describe the effect cannabis has on you

i smoke sativa dominant strains
for me it always creeps up real fast . first i feel like everything is changing, time feels faster but in reality when i check the time its actually slower. then i usually start the giggles(which comes and goes during the high ) and start fiddling arround like i have some sort of behaviour problem . sometimes ill smack myself in the face or just hit my arms . my head feels like its going to explode. i always get extremely thirsty and more than extremely hungry. i touch my face a lot when im high. usually mid way through the high if their is music i will dance a lot. also everything is alot more fascinating. food taste amazing . my legs are always moving. i never seem to keep my back strait very long it is usually slouched. i actually feel my injuries more than when im not high but they don't hurt i just notice them more like a burning feeling in my knee. usually at the end of my high i just don't feel like doing anything .

theirs more but ill leave it at that


Well-Known Member
I like sativas, too, and use mainly those. I enjoy the relaxation of weed and overall stoney effect, but what I really love is the derealization. The point at which the ego boundaries lower and the self floods into the all is what I enjoy the most.


I like that you differentiate between Indica and Sativa so I will as well.
Typically i smoke Indica so i will start with that.
I usually go with Pineapple Express or a Strong Kush. Of course there is a strong body high as with all Indica strains. My muscles relax, any body soreness goes away and my body melts. Also lose a little bit in motor skill, become somewhat of a klutz. Also i get a really energetic head high so even though my body is completely relaxed and mellow i usually end up doing something. Typically building different Aeroponic systems to find out which is works just a little better (you should see my garage haha). Depending on the strain i can get Giggly, Spacey, and moderately eccentric.

When i go Sativa, which is rare, I get an EXTREMELY strong head high with some body relaxation if its a hybrid or strong Haze. Also with Sativa's I will get the Munchies something fierce which is not the case with Indica dominate strains. When i smoke Sativa I usually just get real stoned, Eat some Cheetos and watch the Scifi (syfy?)Channel.

In short, Sativa can put me the hell out if i smoke too much and Indica will relax my mind and body to the perfect level no matter how much i use.

Hope this is informative for you.


Well-Known Member
i would compare marijuana to the effects of a good benzo buzz with out as much disorientation(well after the intial rush) and loss of responsiveness. and much like benzo depending on the form will effect the buzz. more thc a more awake and detached high, like a valium. more cbd cbn more sleepy and "stuck" high, like a klonopin.


Well-Known Member
Indicas tend to hit me harder than sativas. Indica is a heavy buzz, you never forget that you are stoned. Sativas are more subtle, generally, though there's nothing subtle about the impact of a good Colombian or Mexican strain. Sometimes I think a sativa buzz has worn off, then I start laughing at something weird and realize I'm still pretty spun. I think sativas tend to be more hallucinogenic while indicas are more sedative. Sativas are more likely to give you "brilliant" inspirations, I think, but also paranoia. If I'm having a lousy day and feeling all wound up, I'd probably pick an indica over a sativa to medicate. If I know I need to stay awake for a long time, I'd go with sativa.

A couple weeks ago I had some so-so indica bud and some sativa that was also middling. I decided to put them both in the vape and was pleasantly surprised. It seemed like they were much better mixed together than by themselves. But of course, anyone else's mileage may vary.


Active Member
Well I keep trying them both Chernobyl was my favorite perfect a bit of head high, but mostly it took away every pain I had,and I actually enjoyed my day, didnt make me too hungry or a couch potato...tonight it was AK47, to me that one is a trip, hits the head first, went to sleep for a bit got up and felt great, no pain for hours from only a couple of hits...its a mix of sativa/indica, I think chernobyl is too...its still my favorite so far...normally I get the edibles instead of smoking, usually the 1/3 or 1/8 I think it is Hash added ..other than that I usually feel great unless I get one that knocks me out for the count...


Active Member
Howdy, I can describe two experiences both from an indica and sativa. I smoked an indica and felt a body rush. Even though I was laying down, it was like my being was taking trips, I like to call that one 'roller coaster' weed. I grew a clear sativa one time. It gave me a cerebral effect but my thoughts weren't hazy I still had clarity. It helps me formulate words when I rap in the studio. About the bad times I hate to remember but since you want to know the effects people are getting. I smoked some bad herb, or at least the high for me was bad. It kept telling me to do something I didn't want to do over and over, it felt like a sativa, not sure. I was in control the whole time though.


Well-Known Member
I can only smoke indicas. Muscles relax, kind of zone in on the tv or playstation and just pretty chill really. Sativas 1 or 2 hits and I'm good for the most part. If I smoke a whole joint or anything past 4 hits and I hate it! I get hella paranoid. My face and head just feels like it's radiating and then I start concentrating on my breathing and heart beat, thinking it's not Can't stop fidgeting the whole time. Every time I smoke a strong sativa I regret it. I'll try to keep busy or get comfortable, hoping I don't have a heart attack. Thinking it's been an hour and I should be coming down all is good, check the time and it's only been 5 fucking minutes. Never had a problem when younger but now it's only indica at night time for pain relief and to get a good sleep.


Well-Known Member
im just gonna throw this out there, but everyone should avoid labels like indica or sativa, cause most of you dont even know what goes into classifying the differences. for the most part 90% of the weed you have come across is a hybrid of some sort, and the high is not always relevant to the type of cannabis. there are many indicas that can make you high and giddy, and sativas that will put you on your ass, a lot of it comes from the grower the lighting and the genetics.


Many times I get these flashbacks from the past when I'm really high...Like stuff I thought I've already forgotten :D But it's kinda ironic though...cause I can't remember what happened a minute ago :D


Well-Known Member
The main effect is mood stabilization. I'm not joking in anyway when I say this, with out pot I require large amounts of anti-depressants, anti-anxiety meds, mood stabilizers and sometimes anti-psychotics, No joke. But just give me about a gram of decent weed a day and I'm fine, for the most part. I also have Hep C which causes all kinds of fucked up problems and Diverticulitis which is a disease affecting the Colon. I prefer indicas and crosses that are indica dominant. Most fruit flavors in weed comes from Sativas in the breeding but the high these days is not like the old sativas I smoked in the early 80's. The high of preety much any of the indica dominat crosses you get these days is closer to the old Afghan gold seal hash that the CIA imported to pay for the guns and missiles for the Muhajadin.