Diagnose This-PICS!!


Active Member
Ashes are good for the flowering aspect of the plant they are supposed to fatten up the buds when its time for more phosphorous.Do what you want it wont affect taste. I think the best thing to do is just sift your ashes from the ash tray to keep out tobacco particles.however I really dont think your that far yet. I dont know what your doing but you need to be on a schedule. personally they look nute burned to me. what nutrients are you using? if your using fox farm nutes let me remind you that you only need 2Tsp. the second week and 3Tsp. the next and so on until you flower which unless your running 12/12 from seed then your vegging your plant out. dont forget to add open sesame with your grow big. (It is so obvious from experience you are using grow big haha! holy crap I am experienced and didnt know it haha! ) Now that I have gone back and re-read everything YOU ARE USING FF NUTES :) I ROCK "silent fist pumpin":mrgreen:. Anyways! I suggest getting you a air pump with a hose on it and sticking it in your water to keep it bubbling for extra aeration and oxygen in your water. NOW don't over water when you see water dripping out stop! that being said your not stupid so dont let me sound or treat you like you are. BUT you need to feed one day let it dry out at the top. Then water it with some fulvic acid or b12 sometimes. then the next time use plain water. they loooovvveee nitrogen but you need to back off the strength. trust me on this!sounds like you may be in a hurry to let make them grow but trust me find another hobby and forget about them after you feed them!just make sure they get a dark period and watch out for bugs and they do the rest! thats about it I can think of but I have seen zillions of problems. you can do your best and still have piss poor leaves. I think it has to do with strains. if they are mad healthy and strong u can use 4tsp. of FFgrbig( this dam reuben sandwich I made with this bud light is so dam gooood OMG) anyways I dont wanna write a book. But dont follow the back of none of those bottles ok? trust me! i think they are on the back for tomatoes berries and the other shit they have listed to use it on. one more thing your plant will use food and water different at different times. idk how big your pot is.. but i suggest a solo cup until you see roots at the bottom then get say a 1 gallon pot or so then let them get root bound roughly a month or two then put it in a 4-5G. pot and you will be amazed!
Ive seen 4 gallon pots take a whole gallon of water when the soil gets dry. when the tips of your leaves turn brown just a tiny bit you need to back off feeding. maybe you fed one day and when it got dry you accidentally fed again. feeding doesnt always mean ferts but some think it does. what kind of soil are you using again I forgot welp, write me back l84 bro!


Active Member
nah man you fucked up! lmao I just r-read AGAIN that charged soil your using is too hot for a seedling bro! you need a soiless mix. you are gonna turn that plant into a male for sure if you arent careful. you need a soil that doesnt have fertilizers, and all that mulch and bat shit in it. TRUST ME! you need to start over lmao. you CAN use hyponex soil but if you got access to ff nutes surely you have access to soiless mixes. we talked our buddy into raising plants now so we dont have to hahah! but trust me bro that ocen forest or whatever FF dirt it say you got is toooo strong for that little baby. have a good one dude write me back! PEACE BRO!


Well-Known Member
yeh keep it simple like i said before the key word is WEED coz thats what they are

i recently changed to keeping them dry as its speeds up growth in water they get lazy so hmff keep it simple


Well-Known Member
Ashes, as in the remains of burnt material. Every time u smoke a doobie flick the ashes into the soil. Also throw crushed up egg shells on it. If u happen to have chickens, throw some chicken scat on it once a week. Those things, water, and sunlight is all u need.