Clearly you sir are talking about a different show. =Pdude i say finish the first season and pretend it wrongfully canceled. apart of season 4 which was ok all the rest is a crappy waste of time
man you have to admit the first season was done so well that in the middle of the second season you began to wonder if they switched writers... third was a terd, fourth was saved buy trinity, and fifth just felt like the planned the first two epsiodes and the last 2 episodes all the rest was basicly dexter answering people in his mind with the most expected answer possible, for example :Clearly you sir are talking about a different show. =P
dunno man ive seen it 3 times almost the best thing ever made in my bookkinda funny, most people i talk to say season 1 was the worst season and the rest were much better.
I wouldnt read this thread anymore if you havent seen the 4th season.I just finished season 1. It was good. I saw the brother thing from a mile away though. Im going to finish the rest of the series. From the posts on here it sounds like doakes leaves later in the series? Or dies. I wouldn't be surprised if dexter ended up killing him, he is all up on his nuts at the end of season one. It would totally be against dexters code, but ultimately his goal is survival so maybe. Don't spoil it, I will watch on and see for myself.
It also seems like he is not going to be able to keep his secret from rita and deb forever.