Did I overwater a little?


Active Member
Ok soo I have 2 plants growing .. one far ahead of other.. i watered both same amount since they are in same size 1gal pots right now.. anyways I noticed the smaller plants leaves are all curling down slightly and VERY small discoloration on the lower leaves tips .. very minuscule and unnoticeable to anyone not looking hard but to me clear.. anyways here are pics .. was wondering if this was over watering or a little over on nutes ( I watered them about 16 hours ago.. usually water every 3 days ) and this time used nutrients as well.. 1x every 2 weeks use 20 8 12.. anyways was curious if it was watering or nutes.. thank you... first and 3rd pic are the one i feel is doing well.. 2 4 and 5 are droopy.. ty20200706_055205.jpg20200706_055120.jpg20200706_055225.jpg20200706_055138.jpg20200706_055126.jpg


Active Member
i feel like this ones just a runt plant if thats possible.. these 2 plants were planted same time and the one is dark green healthy .. 2 leaf sets ahead of the problematic one... and it just seems like constant little problems with one while the other keeps going nothing wrong..


Active Member
also this happened while in true sunlight.. its mid summer here soo I put my plants outside from about noon to 7pm.. brought in to the grow light little early though since we got severe thunderstorm warningScreenshot_20200706-171433_Chrome.jpg