Dezracers' First Journal


Well-Known Member
I changed the res over the weekend. I pulled 4 males and supercropped the tall female plants yesterday at an attempt to have a somewhat even canopy. It seems like a mess to me right now but I know it will turn out ok so it's all good.

I'll be sure to post updated pics tonight.


Well-Known Member
I've tried taking pics the last couple nights but couldn't get my camera to work. It seems to be working this morning so I'll see about getting pics when the lights come back on tonight.

On another note, There are some seedlings now at my buddy's place. I hung a veg light at his place and stuck some seeds in plugs last weekend. He's either going to run my 600 or my 1K light but we don't know yet for sure. We're going to make him a flower room inside his 10x10 room that we're vegging in currently. Going to make him a 4x4 flower spot inside there so he can either light. I let him know he will get better yield with the 1K but he likes the buds I grow with my 600 and wants that light, fan, hood, the while deal. There's a possibility I'll be switching to LED lights in which case I'll sell him my 600 to help fund it.


Well-Known Member
It's an EOS Rebel XT Digital that was loaned to me by my brother when he got something newer and nicer, lol. I kept gettign a 'busy' message when trying to take a pic but now it has stopped doing it. I plugged it in, turned it on, then off and unplugged it. It seems to be working fine now.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. I've got my light up as high as the hangers will allow. Only way to go any higher is to remove the hangers and hang the light directly from the hooks in the ceiling. That's what I had to do last round and don't really want to do it again. It's not easy to do with the flood table full of plants. IT's hard for a short guy to reach, lol


Well-Known Member
I changed the reservoir Friday night so now they're running full strength flower nutes. Not actually what the bottle considers full strength, what I consider full strength (less).


Well-Known Member
thanks! I like it a lot. It works well with the balloons/bags and has got the wife joining me again at bed time :)


Well-Known Member
I fell off, lol. I've been taking pics but haven't been posting them. They are all looking good and flowering right along. I'll post some pics tonight or tomorrow


Well-Known Member
The RIU break was a nice vacation! Unfortunately I think I am addicted to RIU!

Looks like Canna is a gateway drug!