Dick sucking thread

It was on a scale of 1-5... I think it's a Canadian thing o_O

I am Canadian! scale varies from province to province! lololol

naw but some of those yukon ladies could throw me across the room and hell their looks match that strength. not in a good way!

don't go to manitoba them ladies be crazy as fuck! and easy hastings all I can say is visit crack rock mountain! haahahahahaha o god mr farmer don't laugh at your own jokes
so stonedfarmer where are these stories u are gonna blast over this site, i got some funny ones...started a thread about funny sex stories :P we all have them and have all been in awkward situations
wait what happend me interested. :p

my night is good, :D my hand still hurts drinking some ceasers, or as americans call em bloody marys
Hey my girl has the same symptoms doc sead it tendentious you strained your tendends hand movement need rest braise.. Thumb numbs up same thing over worked.. I want to go to Canada!!
I like when u get a blowjob for no dam good reason specialy on the freeway or highway during traffic that's the best