Dexter's grow journal


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone,

I'm going to try to document my grows over here from now on. I need to be more organized and disciplined about documenting my grows. I'm basement pheno hunting the Hillbilly Weddings as I think the lineage is pretty on point. Hopefully we find something nice!

Current Grow - Everything in veg currently
6 x Hillbilly Weddings - Bad Dog
1 x Run-Away Bride - Bad Dog
1 x Purple Sunny Star - Bad Dog
1 x Glitter Bomb - Compound
1 x High-MAC - Sunken Treasure Seeds
1 x Garlic Gushi - Rocbud
1 x MAC 1 - Capulator
1 x Grape Gas - Compound
1 x Grape Stomper OG BX1 - Sunken Treasure Seeds
1 x Grandi Guava

It's getting a little hot in the tent and I've been meaning to get another fan so I apologize for any unsightly leaves. Thrips decided to have a try at me as well.

Hillbilly Wedding and Runaway Bride behind it.

The Purple Sunny Star had some issues and definitely has some mutations going on. It's chugging along though.

The most solid Hillbilly Wedding so far. Really squat but the branching is on point.

Runaway bride with the really open structure
Selected plants have been moved into the larger tent to veg for a bit longer before flip. They are hungry as I have switched their feeding regiment but they should perk up soon. Had a battle with thrips that was harder than I would like but we all good now.

You can...ignore the stunted auto in the corner. I transplanted her and she didn't like she is lol. It's a Mephisto Pinot Noir is anyone cares. That plant isn't indicative of Mephisto's genetics. I just fucked it up hahaha.

A few of the Hillbilly Wedding I've chosen.

And a phat ass Glitter Bomb (OGKB Blue Berry Headband x Grape Gas). I had just super cropped her a bit before I took the photo.
We have just moved the tent into flower. These are pictures of basically day 2. Everyone looks fine but a few are angrier than I would like. Runaway Bride is a little weak and I wish the MAC 1 was bigger but I think I will be happy with yield. Recovery added a lot to veg time so the 5 gallons got pretty big. If I can manage the Glitter Bomb, I'll have an amazing yield.

Glitter Bomb Canopy

Garlic Gushi

This is a Hillbilly Wedding that is just chilling in the veg tent. I like the structure and node spacing. I'll swap it with a male if I get one in the flower tent.

Left is Purple Sunny Star and right is another Hillbilly Wedding that is leaning towards an afhgani structure.

Two more Hillbilly Weddings

Mac 1 because...why not? I wanted her bigger but she's just too damn slow.

I've taken clones of everyone in the tent. We'll see who wins out and what gets trashed.
Not much of an update but here is the tent two days later. Sorry for the quality, I was rushing I guess. I've been clearing out bottom canopies as I go to increase airflow and prevent exhaustion of the plants.

Canopy Shot.

Mac 1. I got overzealous and broke a top node off from trying to super crop....I've leaving them alone for now.

Rocbud's Garlic Gushi from seed. Very strong plant. I haven't flowered this one before.

Another Glitterbomb and Garlic Gushi canopy shot.

The whole gang after some IPM treatment. The only angry one is the Runaway Bride but the new growth looks fine.

I will be choosing a male from the Hillbilly Weddings. Nothing has shown sex yet but I am planning on doing F2s and a couple crosses for shits and giggles. If the Runaway Bride or the Purple Sunny Star is a male we will be trashing them and replacing them with the remaining Hillbilly Weddings in the veg tent. I have my eye on 2 of the HBW so far...we are a long way out but I think this grow will be worth it.

Comments are welcome here btw.
Hey great setup & cool cuts @MySundaysBest
Excited to see how your F2's work out.
Question, what model tower-fan is that? I'm about to throw out my 6" hurricanes & buy an oscillating tower fan. And what is your IPM regimen? Thanks!
Hey great setup & cool cuts @MySundaysBest
Excited to see how your F2's work out.
Question, what model tower-fan is that? I'm about to throw out my 6" hurricanes & buy an oscillating tower fan. And what is your IPM regimen? Thanks!

Thanks man! I would have to check when I get back to the tent. I don't know off the top of my's probably one from Sam's club to be honest. I hate those 6" Hurricanes personally. I switched to the pricier but much more reliable AC Infinity 6" fans. They have oscillating versions too.

A lot of people do it differently. I alternate between 3 different types of IPM spray.
1.) Grower's Ally - Crop Control
2.) Dr. Zymes
3.) Monterey LG6135 Garden Insect Spray

Grower's Ally I find prevents and kills Spider Mites effectively. Dr. Zymes is great for powdery mildew and the Monterey murders Thrips. I alternate weekly unless I see an actual issue then its war mode on. This is mostly during veg. During flower I use Water + H202 if I have to and Dr. Zymes as a last resort.

Oh yeah, and I just started using Pride Lands Defense as a way to combat Fungus Gnats. I'll have to get back to you on its effectiveness though.
These are pictures from Day 7 since flip. Out of 5 HBW in the flower tent, 2 are male. The Run Away Bride was unfortunately a male as well, so that one was culled. Everyone else is doing magnificent and we will be collecting pollen from the 2 males to make some F2 seeds.

One of the female HBW. Very short and squat structure with super tight inter-nodal spacing.

Glitter Bomb Canopy. She's just stretching.

Two more glitter bomb shots. Just trying to get how big the canopy really is. Haha.

Garlic Gushi is really stretching though. Definitely going to need some bamboo stakes.

A couple MAC 1 Shots

Purple Star Sunny Dawg on the Left and the same Hillbilly Wedding in the first picture to the right.

First seven days down but we've got a while to go. Thanks for taking a look!
What's up grobros? Plants are looking healthy but we had a temp/humdity spike and it led to a few problems. Spider mites being one of them....I'm not entirely happy with the state of things but there isn't anything going on I can't handle. These are pictures of day 14 of flower. Two of the Hillbilly Weddings ended up being male and the HBW I replaced the Runaway Away Bride with is currently developing balls.

The two males have been removed from the tent and already dropped their pollen. Yesterday, I used the fresh pollen to attempt pollination of the female HBWs. F2's should be on the way.

Let's get to the photos.

Garlic Gushi (Garlic Storm x Kush Mints) from Rocbud is going strong. I only popped one seed from this pack and she is turning out to be a beast so far.

Glitter Bomb ((OGKB x Blueberry Headband) x Grape Gas)) is also a beast. This is a cut I purchased from Pink Box on Strainly. I have no complaints so far.

More of the Glitter Bomb Canopy

MAC 1. Not as big as would like but she late to the veg tent so it's my fault. Healthy otherwise but some pests decided to come out and rear their heads. After some IPM she should be alright now.

Purple Sunny Star Dog to the right and one of the Hillbilly Weddings to the left. Healthy plants but definitely root bound and a little angry. Tents gonna need a deep clean after this one.

Another HBW. My favorite so far.


Canopy Shot

Grow is a little sloppy but this is more of a test run than anything. Things will change for the next run. New grow medium, new fans, and trellis net to name a few. Thanks for looking and happy growing!
Finishing up Week 3 and everyone is mostly happy. Still pruning and manicuring every other day and making sure air flow is good. I'm definitely switching to coir next run. After about 4 or 5 runs in soil I don't really see the allure. It seems to lead to more problems than benefits and I don't perceive any difference in quality. I know this is heated topic but I don't see the reason for bringing dirt into my home, seems silly these days. My first 3-4 runs were in Coir and god damn was that some fire with a massive yield. Maybe the quality difference will shine in this grow but I'm planning on changing my medium.

On to some photos:

Clown fiesta canopy but we'll be alright.

Glitter Bomb canopy shot. She's drinking so much damn water that my blumats aren't keeping up. During pruning I'm getting a really sweet blueberry scent. She's the only one in the tent putting out terps so far.

Close up of a Glitter Bomb bud. You can see she puts the frost on early. I imagine nug size will be sacrificed for such early frost production.

MAC 1 is doing her thing. Putting on some frost too and looking healthy.

Garlic Gushi. She continues to impress me. Nugs are definitely going to PHAT on this one. So far, this one is promising and if she turns out how I want then she'll become a mother for clone swapping. Sometimes I hate Rocbud and sometimes his stuff blows me away but I suppose I'm happy with his products since I keep coming back.

The HBW that replaced the Run Away Bride. Also turned out to be a male. I will be removing him from the tent to harvest pollen. Yes, I know that I am cutting it close.

High MAC is flowering nicely albeit pretty small. This is from the original packs of High Mac from Sunken Treasure Seeds. Packs go for around 500-1k these day. This pheno has gassy-candy type terpenes and provides a head rush that creeps up on you. I find myself concentrating pretty hard after I smoke it and then smoking some more gives the feel good giggles. Like the giggles that MAKE you feel good, not the giggles you get from feeling good. Hard to explain I guess. I'm gonna hunt through the rest of this pack later and grow her side by side with a Cherry Racer from Strayfox. Maybe do some BXs.

The HBW that continues to stand out from the rest. No terpenes so far but some frost on the top canopy. The other HBWs are a bit more frosty but this one has a better structure for yield and management.

The Purple Sunny Star Dog and the short pheno HBW. Yes, my leaves are ugly but we are chugging through. I've decided nothing will stop this grow.

Looking forward, I am attempting to put together my next project. I am torn between hunting a pack of the original Gastropop or attempting to create my own cross with the Blue Magoo and Black Sour Bubble. What do you guys think?

Happy growing guys!
Starting week 4 and here are some pics of pregnant plants. It's more of a seed run at this point. The male in the previous photo never dropped pollen but I hand pollinated the tent with two other HBW males and underestimated their virility. Plants are all healthy but the thrips never went away....I'll have to switch to neem oil next time. For the record, I am NOT happy about how my grow looks and it's my fault but we'll worry about that once this is done.

Some of the most pregnant plants you've ever seen below.

This is a super preggo Hillbilly Wedding. F2's will be a success. This mother smells like burnt rubber and grease.

Another preggo Hillbilly Wedding. This mother is frostier than the one above but fails to offend the olfactory with it's odors. (I like words)

Preggo MAC 1. I love this cut. It never fails to impress me.

Preggo Garlic Gushi. This plant is going to make pretty large buds. Terps are Kush Mint leaning with a minty, sweet fragrance so far. I was hoping for something more offending from the Garlic Storm side but it's fine.

Ultimately we will have the following seed stock from this run
Hillbilly Wedding F2s
Purple Sunny Star Dawg x HBW
Glitter Bomb x HBW
Garlic Gushi x HBW
Highmac x HBW

HBW: Tennessee Kush(Tennessee Hawgsbreath Kush x Alien Kush) x Cake Fighter(Wedding Cake x Starfighter)

Happy Growing Guys! Sorry for the shit pics...I promise I'm a better grower than this. Lol.
I'm back after dealing with some health issues but the previous grow did finish up and I had ALOT of seeds. The only cross that didn't produce too many was MAC x HBW, I only got about 12 fully developed/mature ones.

Regardless, I never stop growing; even after a rough run. Here are my current plants and I have the next run lined up already.

Gold Cash Gold - 3rd Coast - Week 7 20240423_212252.jpg

Razzle Berry - Rocbud - Week 7

I have 3 Gold Cash Gold in flower but I'm only showing 1 and 2 because the 3rd one is 3 weeks behind.

There is a Garlic Gushi x Hillbilly Wedding in flower as well but I can't get good photos of it.

After this harvest I'll be doing my planned blackberry project using Strayfox's Black Berry Unicorn, Exotic Genetix's Kimbo Kush and Mass Medical Strains' Kimbo Pupil.
Been a while since I posted but I haven't done anything too extravagant besides buy too many seeds. The last harvest turned out great with my favorites being Gold Cash Gold 1 and my Garlic Gushi x Hillbilly Wedding. I have a MAC 1 in flower currently but the heat stressed her out. She'll finish up but I've been putting together other plans.

Veg is super healthy but I need to get a few of these in flower. I have 2 Blackberry Unicorns from Strayfox and 1 Kimbo Pupil from Mass Medical Strains that need to go into flower. I couldn't get ANY of the seeds in my Kimbo Kush to pop but you can't win them all I guess. I'll be focusing on Blackberry crosses for a majority of the year then I have a pack of Alien Rock Candy I have to get through. Definantely going to F2 those.


I also have 2 Starfighter F2's going from Strayfox. Here is a pic of the best one so far. I just topped her and put the clone into the cloner, I was planning on flowering her with the Kimbo Kush but again, I couldn't get any of those to pop.

I popped 3 Blackberry Lotus, 2 Biker Kush, 2 Blackberry Bread and 2 skullcaps. I don't have a lot of space but I should be able to manage these and a few more. I'll be flowering them with my Grape Gas cut to make a few crosses.IMG_20240718_182104_571.jpg

I'm going to start offering clones where I can. I know I can't do it here but I've taken 8 cuts from my keepers to see what capacity I have. 4 Grape Gas and 4 Gold Cash Gold.

If you made it this far, thanks for reading. I'll post photos of the Blackberry Crosses in flower once we get there.
What's up growmies! Bad news and good news. Bad news, Biker Kush and Blackberry Lotus seeds are giving me a hard time popping but I'm crossing my fingers. Two Blackberry Breads and the lone Skullcap made it and are looking super healthy. I'll have pictures of them next time. I popped another 3 Biker Kush for good measure and as a fail safe I put 2 Blueberry Angels (HA OG x Blueberry) into rapid rooters.

Flower tent is looking great. 2 Blackberry Unicorns and a Kimbo Pupil are currently chilling under the trellis net.

Star Fighter F2 is a male!

Kimbo Pupil is a strong gal. I'm hoping for a Kimbo Kush leaner. Would be great to cross the Star fighter F2 with her.

Alien Rock Candy project up next after I find some Blackberry keepers!


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Tent is looking good. There are currently 2 Blackberry Unicorns, 1 Kimbo Pupil, 1 Starfighter F2 and 1 Grape Stomper OG BX 1 in flower. Everyone is super happy and healthy albeit a little close to the lights. I vegged too long but I see no problems besides maybe, one bleached cola.

Everyone in the tent got hit with Starfigher pollen so I popped another Starfighter in the flower tent and collected pollen from the previous male. I also put a scraggly Grape Stomper OG from Sunken Treasure Seeds in there that I intend to hand pollinate. They are both doing well but the second Starfigher is also a male. I'll be replacing him with a MAC 1 I have been vegging for head stash.

The Blackberry Unicorn is very purple. Same pheno in the photos but I have two going right now. The other one has less purple in the leaves but it comes out in the buds that are forming. I think we are coming up on the start of week three for the Blackberry Unicorns.

I'll be going out of town for while starting Wednesday. I have a trusted relative who can take care of the plants while I'm gone but that will mean no updates past then. It's just my luck that I have a work call right around this time. Wish me luck. Keep popping seeds growmies!


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Last update until mid September. I'm praying my plants make it. Canopy is fire and we are going to have a lot of seeds.

2 x Blackberry Unicorn (Strayfox)
1 x Kimbo Pupil (Mass Medical)
1 x MAC 1 (Capulator)
1 x Grape Stomber OG BX 1 (Sunken Treasure Seeds)


Blackberry Unicorns are on the left. Kimbo is the back right. GSOG is front right and between the Kimbo and the GSOG is the MAC 1. We are around Week 4 with everyone except the Kimbo and the MAC. The Unicorns and the Kimbo are very very pregnant with Starfighter F1 pollen, while the MAC and the GSOG will be headstash.


I have over 10 plants in the veg tent currently. That's not including my clones and keeper cuts.

2 x Blueberry Angels (Strayfox)
2 x Blackberry Bread (Doobers)
2 x Blackberry Moonrocks (SO CAL Seed Vault)
2 x Tahitian Treat (Frostpops)
2 x Skullcap (Karma Genetics)
1 x Golden Hashplant (Bodhi Seeds)


Every plant listed has some version of Blackberry Kush genetics besides Golden Hashplant. My plan is to make a true Blackberry cultivar that has the potency. I still have Vale Tudo from COPA, Biker Kush and Hot Rod x Kimbo Kush to get through as well. If anyone has Ancient Berries, Alaskan Blackberry, or Blackberry Moonshine; can we be best friends?

I'm very excited for the Skullcap and the Golden Hashplant but the Skullcap seedling was having issues before I left. It's been recovering but I think it's a mutant. I'm sad because I only had 2 seeds and one of them, ironically, died because of helmet head.

Keep popping seeds!


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