did i do something wrong ?

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Hey guys im in my 7th week of flowering & my leaves are looking strange as hell (pics included) just watered a couple of days ago wit big bloom,tiger bloom & molassess,which i've been using during my whole flower.Any help would be appreciated.
Mollases is very acidic. How much did you use?


Active Member
It will effect growth... mainly slow down the process for a little bit.. I am confused here.. you used FFoF.. with Fox Farm nutes.. and molasses.. i'm going with the molasses.... maybe cut it down to molasses + nutes every other feeding.. Also i omnly give my girls 1tbs per gallon


Active Member
It will effect growth... mainly slow down the process for a little bit.. I am confused here.. you used FFoF.. with Fox Farm nutes.. and molasses.. i'm going with the molasses.... maybe cut it down to molasses + nutes every other feeding.. Also i omnly give my girls 1tbs per gallon
I definetly think i went over board with the molassess,should i do my next feeding with water only ? because the last feeding was nutes & molassess.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
2 tbs in a gallon of water
There's your problem - Molasses overdose

Get a PH tester for your soil, and flush with plain water once they're very dry.

This is what happens when you cut corners by using Molasses instead of one of the off the shelf bloom boosters, which contain some molasses.

Or use 1 tsp per gal Mol - that's plenty


Active Member
There's your problem - Molasses overdose

Get a PH tester for your soil, and flush with plain water once they're very dry.

This is what happens when you cut corners by using Molasses instead of one of the off the shelf bloom boosters, which contain some molasses.

Or use 1 tsp per gal Mol - that's plenty
im using ff big bloom & tiger bloom


Active Member
yea dude no worries.. just cut your mollasses down to 1 tbs per gal and only give molasses every other feeding. for now do as Green cross said, wait till they are very dry and flush. :leaf:


Active Member
yea dude no worries.. just cut your mollasses down to 1 tbs per gal and only give molasses every other feeding. for now do as Green cross said, wait till they are very dry and flush. :leaf:
should i flush with regular tap water or the distilled water that i normally water with ?


Active Member
distilled will be fine as long as, it's not contaminated with chlorine like Tap water is ( unless you let it sit for 48 hours uncapped so the chlorine can evaporate) :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Not to discredit the other opinions but you said you use FF BB and TB right? The FF feed schedule actually calls for grow big in flowering as well, just a 2 week break from it when you switch the light cycle. That leads me to believe you may just be getting Nitrogen deficiency.

Nonetheless, you are 7 weeks in flower and dont need those fan leaves, they are going to yellow and fall off during flower, its perfectly normal. That being said, its too late to correct a N def, but who cares, you're home free. I would start your two week flush now.

And chances are the yellowing will continue until harvest, but again its perfectly normal during the end of flower to get that.

Good job getting to harvest.

Again I dont mean to discredit the other posters, they are probably right, but I did the same thing with FF nutes, forgot to keep adding grow big in flower and looked just like that.


Active Member
Not to discredit the other opinions but you said you use FF BB and TB right? The FF feed schedule actually calls for grow big in flowering as well, just a 2 week break from it when you switch the light cycle. That leads me to believe you may just be getting Nitrogen deficiency.

Nonetheless, you are 7 weeks in flower and dont need those fan leaves, they are going to yellow and fall off during flower, its perfectly normal. That being said, its too late to correct a N def, but who cares, you're home free. I would start your two week flush now.

And chances are the yellowing will continue until harvest, but again its perfectly normal during the end of flower to get that.

Good job getting to harvest.

Again I dont mean to discredit the other posters, they are probably right, but I did the same thing with FF nutes, forgot to keep adding grow big in flower and looked just like that.
Thnks bigbrew that was some good advice