detroit news, july '14

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
OK, It's NOT July yet- but that'll give ya more time to figure out what's happening well before Independence Day Arrives.
start to plan for some fun with friends and family.

check these players out... alleged criminals carefully disguised under those subtle cone shaped hats. /gratuitous pics remain from cut n paste.

June 18, 2014 at 1:00 am. snell/greenwood
Last fez-wearing Detroit fugitive caught in basement near St. Louis

Earnest Proge :dunce:, Carlos Powell :dunce: and his brother Eric Powell :dunce: have been captured after they disappeared before a jury returned guilty verdicts in one of the biggest drug cases in Metro Detroit history.

Evidence photos obtained by The News hints at resources the men might have at their disposal to bankroll a prolonged flight from justice. (David Coates / The Detroit News)

Detroit — Federal agents captured the last fugitive, fez-wearing drug dealer Wednesday after a five-week nationwide manhunt.

Acting on a trip from the Detroit Fugitive Apprehension Team, U.S. Marshals arrested Earnest Lee Proge Jr. :dunce: of Detroit at a home near St. Louis.

Proge, 38, resisted arrest and had to be Tasered into submission when marshals cornered him in the basement of the home. At the time of his arrest, Proge was holding $7,000 in cash.
Proge’s arrest was in the same area as drug kingpin Carlos Powell :dunce: two weeks ago on June 4 following an intense manhunt. Powell, 39, of Washington Township, was found hiding in a basement with $750,000 in cash.
At the same time Powell was apprehended, his brother, Eric Powell :dunce:, 36, of Franklin, was arrested near Atlanta while in possession of $10,000.

Known for their penchant for wearing fezzes :dunce::dunce::dunce: , to court, Proge and the Powell brothers fled Detroit before a guilty plea was rendered in their drug case in U.S. District Court on May 12.

Investigators — who had been vigorously pursuing Proge after he went on the lam — developed information recently that Proge was staying with an acquaintance in St. Louis.

Investigators in Detroit immediately notified the U.S. Marshals office in St. Louis, who quickly assembled an arrest team.

According to the U.S. Marshal Service, Proge fled into the home when marshals spotted him in the backyard. Proge was found in the basement and had to be subdued before marshals could make an arrest.

He is currently being held in the Eastern District of Missouri, pending extradition back to Detroit.

Proge and the Powell brothers face up to life in prison and $10 million fines.

The three were released on bond in 2012 despite a history of running from police, violating probation or committing crimes while free on bond.

Federal prosecutors did not ask a judge to jail Carlos Powell or request temporary detention.

The U.S. Marshals Service offered a $5,000 reward for information leading to Proge’s arrest.

The size, scope and profits of Carlos Powell’s drug ring places him among the most prolific drug dealers in Metro Detroit history. During a years-long investigation by the U.S. Drug Administration, agents seized 66 pounds of heroin, 12 kilograms of cocaine, 1,000 pounds of marijuana and more than $21 million in cash. bongsmilie

Powell’s drug ring allegedly laundered profits and purchased $800,000 worth of jewelry, real estate in Michigan and Georgia and luxury vehicles, including two Bentleys, a Ferrari, a Rolls Royce and boats. Most have been seized.

The three men wore fezzes to court each day. :dunce: :dunce: :dunce:

:eyesmoke:The men said they were members of the Moorish Science Temple of America. :eyesmoke:One court filing, on Moorish Science Temple of America letterhead, alleged the Powell brothers :joint:were not subject to U.S. laws:joint: and offered to pay money to settle the criminal charges. The judge dismissed the letter as frivolous.

From The Detroit News:
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abe supercro

Well-Known Member
I wonder what the red hat signifies. He must have been the grand poobah.
View attachment 3183459
those guys must of grown up watching the Flintstones, know i did. ...then they go starting their own religion so they get to wear the hats.

OK this isn't about Detroit per se, but I thought it was important:

Dog-riding monkey rodeo performs at Kalamazoo Growlers game despite criticism

A white throated capuchin monkey rides the back of a border collie dog to herd sheep, as part of Tim "Wild Thing" Lepard's team of Ghost Riders at the Growlers game Thursday evening.
Katie Alaimo |

Stephen Brooks
on June 20, 2014 at 6:49 AM, updated June 20, 2014
image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg

KALAMAZOO, MI — Monkey business took center stage at the Kalamazoo Growlers baseball game Thursday as a group of dog-riding monkeys that herd sheep performed.

Applause, laughter and camera-phone flashes filled the night air for the post-game grand finale performance as the dog-riding primates, dubbed Team Ghost Riders, successfully wrangled the sheep into a pen near home plate.

"I thought it was pretty unique," spectator Jacob Ford said. "I've never seen anything like that before."

Not everyone was thrilled about the act, however, as a small group of people gathered near the front of the entrance to Homer Stryker Field to protest the show.

"This is an unnatural environment for them," said Cheryl Barea, one of the protestors. "It's extremely stressful. They're traveling from town to town. They're highly strung, they get anxious very easily. This is unnatural behavior ... so what people might think (the monkeys) are enjoying, they're not."

Earlier this month, the North American Primate Sanctuary Alliance announced its opposition to the promotion.

Growlers President Brian Colopy, who also oversees the Battle Creek Bombers baseball team, said he was comfortable with hiring Team Ghost Riders for entertainment during the game against the Wisconsin Rapids Rafters after previously working with them at other minor league baseball teams.

Colopy was surprised by backlash, as he hasn't heard any opposition to their performance Friday in Battle Creek. He said Team Ghost Riders is scheduled to perform at every minor league ballpark in the state.

"When I say zero, I mean zero negative comments, zero phone calls about it," Colopy said regarding the Battle Creek performance. "For whatever reason, here in Kalamazoo we're being pointed out or singled out and so it's just kind of night and day when it comes to that. Overall it's been extremely well received."

His research coupled with his past experience with the performers made it a simple choice to go on with the show, Colopy said, adding it was one of the most highly anticipated games of the season so far in terms of pre-sold tickets.

Colopy estimated it could be the third-most attended game of the year behind the Fourth of July match and the home opener.

"We take every single concern, every email, we take that seriously," Colopy said. "We definitely took all the considerations into light. ... Just based on past experience — all the NFL shows that they've done, NBA, the hundreds of minor league shows that they've done in the past that they're gonna continue to do – we feel very comfortable with the entertainment and the safety of the animals and the fans here."

Katy Meyer enjoyed Team Ghost Riders' performance. As an added bonus, the Growlers also won the game, 3-2.

"I think it's funny," said Meyer, who previously saw the act at a West Michigan Whitecaps game.

"I don't see what the big fuss is with the (protestors) out front because goats are used to being herded, the only difference is there's a monkey on the dog. So I don't see it."

Team Ghost Riders is led by Tim Lepard who has coordinated the act for more than 35 years.

"The crowd, they love it," Lepard said. "And I'm not doing it because they love it, these monkeys love what they do."

Team Ghost Riders is comprised of four border collies, four white-throated capuchins and four sheep that travel the country to perform as many as 100 times in a year at various sports venues, Lepard said.

"These animals mean a lot to me. They're not my way of life, they are my life and I've been with them all my life," Lepard said. "When you can live in a trailer with four monkeys and four dogs and four sheep all over the country, you've gotta love it. It ain't the pay, I'll promise you. ... It's the love of the animals that's carried me."
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Well-Known Member
those guys must of grown up watching the Flintstones, know i did. ...then they go starting their own religion so they get to wear the hats.

OK this isn't about Detroit per se, but I thought it was important:

Dog-riding monkey rodeo performs at Kalamazoo Growlers game despite criticism

A white throated capuchin monkey rides the back of a border collie dog to herd sheep, as part of Tim "Wild Thing" Lepard's team of Ghost Riders at the Growlers game Thursday evening.
Katie Alaimo |

Stephen Brooks
on June 20, 2014 at 6:49 AM, updated June 20, 2014
View attachment 3184364 View attachment 3184365 View attachment 3184367

KALAMAZOO, MI — Monkey business took center stage at the Kalamazoo Growlers baseball game Thursday as a group of dog-riding monkeys that herd sheep performed.

Applause, laughter and camera-phone flashes filled the night air for the post-game grand finale performance as the dog-riding primates, dubbed Team Ghost Riders, successfully wrangled the sheep into a pen near home plate.

"I thought it was pretty unique," spectator Jacob Ford said. "I've never seen anything like that before."

Not everyone was thrilled about the act, however, as a small group of people gathered near the front of the entrance to Homer Stryker Field to protest the show.

"This is an unnatural environment for them," said Cheryl Barea, one of the protestors. "It's extremely stressful. They're traveling from town to town. They're highly strung, they get anxious very easily. This is unnatural behavior ... so what people might think (the monkeys) are enjoying, they're not."

Earlier this month, the North American Primate Sanctuary Alliance announced its opposition to the promotion.

Growlers President Brian Colopy, who also oversees the Battle Creek Bombers baseball team, said he was comfortable with hiring Team Ghost Riders for entertainment during the game against the Wisconsin Rapids Rafters after previously working with them at other minor league baseball teams.

Colopy was surprised by backlash, as he hasn't heard any opposition to their performance Friday in Battle Creek. He said Team Ghost Riders is scheduled to perform at every minor league ballpark in the state.

"When I say zero, I mean zero negative comments, zero phone calls about it," Colopy said regarding the Battle Creek performance. "For whatever reason, here in Kalamazoo we're being pointed out or singled out and so it's just kind of night and day when it comes to that. Overall it's been extremely well received."

His research coupled with his past experience with the performers made it a simple choice to go on with the show, Colopy said, adding it was one of the most highly anticipated games of the season so far in terms of pre-sold tickets.

Colopy estimated it could be the third-most attended game of the year behind the Fourth of July match and the home opener.

"We take every single concern, every email, we take that seriously," Colopy said. "We definitely took all the considerations into light. ... Just based on past experience — all the NFL shows that they've done, NBA, the hundreds of minor league shows that they've done in the past that they're gonna continue to do – we feel very comfortable with the entertainment and the safety of the animals and the fans here."

Katy Meyer enjoyed Team Ghost Riders' performance. As an added bonus, the Growlers also won the game, 3-2.

"I think it's funny," said Meyer, who previously saw the act at a West Michigan Whitecaps game.

"I don't see what the big fuss is with the (protestors) out front because goats are used to being herded, the only difference is there's a monkey on the dog. So I don't see it."

Team Ghost Riders is led by Tim Lepard who has coordinated the act for more than 35 years.

"The crowd, they love it," Lepard said. "And I'm not doing it because they love it, these monkeys love what they do."

Team Ghost Riders is comprised of four border collies, four white-throated capuchins and four sheep that travel the country to perform as many as 100 times in a year at various sports venues, Lepard said.

"These animals mean a lot to me. They're not my way of life, they are my life and I've been with them all my life," Lepard said. "When you can live in a trailer with four monkeys and four dogs and four sheep all over the country, you've gotta love it. It ain't the pay, I'll promise you. ... It's the love of the animals that's carried me."

Kinda mixed feelings about the monkeys. In general I'm not a big fan of wild animals in captivity. Pretty cruel when it's just for our entertainment. BUT, that monkey in my avatar changed my opinion a bit on the topic. I got to hang out with him for several hours (ha ha). I played hockey in Anaheim at the time, and he was the between-period entertainment at a game. I wasn't dressed for the game, so I got to hang with the monkey and his human crew before, during, and after the game. I'm no monkey expert, but he sure seemed like he enjoyed the shit out of the gig. He was visually excited to put the skates on and perform .... even jumping and clapping at one point when they busted his gear out. They said he gets real ammped up before every show. It was really cool to see, and gave me a little behind the scene look at it.

That little fucker could really skate too! lol

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
that's wild that you got to chill with a monkey like that st0w. interesting that it was good on skates.

my first reaction to the monkey riding the dogs is LoL and then- dang, I'd like to see that... soon followed by wondering if the animals are treated well or overworked.

animals like to keep busy especially intelligent ones. I'm sure monkeys get a thrill out of riding other animals, like ppl on horses. How many monkeys get the opportunity to ice skate heh. However, most instances where animals are removed from nature doesn't turn out well for the animals. I'll still visit the zoo but see the conflict of interest. really looking frwd to the world class penguin exhibit that their breaking ground on in the D Zoo soon.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
By Khalil AlHajal
on June 23, 2014 at 5:02 PM, updated June 23, 2014 at 7:46 PM
ICP discusses FBI lawsuit
DETROIT, MI -- U.S. District Judge Robert Cleland on Monday heard arguments on a motion to dismiss a lawsuit filed by the Insane Clown Posse and a group of fans against the FBI.

ICP, a Detroit music duo known for explicit lyrics, face paint and a diehard following that created the "Juggalo" subculture, claim a 2011 FBI report caused their fans to be detained, questioned and harassed by law enforcement agencies across the country. (View the complaint here.)

The American Civil Liberties Union filed the lawsuit in January on behalf of four ICP fans, along with performers Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope -- whose real names are Joseph Bruce and Joseph Utsler.

The lawsuit claimed violations of their "First Amendment rights to express their identity as Juggalos."

Plaintiff Scott Gandy, said attorney Saura Sahu, was forced to turn his Juggalo tattoo into a fish in order to apply to join the Army, "compelled to say 'I like fish,' instead of 'I like ICP.'"

The FBI's 2011 National Gang Threat Assessment report described Juggalos as "a loosely-organized hybrid gang" that was "rapidly expanding into many US communities."

U.S. Justice Department attorney Amy Powell argued Monday that the report does not compel or condone any action by any agency, and does not label all Juggalos as gang members.

"Each of these plaintiffs claims that some third party took some action that affected them," Powell said. "... The report doesn't create legal rights or obligations... It does not conclude that all Juggalos are members of a gang."

She said a new 2013 FBI report on emerging trends does not mention Juggalos, and that the 2011 report, while still online and not superseded by any other report, is dated.

"It's increasingly unlikely to be used by any state or local agency as a source for any particular action," she said.

Sahu argued that the FBI document created interpretive rules for law enforcement agencies and branded Juggalo tattoos, symbols and merchandise as gang-related.

"They're supposed to have an impact on state and local law enforcement and they do, and usually it's a really good one," said Sahu. "It's just that this time, they went too far here...

"To call someone a gang member or gang-related is to call that person a criminal... These guys are standing up against what happened to them, but they are also standing up for millions of music fans."

ACLU of Michigan Legal Director Michael Steinberg said the group is targeting the FBI rather than the local police agencies accused of harassing Juggalos in order to address the issue on a national level.

"If you can go out and brand any musical fan base as a gang, it could have terrible effects," he said.

Cleland said he would make a decision on the Justice Department's motion for dismissal in two to three weeks.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
New photo shows Kilpatrick going gray behind bars

Detroit — Former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick is turning gray while serving a 28-year federal prison sentence, according to a photo posted online by one of his sons.

Jalil Kilpatrick posted a photo of his father in a prison uniform June 8 on Twitter. Kilpatrick appears thinner than during his days in public office and, most noticeably, his black goatee features a clump of white hair.

Kilpatrick, a notorious clothes horse outside prison, is smiling in the photo and wearing a tan prison uniform with sharp creases.

The photo offers the first public peek at Kilpatrick since he was sentenced in October 2013 to 28 years in prison for racketeering and other charges. It tied the longest prison sentence for public corruption in U.S. history.

It was unclear when the photo was taken. A partial time stamp indicates it was shot March 9, but the year is cropped out of the picture.

Kilpatrick, 44, is incarcerated at a medium-security federal prison in El Reno, Okla. His release date is Aug. 1, 2037.


From The Detroit News:

abe supercro

Well-Known Member

Eminem's daughter graduated with highest honors from Chippewa Valley High School. / Christopher Polk/Getty Images for MTV
By Haley Blum

Seems like Hailie Scott had herself an outstanding senior year at Chippewa Valley High School.

Eminem’s daughter was crowned homecoming queen of the Clinton Township school back in October, and now she’s graduated summa cum laude and is headed to college.

Hailie, whose father famously rapped about her in “Hailie’s Song,” is featured in a school newsletter with the distinction of highest honors, which students need a 3.9 GPA or higher to achieve. She also won the Academic Excellence Award and Department of Psychology Award, and she’s also listed as a member of the National Honor Society, Art Club, Key Club, volleyball and student council.

Related: True Blue: Madonna's daughter is a University of Michigan student

And she cites her parents, Marshall Mathers and his ex-wife Kim Scott, in the section for “most influential during my lifetime,” saying, “My mother and father are because they have pushed me to be the person I am and have given me all the support to achieve what I have.”

She’ll be attending Michigan State University in the fall (rival of Madonna’s daughterLourdes Leon’s choice, University of Michigan), where she plans to study psychology or entrepreneurship.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
What Do Detroit City Parks Look Like? We Created A Way For You To Tell Us: Detroit Park Watch
Friday, June 20, 2014
By Terry Parris Jr.

Answer this: Is this a park?


Or is this?

Muliett Park

Parks and recreation are an important part of a living, breathing city. A park is a place to gather, a place for kids and couples and runners and walkers. It's for the young and the old. A park can be a place where community is born and formed, where children grow, where health and leisure and fun all meet.

A robust park system is a sign of a robust city. We know clean, maintained, well-lit and safe parks are important to you.

Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan recognizes this. He's been saying since his inaugural address that Detroit needs to do a better job maintaining these city assets. He claimed that only 20+ parks of the nearly 300 were maintained last summer.

This summer he says that 250 parks will be maintained through pumped up city efforts, which has included hiring a larger seasonal workforce, as well as enlisting community organizations and businesses to adopt various parks around the city.

Mayor Duggan Pledges to Maintain 250 City Parks This Summer

We've mapped all the parks and coded them by those that are adopted, those the city still is looking to adopt out and those that are maintained by the city:

(View the master list of parks here.)

60+ groups have adopted parks throughout the city and have committed to maintaining them. The city has said that they will maintain an additional 186 parks. We know you're passionate about it, the mayor certainly is and we are, too.

We want to track Detroit park maintenance throughout the summer.We will use reports from the city, WDET and you out there in the community.

We've created two ways to do this. If you go to a park, or live near a park, or recently visited a park and remember its condition, you can go to DetroitParkWatch and submit your information.

We've created a number to text the info to as well. If you text "Parks" to 313-334-4132 you'll get a short four question survey on the park you are at or reporting on. We'll get that information and map it on our community parks information map.

Map of submitted park information:

You can also submit via the big "SUBMIT" button at When you click the button, a form will pop up asking questions like:

  • Has the park been mowed recently?
  • Do you notice lighting in or around the park?
  • How much litter is there?
This works on your phone, too. So if you plan on going to a Detroit park, remember us, pull and tell us about it.

With this information, we hope to get an idea on what the parks look like throughout the season. We will update as quickly as we get the information in.

Beyond the data, we will actively look to tell stories about these parks (like why is Twork Park called Twork Park?) and those who are taking care of them.

If you're an avid Detroit park goer and want to help out a little more on this project,

So get out and visit a Detroit park. Then go to Detroit Park Watch, or text 313-334-4132, and tell us about it.

*If a city park isn't mapped, bring it to our attention by emailing

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
Meijer Breaks Ground On 2nd Detroit Store
June 30, 2014

DETROIT (WWJ/AP) – They’re celebrating on Detroit’s west side where the city’s second Meijer store is coming soon.

The midwest retailer held a groundbreaking event, Monday, at the site in the Old Redford neighborhood at Grand River and McNichols, where Old Redford High School once stood.

First district City Councilman James Tate, who lives close by, said it’s one of many ground breakings for the venerable neighborhood.

“This is just yet another brick in the strong foundation that has kept this neighborhood afloat over the years,” Tate said.

Construction is expected to take about a year.

Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan said in a statement the store “is a real testament to Meijer’s commitment to Detroit and Detroiters’ love for what Meijer adds to our community.” He said it fills a need for residents and will be selling point for those wanting to move to Detroit.

The groundbreaking comes about a year after Meijer opened its first Detroit store at 8 Mile Road and Woodward Avenue in the Gateway Marketplace.

While the new Meijer will be similar to the Woodward Ave. store, company co-chair Hank Mejier said it will differ in that it will be a more of a neighborhood store.

“For the health and vitality of the city, and for the long-term success of the investment that we’re all making here, we welcome more businesses and wanna see this neighborhood thrive by attraction competitors; and that will be better for all of us,” Meijer said.

The store is expected to create roughly 350 to 500 jobs.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
The Detroit News
Wayne County

July 2, 2014
Bridge company to raze 2 buildings in southwest Detroit

Detroit —The Detroit International Bridge Company is set to announce today it will demolish two industrial buildings it owns in southwest Detroit.

The company has called a news conference for 8 a.m. when company Vice President Matthew Moroun and Mayor Mike Duggan will make the announcement.

They are set to start demolishing the property at 2600 W. Fort, near 18th. A second property at 2051-65 W. Fort is expected to be demolished next week, a company spokesman said.

The demolitions are to show the company is willing to be a good corporate partner by ridding the area of properties that are no longer viable, spokesman Kenneth Dobson said.

“We’ve been a proud stakeholder and employer for a number of years,” Dobson said. “We feel it’s the right time, the right administration. (This) administration has been helpful to us in trying to resolve some of our issues. We want to work with the mayor and the city. We want to make sure areas where we own property are safe for the community.”

The Detroit International Bridge Company owns the Ambassador Bridge.

Owner Manuel “Matty” Moroun also owns the Michigan Central Depot in southwest Detroit.

The 18-story station, designed by the same architects responsible for Grand Central Station in New York City, has long been a symbol of Detroit’s urban decay.

In the 1990s, Moroun bought the depot for back taxes after Amtrak discontinued rail service, but plans to rehabilitate the property have not developed. Last year, Moroun said he would spend between $15 million and $20 million to fix the windows and roof, install a working elevator, clean up the grounds and provide new security measures.

From The Detroit News:



Well-Known Member
Why build something and then knock it back down? I never could figure that out. Detroit must be loaded if they can afford to do major construction or destruction. 20 million for windows and a rake. thats 1000 dollar hammer shit.

buckaroo bonzai

Well-Known Member
  • bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
  • Oh boy here we go again........

July 3, 2014 at 1:00 am
Mitt Romney for drug czar

From The Detroit News:

In a series of public appearances, Detroit native Mitt Romney has planted the idea that he might run for president again in 2016. He should resist the idea; that day has passed.

Instead, Romney should apply his experience and passion to public service in a different way: The Mitt Romney who founded Bain Capital and saved the Utah Winter Olympics should be Drug Czar, and use his financial acumen to destroy the narcotics trade without mass incarceration.

In the run-up to the 2012 presidential election, Mitt Romney was celebrated (by Republicans) and eviscerated (by Democrats) for his vocation: building up and tearing down businesses. Regardless of how one views the social utility of this enterprise, no one can dispute that Romney is a smart, passionate, well-educated man who loves public service and was very good at what he did while working for Bain Capital.

Romney’s availability matches up with a special moment for narcotics policy. There is a broad right-left consensus that the stale tactics of the war on drugs failed miserably. It wasted billions of dollars in taxpayer money while failing to limit drug use. Meanwhile, millions of Americans went to prison, and a disproportionate number of them were black thanks to harsh new laws focused on crack cocaine. There was something to offend everyone.

The shape of our future (and Romney’s) may be embedded in our own history. In the 1980s, crack was one of two public health crises that ran side-by-side along parallel tracks. The other, of course, was AIDS.

At first, both were seen as problems caused by the moral failings of disfavored minorities: the rise of AIDS was linked to the promiscuity of some gay men, and crack was blamed on African-Americans’ supposed affinity for that drug.

Both of these conclusions were wrong, but these perceptions drove corresponding moral crusades. Then, in 1986, the paths diverged. A respected Republican and Reagan appointee, Surgeon General C. Everett Koop, shamed the nation into addressing AIDS as a medical problem rather than a moral scourge. The key line in his epic report on AIDS argued that “It is time to put self-defeating attitudes aside and recognize that we are fighting a disease, not people.”

Since illegal narcotics is a business within a market, a modern C. Everett Koop addressing that task should be a businessperson. Fittingly, Romney’s work at Bain Capital focused on the part of the narcotics business we have not systemically attacked — cash flow. Primarily, we have fought narcotics by attacking labor (through arrest and incarceration), profits (through forfeitures of drug dealers’ homes and cars), and product (through drug seizures).

These are precisely the factors Romney discounted at Bain, where he cared much more about evaluating a company’s cash flow in analyzing its suitability as a target. Profit, labor, and product can all be replaced so long as there is cash flow, and it was cash flow that promised Bain the possibility of debt being paid off over time. But if cash flow and credit are cut off (and drug networks don’t have access to traditional credit), the business will fail.

From The Detroit News:


This is the reason for the 'drug war' and who the players are......our government!!

The US govt (federal=NWO) is the largest importer of cocaine and heroin in the world!!

Just what we need 'Mitt' to manage the finances of CIA drug proceeds since bush and clinton have made their millions off it-
-republicans want 'their' man in charge.....again

This is the 'hegillian dialectic' of our mmj policy- the reason its the way it is-

All this shit is WELL documented .....for decades!

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