Describe Your Most Memorable Sex(in somewhat vague detail)


Well-Known Member
A kool kat dog like yourself Garden Boss I would expect something more classy and smooth...maybe even devonair might I suppose. Like the most memorable sexual encounter. The year, your age at the time, what type of venue(public or private)....and do you think it was as powerful for the other party(or parties I suppose) involved. I"ve always been a one on one type a guy but I am a go with the flow type of guy often times...without being lead around by the whims of spiritual mice.


Well-Known Member
The year was 2006. I was 31. It happened on the farm I presently live on. It went down in the back seat of a car that I had recently quit driving. We felt like teenagers again but she had just off a plane in St.Louis flying from L.A. We didn't want to wait for the extra bedroom in my parents place the next morning...a full 15 hrs or so away...NO WAY were we waiting that long. We could not get out clothes off fast enough once we were cramped in a mercury hatchback(of all things) To this day that was the most blissful sex I've ever came close to(pun intended). I've had more intense from the physical standpoint...but our hearts were 1 and then some if you know what I mean. We were both in a state of bliss that afternoon. Never forget how great it was and how beautiful she was straddled across me maybe this thread wasn't such a good idea after all....might have to jump in a cold shower...ugh lmao



Well-Known Member
A kool kat dog like yourself Garden Boss I would expect something more classy and smooth...maybe even devonair might I suppose. Like the most memorable sexual encounter. The year, your age at the time, what type of venue(public or private)....and do you think it was as powerful for the other party(or parties I suppose) involved. I"ve always been a one on one type a guy but I am a go with the flow type of guy often times...without being lead around by the whims of spiritual mice.
Ghost-sex....It was HOT...


Well-Known Member
Ok, OK.....I'll play along.

Years ago - I was in an unhappy relationship, and I was NOT having sex with my boyfriend. I couldn't - I was not attracted to him anymore; and in hindsight - fuck yeah I should have broken up with him.

But - I did not, and the first sex I had with someone other than my premature-ejactulating, pencil dick ex (who I was with and faithful to for 4 years) - was my buddy = who I found out happily was into Tantric Sex.

I don't know what the fuck it means - but the first time we had sex - we had sex for about 20 hours out of 24. Like just fucking cray!

So yeah - I should have felt bad for cheating on my asshole ex. But - I didn't - because it was JUST THAT GOOD.

Apparently dudes who do Yoga are fucking incredible in bed.


Well-Known Member
I was 15 years old and my dad just started seeing this girl and she had a daughter that was almost 2 years older than me and I knew my dad can't hold a stable relationship so I started to offer my company. Needless to say one night I agreed to watch her school lip-sync. And after we finished watching it on her bed she looked over at me and kissed me than a few kisses followed within the next hour and than she asked how far I would go with her. So from there on it happened.

My dad broke up with her as I anticipated and I still fuck her daughter on the side. Whats Good!? (19 now)


Well-Known Member
The year was 2012 I was a younger lad (almost 16)

I was dating a Mexican chick who whould wear yoga pants that showed it off nice

Well we were on the bus in the back and we were the last stop

Only one other person on and it was like 30 mins till the bus got to my house

So we started feeling each other up and she said " I wonder what whould happen if you unzipped your zipper"

And I of course was choking up and nervous trying to fight from stuttering

So I said " probably my dick "

And she said "yeah no shit Sherlock"

So she unzipped my pants and I had to look away so I didn't shoot my excited teenage load all over the place even tho she didn't touch it lol

Well she pretty much jerked me off lol I wanted a BJ but anything was better than nothing am I right???

That was my first sexual experience

And even tho it was a hand job I still learned that day how awkward sex really is lol


Well-Known Member
I was 15 years old and my dad just started seeing this girl and she had a daughter that was almost 2 years older than me and I knew my dad can't hold a stable relationship so I started to offer my company. Needless to say one night I agreed to watch her school lip-sync. And after we finished watching it on her bed she looked over at me and kissed me than a few kisses followed within the next hour and than she asked how far I would go with her. So from there on it happened.

My dad broke up with her as I anticipated and I still fuck her daughter on the side. Whats Good!? (19 now)

We were both 15 lol


Well-Known Member
I once shagged this russian bird sooooo but soooo hard i somehow made a tear on my dick from entering with such eagerness. I was bleeding for time and thought i needed stiches. It was well embarassing at the hospital the nurses wouldnt examine me thinking i was a perv cause i said i have an injury on my penis, so had to wait for doctor. All the while the girl was there was me she had an exam next day and all, she looked so embarassed.
Didnt need stiches tho thank you NHS.


Well-Known Member
When I climbed on top of her she looked at me a little strangely. She couldn't speak anyway, the duct tape was done right this time, not like the first time when she broke free and scrambled away from me until I grabbed her again.

She was on her back and hog tied, though. I remember the smell of engine oil and burnt hair. There were piles of toenails and the floor was sticky and cold.

Anyway, she had no idea what was coming next, and her eyes were bulging out of her head in fear. I had her perfectly positioned so the swinging lightbulb lit us up here and there. I dropped a huge log of shit right onto her chest. It lay there steaming for a while, and she was trying to scream and squirm.

It was fucking beautiful. At least 7" long. A real masterpiece.