it?
if you want REAL answers, you can't make assumptions, especially self serving ones...
neither one of those choices is acceptable, and the only reality i have to make that choice in is one that you manufacture solely for that question to exist in...i don't care which republican the republcans vote for, they ALL suck. there are some republicans who don't participate in the bullshit of the freedumb caucus cocksuckers, but they still allow it to happen, they didn't vote to impeach trump, twice, they voted to censure Cheney and Kinzinger, but they voted NOT to censure greene, boebert, gosar, jordan, and all the other loud mouths...they operated next to those that plotted and planned trump's incompetent insurrection attempt, some of them had to know what the fuck was going on, and they said nothing...fuck each and every republican in office right now. if they ever want the faith of anyone who isn't a fucking qtard again, they're gonna have to work for it, and it ain't gonna be a small job.