diagnosing sick plant


Well-Known Member
About 10 days ago I planted 3 seeds 2 were white voodoo and 1was Zeus. They were side by side in the same tent in the same soil in the same pot and received the same amount of 6.0 ph'd water. Here is what they looked like after 5 days. 20151223_134510.jpg20151228_014737.jpg There are sign on the Zeus strain that something is wrong. The 2 others seedlings seem to be growing strong. This is what they looked like 3 days later (yesterday) 20151230_231942.jpg20151230_232136.jpg I translated it thinking the soil was at fault. Any input would be great, thanks!!
Bigger pot, more volume.

Its better to under water than over water.

Let them go a day or two without water. They will live. As the soil dries the roots grow in search of water.

Concerning two in one pot. It will cause problems. Separate now before its too late. You can grow two spaced out in a big enough pot.
Bigger pot, more volume.

Its better to under water than over water.

Let them go a day or two without water. They will live. As the soil dries the roots grow in search of water.

Concerning two in one pot. It will cause problems. Separate now before its too late. You can grow two spaced out in a big enough pot.
I have already removed the dynamic duo, was just an experiment the one is doing fine now, But about the other one i water every 2-4 days with daily-light misting the top of the soil.
I'm using premier 50% sphagnum/50%perlite, but please try to concern your questions with the sick seedling, Thanks!.
Quite being an ass.

This is what we need to know to diagnose your sick plant.

What light. Temps. Humidity. Soil. Nutes. How much nutes. Water. What kind. How much. And possible other things. Without that info we can't help.

Please concern yourself to give us the info we need.
Quite being an ass.

This is what we need to know to diagnose your sick plant.

What light. Temps. Humidity. Soil. Nutes. How much nutes. Water. What kind. How much. And possible other things. Without that info we can't help.

Please concern yourself to give us the info we need.
Temps: 75-78f
humidity 35-45 (mostly at 40)
soil: premier 50/50 sphagnum and perlite
nutes: N/A
light: Cfl about 2-6 inches away
water: Ph'd down to 6
water schedule, 10-15 drop around base stem every 2 days give or take
regardless of all these things, what are the generic causes of something like this. Thanks!
See. You listed it twice I I caught it. Spagnum holds water.

You picked something hard to work with.

It takes forever to dry and goes from almost dry to hydrophobic quick.

Let it go an extra day or so between water. Its too wet.