DeSantis sucks

uhhh....this is the POLITICS FORUM on a weed website...because some of us care about this fucking this IS where we come to discuss it among ourselves...go to the grow forums to talk about growing, there are lots of threads

Fair enough. But I think the intent was politics within the scope of weed (i.e weed laws and Bill Clinton )

Let’s keep it “all forums on this website”. I can hear stupid opinions in just about EVERY OTHER WEBSITE BESIDES THIS SITE…

To be fair, I am a stupid newbie that was too high and didn’t realize I was looking in political forum. Nevertheless, I think the intent is politics within the scope of weed. But yet again, I might be just too high.
i just woke up and am already annoyed with the world...i don't care if its my dead grandma communicating from the other side...i'm trying not to be openly abusive, per the mods...and there is a small chance it's actually just a stupid guy who has been away for a while...ok, a VERY small chance...
Well this should bring you hope, I am not a troll. Just a humble farmer. I hope your day gets better ✌
Fair enough. But I think the intent was politics within the scope of weed (i.e weed laws and Bill Clinton )
no, it wasn' the stickies on the front of almost every forum...there are threads to do with the politics of weed, but this is a much wider forum, because just being a pot head doesn't make you politically blind, politically naive, or stupid enough to believe republicans...
Let’s keep it “all forums on this website”. I can hear stupid opinions in just about EVERY OTHER WEBSITE BESIDES THIS SITE…

To be fair, I am a stupid newbie that was too high and didn’t realize I was looking in political forum. Nevertheless, I think the intent is politics within the scope of weed. But yet again, I might be just too high.
As your friendly neighborhood immoderator, I can confidently inform you that it is not restricted as you suggest.
Some of us more or less live in this subforum, and it is as weird as, and often more fun than, a strip joint run by nuns.
no, it wasn' the stickies on the front of almost every forum...there are threads to do with the politics of weed, but this is a much wider forum, because just being a pot head doesn't make you politically blind, politically naive, or stupid enough to believe republicans...

Good to know if I have a question about anything you seem like the guy that will know the answer (except if I need to know how to use proper punctuation).

Additionally, I should mention that your aforementioned stickies are not viewable when your looking at the most recent posts. Hence my confusion.

At the end of the day, we both feel less lonely getting to fight it out with each other online. Thanks.
As your friendly neighborhood immoderator, I can confidently inform you that it is not restricted as you suggest.
Some of us more or less live in this subforum, and it is as weird as, and often more fun than, a strip joint run by nuns.

For sure. I will kindly point out griping about politics has never changed anyone’s mind. Instead, try to ask the opposing side what they are thinking and try to offer a better solution. Otherwise it amounts to the same solution as “Just Say No”. It leaves no room for understanding and progress.
For sure. I will kindly point out griping about politics had never changed anyone’s mind. Instead, try to ask the opposing side what they are thinking and try to offer a better solution. Otherwise it amounts to the same solution as “Just Say No”. It leaves no room for understanding and progress.
That works best when the other side is honest. If you have been watching US politics without buying into some quite prevalent lies, you will perceive that is currently not the case.

Sometimes “peace in our time” is the wrong solution.
Good to know if I have a question about anything you seem like the guy that will know the answer (except if I need to know how to use proper punctuation).

Additionally, I should mention that your aforementioned stickies are not viewable when your looking at the most recent posts. Hence my confusion.

At the end of the day, we both feel less lonely getting to fight it out with each other online. Thanks.
yeah, capitalization and punctuation go out the window when i get on a roll...blame it on reading ee cummings as a child...
I am perfectly capable of using both, but don't care enough in this setting to be conscientious about it.
And what did frump guy golf this morning?

Glad all are still aiming keyboards.

Peace and we now resume normal broadcasts.
Karma..over here..he's not even original.

Whoa! I'd love to go..can I get a ticket to The Cape?

Bravo Massachusetts Simply Bravo!:clap:


I remember seeing a story that they were short on help last year; now they won't have that issue- keep sending them fool you think those oranges pick themselves?

It only took us 3 years to kill her career.
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Although Joe Biden sent emergency help immediately even after Ron the little Dictators little stunt to “own da libs”
My bad angel wanted the President to throw paper towels at Ron
Alas I know Florida folks need federal assistance even if they support this clown
Although Joe Biden sent emergency help immediately even after Ron the little Dictators little stunt to “own da libs”
My bad angel wanted the President to throw paper towels at Ron
Alas I know Florida folks need federal assistance even if they support this clown
so long as they aren’t in a plastic bag. That can get you shot.