Diagnosis please?


Active Member
Hi Guys,
This is my very first grow and I am very concerned aboyt my plants.
I am growing in aeroponics system with rokwool as a medium. I started adding nutes last week (now I think it was little too early).
My system is having giantic problems with pH fluctuation (1 pH up in 12 hours!).
Anyways - Can someone tell me if this is a nute burn or something else?
I will be very gratefull for your comments and thoughts.




i think its your ph. but how much nutes did you recently add? whatss your ppm


i would have went 1/4. really i would have waited untill the lil round leaves on the bottom fell off before i would have added 1/4 strenght nutes. did you soak your rockwool with ph'ed water?


Active Member
Thank you for reading and for helping me out ;-)
I have germinated the seeds in this rockwool - it was completely wet by that time.
But I have never soaked it fully with pHed water - is there anythig that could be done about it at present?


thats why your having ph problems i bet. i ont think you have nuteburn, but still dont overdue it. i would just sty ontop of your ph for now your plant should be alright


Active Member
should take the baskets out and soak it with pH water now?
I am checking the pH every 12 hours and balancing when needed but I am planning to leave for 4 days soon - I really need to sort this pH thing soon...
I am planning to change water this Tuesday or Wedensday - it is starting to smell and it is only 4 days old now. I will keep using demineralised water.
But water changing could be a good time for trying to do something about the rockwool if it is possible.


Active Member
Ok, So I have just came to see them and I am still rcovering from this terrible shock I experienced.
Only few minutes later when my hands stopped shaking and I was able to get a camera I have taken this ones...
Please please take a look and continue reading!

My water was 6 days old today so I have decided to change it.
I used only 1/4 of the dose of BIO ROOTS and TOTAL GRO this time.
The plants are bigger now but I still suspect them, especially Berta to have a nute burn.
Another possibility could be very low humidity?
As you can see on one of the attached pics the humidity is 0%. I am in possesion of air humidifier (?) (very simple device that heats water and makes steam). Should I consider using it (like setting it on timer?)

Please help guys!
I am leaving in 2 days and will be coming back in 3-4 days... I want to see my babies in good shape when I come back!



Active Member
Guys, I have just read the sticky thread again and I am starting to suspect it looks like Mg defficiency. What would you said? Please take a look at the curling leaves and brown burnt spots - is it Mg deff or nute burn or those two together?
I am away from my plants now for 4 days and I am worried that when I come back I will have to start a new grow ;-((((
I am not sure where to get epsom salts if it is Mg deff - somebody wrote about using lime juice instead - is it a good idea?

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
dude, look back at my earlier post, that is nute burn! you started feeding too soon. you should start at 1/4 strength at about week 2, or when you have 3 alternating internodes.


Active Member
i grow in soil but i would think that your humidity being at zero would be A problem...i would go with the humidifier as you were thinking about doing...humidity in your plant is about 100% and humidity moves from highest concentration to lowest concentration of humidity...so your plants leaves will dry out very fast becasue they are losing all their moisture..the smaller the leave the the faster it dries out.i don't think it is the problem you are seing right now, i agree with silky i think you started them on nutes too soon and you are suffering from nute burn. sorry i can't really help u with the nute burn...hope i could shed a little light on the humidity situation. good luck


Active Member
thanks for your help guys.
I have just came back home after being away for a while.
This is what i have found out after coming back home.
I am still using 1/4 dose of TOTAL GRO and BIO ROOTS. Should I change the water in the res for a clear distilled for a day? I am planning to change water soon - how much nutes should I use now? 1/4? 1/2? 1?
I am very inexperienced and my decisions have led my plants to nute burn so far. I would like to hear your opinions before I add any nutes again.
Thanks for reading.

