Designated grower in BC looking for patients


hi my name is jo-anne colbeck, i am looking for a grower, have had my licence for 5 years, and my first grower hung it up, the the new grower got in some trouble, my script is for 150grams a month, i have dermatomyositis, fibromyalgia, bursitiss and osteo-arthritis, my main goal is stopping muscle pain and also for eating as i take chemo once a week, i am going to the cannibis store in toronto but it costs 10 to 14 dollars a gram, so you can imagine my perdicament as i am on disability, so most times meds come before pot, not a good thing as i take far less pain killer when i have my pot. i sure hope you can help

take good care, jo-anne colbeck


New Member
Hi Everyone,

I'm a grower in BC who has a farm where my father and I will be producing his medicine from his HC MMAR license. Since we have ample space for growing I am looking for one to three patients who have a MMAR license for 5 grams or more / day. The reason we want to produce for other patients is my father has had a difficult time securing a reliable supply for himself and now that we are able to produce on our own, we would like to help as many others as we can. We can have a maximum of four patients on our property so we are looking for up to three more.


Hi , I have my MMAR and my license to produce, so it will be easy to switch all that, currently I can have up to 20 grams a day, please feel free to email me at my personal email,

please respond ASAP


New Member

I am on disability and cannot afford to purchase my prescription. I currently have a license for 14 grams a day and it runs though to April 2014. I did have a grower,but he is no longer available to grow anymore.


Helping Hand

New Member
Hi Everyone,

I'm a grower in BC who has a farm where my father and I will be producing his medicine from his HC MMAR license. Since we have ample space for growing I am looking for one to three patients who have a MMAR license for 5 grams or more / day. The reason we want to produce for other patients is my father has had a difficult time securing a reliable supply for himself and now that we are able to produce on our own, we would like to help as many others as we can. We can have a maximum of four patients on our property so we are looking for up to three more.

My friend has chronic pain and Hep C and a MMAR (renewing it now) for 300g/month. His current designated grower is going out of business after this month so he is desperate to find a replacement in time before the pain kicks in bad.

Health Canada just told me they can not help find a grower so I Googled away and found your post. Please advise.

Helping Hand

New Member
Any luck John? My friend (who cannot read so I'm helping him with the forms, etc.) has Hep C and pain from past cancers and pot is the only thing that seems to work for him. End of this month his current grower will no longer be available.


New Member
Hi. my grower also hung it up and I have been searching since April for a new one. I have a 40g/day license but will accept whatever quantity you are able to produce. Please help.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately the days of free meds and lots of Dg's is over. With the program coming to an end in april of next year and the flood of product on the market, more and more dg's are closing up shop. I had to drop one of my patients recently as well because I could not keep supplying for free. HH and eclectic I know where your coming from, if your able to pay for meds at a reasonable cost to cover the costs of growing you can contact me by pm. Cheers


New Member
Hello, i am a licensed patient for 73 kush plants, that's one pound of meds for me per month.
I have had my license for many years and always follow the health canada guidlines.
I need a new designated grower, interested? I am 56 and live in ontario.


New Member
I have a 24g a day license wondering if you are still looking for patients to grow for I'm in the lower mainland let me know


Active Member
why is it so hard to find a good Designated grower in BC ?? I see that at least 3 of the emails on this thread don't work so that sucks. Really wondering why such a hard thing to do? ONE GOOD GROWER is so rare now lol stay frosty headband 707:roll:


Well-Known Member
hopefully the injunction will be ruled in our favour & we can change's tough to find a reliable DG period!! have had a few flakes so hopefully my new one will be on the up & up.
the stories & crap...I could fertilize the garden for a few years...haha


Active Member
professional MMAR grower available for Vancouver Island MMAR patients.
Rates are extremely low\compassionate, extremely high quality results, top quality medicinal genetics used\available.
Email for more info,
sorry if any of you tried to contact my other email address ( some duchebag hacked my email account, now I can't access it.
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