DeweyKox's attack of the clones


Well-Known Member
OK, will do tonight at 10 when the lights come on. I thought they would have built up strength, but I guess not. I guess having buds this heavy is a good thing though.


Well-Known Member
where it says the date and time of the post...... strait to the right of there on the right hand side is a set of scales, click on that.


Well-Known Member
LOL, yeah having to tie your bitches up is not a bad thing! There are so many ways to do it, from Yo yo type deals that hang from the ceiling, to good ol fashion bamboo, to tomato cages, to goes on and on....It is always hard to tell how heavy plants are by just a picture, but if they are falling over, that pretty much means that your buds are putting it on! I would not think that your plants are lacking anything structurley...Just a damb fine job Dewey...nice to see you killin it on this one!


Well-Known Member
Wow Chris, I did not think this grow was this good until that last comment. Now I am starting to feel proud of my grow. I can't wait to see what a 600W will do. I hope that my beans come in by Friday. I want to get them cracking and get some mothers producing already......

I think if it was not for the additives you suggested, I would have been able to produce heavy buds. I have been following Al B Fuct FAQ thread. Learning alot from that guy. He says he uses tap water, and does not flush the last 2 weeks cause there's no difference in taste, and he gets better resin by feeding till he chops, what do you think about this theory?


Well-Known Member
it depends on what your feeding the plants, and on what schedule, and what strain it is, and whether or not he uses molasses, if so how much, and what his harvest method. In general though, it is better off for taste, health, and quality of high, if you flush for at least 5 days before harvest. It all comes down to the chemical processes involved in energy production and storage in the plant. If you start the flush, it will encourage the plant to use the energies in reserve to produce more resin etc. this is actually fairly advanced and technical (as most growing really truly is anyways), and is extremely circumstantial.


Well-Known Member

Hey the best way to crack beans in my experience is to use a plug, "rapid rooter" works good and are readily availible. There are many companies out there making these "natural" starter plugs. Set them in a Prop. tray and cover with a dome. Push the seed deep into the plug so it does not have any light on it, and use a heat mat if your temps are below 70deg. No more transplanting your bean! Just crack them in the plug and let them do there thing...If the seed is a good one, it will pop up with in 3-5 days. Oh yeah, you can use a few different products to mix into your water for soaking the plugs, so far my fave is good ol superthrive, and ph the water to 6. I have not had any seedlings die since I started this method...GL Dewey..DCG
The plugs are already moist, do I still need to soak them. It says on the package that "Rapid Rooter plugs are fortified with General Hydroponic micronutrients for abundant root growth".

I am thinking about buying the kit, but I do already have 1 inch RW cubes, tray and dome. So I think I might just go with what I have, plus I am low on $$$.


Well-Known Member
From the begining....I am a big fan of Al's method of gardening...His methods are consistent and well balanced. As far as flushing....I have my opinion, and that is that everyone should make there own! Every grower will have different results due to the methods used during the grow. I flush my hydro for 1 week, I also let my plants dry out to there very max before harvest...It works for me, but maybe not for you...You will have to gain personal experience, then look towards your peers for advice, then come up with your own conclusion for your grow style...I hate to be so wishy washy on the subject but it is the best advice I can give you right now. If you followed Al's recipe to the T, you would have a very efficient grow op. So listen up with that guy!

As far as the plugs go...I would not fuck around with rock wool, I have used it in the past, but have changed over to Rapid Rooters due to the success rate. Rock wool works fine, but RR plugs work better for me.
Yes. you will want to wet the plugs make a bucket of PH water "6.0", you want the water warm
I add Superthrive
You can use a base nutrient, but keep the ppm below 200
press the seed deep into the plug
I use a try filled with Clay pellets, this keeps the plug moist longer, and also when the roots pop out, I can pull the plug out without damaging the roots to much.
Transplant to your medium, and you are good to go.


Well-Known Member
it depends on what your feeding the plants, and on what schedule, and what strain it is, and whether or not he uses molasses, if so how much, and what his harvest method. In general though, it is better off for taste, health, and quality of high, if you flush for at least 5 days before harvest. It all comes down to the chemical processes involved in energy production and storage in the plant. If you start the flush, it will encourage the plant to use the energies in reserve to produce more resin etc. this is actually fairly advanced and technical (as most growing really truly is anyways), and is extremely circumstantial.

Text book....But who's?

Al, using molasses.....LOL, now that is funny

I am sorry Dragon, but your post offered no solid info for Dewey, just jibber jaber. Next time you offer advice, you should realy consider what you are saying. I hope I don't offend you to much, but please keep your opinions as opinions, not as a fact.


Well-Known Member
Thanks chris for the clarity. I will see what my budget looks like in the next few days. I came down with a cold on monday, and still feel like crap. But hopefully by sat or sunday, I will figure out how I will crack these beans and get them going.

Personally, I feel that flushing is needed and makes perfect sense. I think I will start the Florakleen on week 8 and harvest at 9.

Since I only have 2X4 flowring area and the 400W, I think I am jsut going to start out with Belladonna, as it is the strain I am really wanting to try next, instead of starting all strains out. That way I can get some mothers/clones and a harvest going, then pop the white rhino and thai skink later once I get the 600 and ebb and flow setup. Still have lots on my list to get......It never ends let me guess?


Well-Known Member
Personally, I feel that flushing is needed and makes perfect sense. I think I will start the Florakleen on week 8 and harvest at 9.

Sure man, if it makes you feel better! LOL

Still have lots on my list to get......It never ends let me guess?

Nope, just gets simpler....That is if you do it right!


Well-Known Member
Beans are soaking, will check on them on Monday night to see if a tap root is waving at me. In the meantime, I need to pick up some superthrive, h202, and some sheet rock. I want to build a better veg room now. I have a pepper clone that about 2 feet tall, and notice 3 worms eating the leafs.

So I need to bleach the whole area, sheet rock it in, then spray neem oil everywhere, and get rid of all plants, and only have belladonna.

I might harvest sooner. I will also stop at radioshack and get me a hand held microscope for $12 bucks and check out the trics.......


Well-Known Member
Killer, I have been away for a few days...I'll checka the new threada...BTW, Ceder oil works very well to keep pest out.