Dexter on Showtime (great great show)


Well-Known Member
During the day, Dexter Morgan is a jovial employee in the Miami Metropolitan Police Depoartment's crime lab, but his meticulously crafted life masks his true nature. In reality Dexter is a disciplined and murderous psychopath (a self-admitted "monster"), and he slakes his bloodlust at night by carefully killing the serial killers he tracks down during the day.

Dexter Season 1 W/Extra's : TV Shows > Other - Mininova

Watch this show, it's fucking awesome, and only gets more interesting as the season goes on.

Sr. Verde

I'm watching this as I click the thread

Just started season 1, I torrented it... Great show


Well-Known Member
no, not yet.. i'm waiting for the replay.. about 30 minutes and i'll be watching it.. i've been sick, so i missed it the first time


Well-Known Member
i'm on edge now, waiting... I just hate the way it leaves you screaming "I can't wait til next week"... for the simple fact that.. i'm too impatient for all that "next week"


Well-Known Member
I KNOW!! it's more than i can and after that.. it could be over forever... how sad is that going to be?


Well-Known Member
very sad, i dunno how they can continue the show without having any more books?! The writer better start writing his/her ass off!!


Well-Known Member
yeah.. I still haven't read the book.. but i'm looking forward to it... i'm sure they'll figure something out.. but if not i'm sure it'll be the best ending to any show ever.. I hope he just retires and becomes one of those killers that just fades away and never gets captured..


Well-Known Member
ya i havent read them either, just started watching Dexter 4 months ago actually but was hooked after a couple episodes, I dont know what Id be more pissed at the end of the series.. Dexter being killed... Dexter being caught... or an open ending where you dunno wtf happened


Well-Known Member
I thought it was just one book... hmm.. An open ended finale would piss me off more than anything.. I want something certain... death would make me cry.. him being caught would feel too open to me... but I don't know.. I don't ever want it to stop... I really think him being caught would just be an easy out for the people who work on it.. I would be very dissapointed with that ending aswell... I dunno..


Well-Known Member
it's not over and i'm on edge.. trinity's daughter just shot her self, and now trinity is in the police station.. HOLY FUCK!!