Did i ruin my mylar?


Active Member
I recently purchased some mylar to start a little plant indoors. I got andy and took it out of the plastic wrap and now that i am ready to set up it is all crinkly looks like crinkly tinfoil. Don't have any pics but i hope you get the idea, anyways am i still able to use it or not? :-?


Well-Known Member
I don't think so, just take some spray glue to your walls if you can, and use a squeegee like you were tinting windows and work the bubbles and wrinkles out.


Well-Known Member
no i would not say that it is ruined but it will loose some reflective efficiency, still better than tin foil or nothing at all.

papa kropps

Well-Known Member
i just took mine down, the walls are a light tan and the mylar is such a pain in the ass to clean so the heck with it, i have a light meter and the light loss is minimal so ill just not replace it.:hump: