Designing a 15000sqft facility....please help


Well-Known Member
Las Vegas still has a lot of issues to be ironed out before they start accepting applications for dispensaries and cultivation facilities. As it stands now they will allow a cultivation facility to have no more than 99 mature plants per month. What would be the optimal square footage for a facility be to produce that amount every month? I also agree the a SOG grow is the way to go here, vegging plants makes no sense to me at all. Straight from clone to flower IMHO with a space dedicated to mothers and clones seems to be by far the best way to go. So, with a grow of that size would it be fair to say you should expect to produce approx 37-40 lbs per month? 4-6 plants per light, 18 1000 watt HPS, 1 gram per watt, 18,000 grams per month=40 lbs. Like I've said, I've only ever been a small time grower so please forgive me if these calculations are totally ignorant. I don't mind at all being called a n00b or an idiot, just would like some input from those of you with experience with large grows like this.

Also, I know in Colorado they allow dispensaries and cultivation facilities in the same building, Vegas is going a different route. They want the dispensaries in shopping centers which are easily accessible to the public, and all grow facilities must be in warehouses in industrial areas. They will allow an owner to operate both, but the application process is highly scrutinized for dispensaries and they are only allowing 10 as of now. Chances of getting that license are slim. I want to own both, and will be applying for both licenses, but just for arguments sake let's say I only am permitted a cultivation license. What should I expect to get per lb if I am selling to the dispensaries? As of right now I have 3 excellent pheno's ready to go, best of them being an outstanding strain of Super Lemon Haze. The other two are White Berry and Super Skunk.
SOG grows are best suited to operations regulated by canopy square footage limitations. With your count limits one should be growing trees. A hundred plants in a noveg sog would be something like 3 lbs when harvested (plus or minus).

Wholesale up here is around $2000/lb between licensed producers and mmc's.
SOG grows are best suited to operations regulated by canopy square footage limitations. With your count limits one should be growing trees. A hundred plants in a noveg sog would be something like 3 lbs when harvested (plus or minus).

Wholesale up here is around $2000/lb between licensed producers and mmc's.
Thank you very much for the response, extremely appreciated. So, this changes things drastically then. 3lbs is definitely not paying the I need a dedicated veg room(s) and flowering room(s) then and obv the more space the better. What would you recommend as far as a ballpark figure on square footage for the entire facility? Do successful operations that are limited to 99 plants mostly go with soil grows and hand feeding?
I recommend RDWC to my plant count clients.

You limited to 99 flowering and 99 in veg or just 99? Your moms count?
City council here is so wishy washy on this subject I am sure most people planning to set up shop here are pretty frustrated. Nothing is etched in stone yet, and getting answers to this question are so far the most difficult things to find. I have an appt with a lawyer next week and hopefully he will know more than I have been able to find. They held a city workshop yesterday specifically to get the public feedback on the proposed rules, regulations and fees and this question still wasn't answered with any certainty. From what I understood it allowed for 99 mature plants. So for arguments sake let's assume they are allowing 99 mature, 99 in veg and whatever viable amount you need for mothers. That is pretty much the way the laws are set up for grow your own patients as of now, so they will probably adhere to that but obv on a much larger scale.


Well-Known Member
In Colorado mature would be anything thats not a clone... your thinking makes too much sense from a growers POV so I wouldn't expect them to come to this conclusion, in fact I bet the final decision will be quite contrary. Probably trying to abide by federal 99 count limitations.
In Colorado mature would be anything thats not a clone... your thinking makes too much sense from a growers POV so I wouldn't expect them to come to this conclusion, in fact I bet the final decision will be quite contrary. Probably trying to abide by federal 99 count limitations.
As far as the patient laws here, which from my understanding are what they are basing the new laws on, mature here means flowering and veg is veg. This I am 100% certain on, they wrote the laws on that from a growers perspective, so at least they got that right.

You very well could be correct considering though they are not putting a cap on the amount of cultivation facilities, but are capping the amount of dispensaries at 40 and only allowing 10 the first year. All product sold in Clark County (Las Vegas) through dispensaries must be grown within Clark County, so they need enough production from the facilities to fully stock the dispensaries year round. Not sure if they are trying to accommodate that through massive amounts of cultivation facilities, which I think is doubtful. If I had to bet on it I would side on it being 99 mature and 99 in veg. So for arguments sake what would be the appropriate amount of square footage for a grow like that?

Also, would your consultation services be available this summer? :)


Well-Known Member
I'm going to be shopping for a bare minimum of 7000 sqft. Probably 3500 - 4000 sqft in total canopy. This assumes facility is only for production. I would ideally be looking at a 7500+ sqft location that I can subdivide to my liking for grow rooms, mechanical, showers, manicure and drying areas and so forth. Off the cuff, plan for a ~500kVa service. Commercial rdwc trees will be big but this requires more attention. Expect 30-40% more man hours than a sog facility. If done correctly yields can be immense.

To be frank, if I can have 99 in flower and more in veg, I recommend two 99 plant veg/flower rooms of 2500 sqft each. I would veg and flower in a room. 60 - 70 days in flower so other room does 60 - 70 days veg. We will increase lighting significantly when starting flower.

Just holler when you need me. I'll fit you in.


Again, your very post makes even more of an indictment. Who in their right financial mind does not have these things covered before laying a business plan of that magnitude down? When I moved my company into a 15k Sq.Ft facility (non mmj) I did not go to an online forum with zero knowledge asking for help. This screams bullshit to me. I will say that the posters that are giving rock solid info are the reason I stayed tuned, however I think OP is not what he claims and is milking all the free info he can get. The Joker said it best. If you are good at something, never do it for free. That is what consults get paid handsomely for and I am watching every mark on this forum just leave that money on the floor for OP to collect because of eager growers wanting to step up for some recognition. I think the mods need to get their collective shit together and clean this board up with all of the misposted and fraudulent shit that is starting to surface here. I believe in the sanctity of intellectual property that is given freely here to help one another, but when it is for a huge corp. endeavor as OP is perpetrating, then I see 28 pages of consulting being had for free. Taking a community's kindness for a weakness that way always rubs me the wrong way.
I'm going to be shopping for a bare minimum of 7000 sqft. Probably 3500 - 4000 sqft in total canopy. This assumes facility is only for production. I would ideally be looking at a 7500+ sqft location that I can subdivide to my liking for grow rooms, mechanical, showers, manicure and drying areas and so forth. Off the cuff, plan for a ~500kVa service. Commercial rdwc trees will be big but this requires more attention. Expect 30-40% more man hours than a sog facility. If done correctly yields can be immense.

To be frank, if I can have 99 in flower and more in veg, I recommend two 99 plant veg/flower rooms of 2500 sqft each. I would veg and flower in a room. 60 - 70 days in flower so other room does 60 - 70 days veg. We will increase lighting significantly when starting flower.

Just holler when you need me. I'll fit you in.
Awesome! Thank you again. Since I can't send PM's, if you don't mind email me at when you have the time. I want to establish a solid contact with you if that's cool.


Well-Known Member
Again, your very post makes even more of an indictment. Who in their right financial mind does not have these things covered before laying a business plan of that magnitude down? When I moved my company into a 15k Sq.Ft facility (non mmj) I did not go to an online forum with zero knowledge asking for help. This screams bullshit to me. I will say that the posters that are giving rock solid info are the reason I stayed tuned, however I think OP is not what he claims and is milking all the free info he can get. The Joker said it best. If you are good at something, never do it for free. That is what consults get paid handsomely for and I am watching every mark on this forum just leave that money on the floor for OP to collect because of eager growers wanting to step up for some recognition. I think the mods need to get their collective shit together and clean this board up with all of the misposted and fraudulent shit that is starting to surface here. I believe in the sanctity of intellectual property that is given freely here to help one another, but when it is for a huge corp. endeavor as OP is perpetrating, then I see 28 pages of consulting being had for free. Taking a community's kindness for a weakness that way always rubs me the wrong way.
If one thinks the information provided here is of equal value to a paid consult it shows your limited understanding of the complexities involved. Telling someone how many passengers, range or how much fuel a jet airplane takes hardly qualifies one to design, build and fly one.

I'm sorry your offended by the information being shared. If we are infringing on your patents or copywrite please have your attorney drop us a cease & desist and we'll get right on it.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Again, your very post makes even more of an indictment. Who in their right financial mind does not have these things covered before laying a business plan of that magnitude down? When I moved my company into a 15k Sq.Ft facility (non mmj) I did not go to an online forum with zero knowledge asking for help. This screams bullshit to me. I will say that the posters that are giving rock solid info are the reason I stayed tuned, however I think OP is not what he claims and is milking all the free info he can get. The Joker said it best. If you are good at something, never do it for free. That is what consults get paid handsomely for and I am watching every mark on this forum just leave that money on the floor for OP to collect because of eager growers wanting to step up for some recognition. I think the mods need to get their collective shit together and clean this board up with all of the misposted and fraudulent shit that is starting to surface here. I believe in the sanctity of intellectual property that is given freely here to help one another, but when it is for a huge corp. endeavor as OP is perpetrating, then I see 28 pages of consulting being had for free. Taking a community's kindness for a weakness that way always rubs me the wrong way.
no body here is getting their panties in a bunch over this but you. and I'm curious as to whaat has been misposted or fraudulent in your eyes?

besides i'm unaware of any startup handbooks one can buy on this subject.


If one thinks the information provided here is of equal value to a paid consult it shows your limited understanding of the complexities involved. Telling someone how many passengers, range or how much fuel a jet airplane takes hardly qualifies one to design, build and fly one.

I'm sorry your offended by the information being shared. If we are infringing on your patents or copywrite please have your attorney drop us a cease & desist and we'll get right on it.
Just because you are feeling a sense of self importance over this as you are putting yourself at the front of this thread, do not transfer your snarky attitude to me. As a legitimate business owner, I can obviously tell that your education ended at the point where the points I made begin. Please feel free to tell me all about your successful business ventures and how you have climbed to the top of your class and industry by your merits.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Just because you are feeling a sense of self importance over this as you are putting yourself at the front of this thread, do not transfer your snarky attitude to me. As a legitimate business owner, I can obviously tell that your education ended at the point where the points I made begin. Please feel free to tell me all about your successful business ventures and how you have climbed to the top of your class and industry by your merits.
snaps gives solid advice all over this forum. and he is one of the few people who if he doesn't know something will just say it.

what is your contribution here other than trolling?

I think we've got a hater here boys


no body here is getting their panties in a bunch over this but you. and I'm curious as to whaat has been misposted or fraudulent in your eyes?

besides i'm unaware of any startup handbooks one can buy on this subject.
There is a saying that when you are too close to something you cannot see it for what it really is. Just because YOU have never entered into a business level University or succeeded in a corporate climate does not mean that those indicators are really there. My "panties" as you call it are in no such bunch over someones fantasy land. All I have done is look at what REAL businessmen look at (unlike yourself) from the information in this thread. And from what I can see, this is business 101. OP has no background but is pumping a rather lackluster forum ( yes this one does rather lack in the higher scientific and business methodology ) and its rather gullible user base into giving him the keys to the kingdom as it were. That is the fraud as I see it. OP has shown nothing even remotely close to having the industry working savvy or business acumen to do this the way that a true business investor would go about it. Most of you has been stoners cannot see the forest beyond your little trees and are so overeager to be counted as an "authority" on the subject that you are just falling for it. IF I was so wrong, then why hasn't OP questioned me himself or try and defend his position. Trust me, I have a huge amount of questions for OP were he to be as legit as he claims that I could guarantee he cannot answer. That is the main warning flag even as an investor that one should worry about. But I understand because from what I see, only 2% of the population of this forum actually have the chops to make this into a business. The rest are stoners wasted wishes for a that day they can be the one in charge of something larger than their ghetto closet setup as they continue to hobble together diy chillers and other contraptions that just do not work. I have been lurking for years here and this is the pattern.
What you need to get your soft heads around the fact that someone that is even attempting to seriously begin to start a multi-million dollar venture is not going to go to a free bullshit online forum for a start to finish business plan to be made for him. And you rubes are doing just that. For nothing. People with that kind of financial backing or capability just do not do that. If they do not have the entire process understood inside and out then there is no business plan. That is the part that is cracking me the fuck up. You are all buying this shit hook, line, and sinker.
And Joe, the startup handbooks your cannot seem to find are the ones that are given when you enter college and take business classes. The rest is basic botany that can be found at any library or on Amazon. Now, with that said, the information from posters such as yourself and others that have contributed some serious and thoughtful input are rather still on the hobbiest level and nowhere near the kind of thinking as someone that is operating this as a business. 5 gallon buckets in a 8k sq ft facility? You are thinking too small and know nothing about commercial production on any level. You want to be a dick, then fine. However the indicators here for me paint a picture of someone that has no fucking idea what he is doing and is getting you all to do the heavy lifting for his fantasy grow op. The faster you come to grips with that reality the better off your will be. I have no skin in this fight other than I do not appreciate subterfuge on any level especially when it is a community that has demonstrated itself as helpful and eager as this.


snaps gives solid advice all over this forum. and he is one of the few people who if he doesn't know something will just say it.

what is your contribution here other than trolling?

I think we've got a hater here boys
Of course you think so. You have no answers to what I said that could even come close to being a legit answer. So therefore I must be a hater. My contribution is to call out the bullshit. Because I am smart enough to keep my activities under my hat means nothing. I watch. I read. I observe the idiotic shit that people like you post and it has zero impact in my life. You have over 6k in posts because this is all you know. This is all you will ever have. And in the grand scheme of things, that isn't shit. So say in about 5 years when it is legal everywhere and those that are smarter, better financed, and have their shit together take over the industry, where is that going to leave you? Obsolete. That's where. Hate on that.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
not gonna read all that nonsense^^ nope!

you wanna just state what your contribution here has been?

one paragraph or less would be sufficient ;)


Well-Known Member
There is a saying that when you are too close to something you cannot see it for what it really is. Just because YOU have never entered into a business level University or succeeded in a corporate climate does not mean that those indicators are really there. My "panties" as you call it are in no such bunch over someones fantasy land. All I have done is look at what REAL businessmen look at (unlike yourself) from the information in this thread. And from what I can see, this is business 101. OP has no background but is pumping a rather lackluster forum ( yes this one does rather lack in the higher scientific and business methodology ) and its rather gullible user base into giving him the keys to the kingdom as it were. That is the fraud as I see it. OP has shown nothing even remotely close to having the industry working savvy or business acumen to do this the way that a true business investor would go about it. Most of you has been stoners cannot see the forest beyond your little trees and are so overeager to be counted as an "authority" on the subject that you are just falling for it. IF I was so wrong, then why hasn't OP questioned me himself or try and defend his position. Trust me, I have a huge amount of questions for OP were he to be as legit as he claims that I could guarantee he cannot answer. That is the main warning flag even as an investor that one should worry about. But I understand because from what I see, only 2% of the population of this forum actually have the chops to make this into a business. The rest are stoners wasted wishes for a that day they can be the one in charge of something larger than their ghetto closet setup as they continue to hobble together diy chillers and other contraptions that just do not work. I have been lurking for years here and this is the pattern.
What you need to get your soft heads around the fact that someone that is even attempting to seriously begin to start a multi-million dollar venture is not going to go to a free bullshit online forum for a start to finish business plan to be made for him. And you rubes are doing just that. For nothing. People with that kind of financial backing or capability just do not do that. If they do not have the entire process understood inside and out then there is no business plan. That is the part that is cracking me the fuck up. You are all buying this shit hook, line, and sinker.
And Joe, the startup handbooks your cannot seem to find are the ones that are given when you enter college and take business classes. The rest is basic botany that can be found at any library or on Amazon. Now, with that said, the information from posters such as yourself and others that have contributed some serious and thoughtful input are rather still on the hobbiest level and nowhere near the kind of thinking as someone that is operating this as a business. 5 gallon buckets in a 8k sq ft facility? You are thinking too small and know nothing about commercial production on any level. You want to be a dick, then fine. However the indicators here for me paint a picture of someone that has no fucking idea what he is doing and is getting you all to do the heavy lifting for his fantasy grow op. The faster you come to grips with that reality the better off your will be. I have no skin in this fight other than I do not appreciate subterfuge on any level especially when it is a community that has demonstrated itself as helpful and eager as this.
Did they teach the use of paragraphs in your alma mater? Sorry I couldn't bother to read the wall of text you presented to see if there was anything more constructive than you ranting.