Did I kill it?? =(


Active Member
Hi everybody. So I grow indoors and take very good care of my shit. However the other day I had company and they left the windows open. When I got up the next day it was COLD inside, probably no more than 45(F). I rushed in to find something horrifying. :wall: Check out the pics I attached.

I fixed the conditions immediately, but it hasn't picked up in 16 hours, even a little bit.

Did I kill my plant???? Any ideas? Thanks!!!



New Member
Hi everybody. So I grow indoors and take very good care of my shit. However the other day I had company and they left the windows open. When I got up the next day it was COLD inside, probably no more than 45(F). I rushed in to find something horrifying. :wall: Check out the pics I attached.

I fixed the conditions immediately, but it hasn't picked up in 16 hours, even a little bit.

Did I kill my plant???? Any ideas? Thanks!!!

I think you did kill it


Well-Known Member
eww, i think that plant has ceased to be. also, other people leaving windows open in your grow room is bad business. people just knowing about it is bad, people goin in and changing your set up is worse. security is top priority, your plants may die because of neglect, but poor security may send to you JAIL!!!


Active Member
other people leaving windows open in your grow room is bad business. people just knowing about it is bad, people goin in and changing your set up is worse. security is top priority, your plants may die because of neglect, but poor security may send to you JAIL!!!
Ah, no worries there, my friend. The guy had no idea what was going on, and the grow space is in a well-protected closet. Which is why it sort of surprised me that it had that effect - it was an insulated area. I can't believe that my first attempt got screwed up by this kind of fluke!


Well-Known Member
eww, i think that plant has ceased to be. also, other people leaving windows open in your grow room is bad business. people just knowing about it is bad, people goin in and changing your set up is worse. security is top priority, your plants may die because of neglect, but poor security may send to you JAIL!!!
I bet you could snip the top and get new growth within 2 weeks.

If anything i would let it go for a week and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
ide foliar feed with some Ph'd water then just not look at it for a few days. so you dont keep yourself buggin wondering...Pe@ce.