did i put seeds in to early


Well-Known Member
i think its more of the momentum for the seed to prop/push itself upward. i kind of noticed that all taproots sort of take u-turn when you germ then in paper towels and i think the picture illustrates it best
The roots grow crazy when germinated like that because in nature gravity influences them to immediately grow downward, and in a paper towel on a plate or something similar, they can't do that so they just go anywhere. "Gravitropism" is the term for this influence. There are lots of videos on YouTube illustrating this. If you rigged something to hang your towel vertically and placed the seeds with the point down, the roots would go straight down.

All that said, a seed will germinate just fine in any orientation so no need to stress over it. Put them on their sides and let them decide what to do.
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