Did I ruin my seeds?


I germinated my seeds and transplanted them to Miracle Grow germinating soil. The problem is that the tiny end of the tap roots broke off the very tip. I almost did not notice it was so small. Am I screwed? There is still 95 to 99% left of the main tap root.


I hope so. This is my first time germinating this way. I am not sure I will try it this way next time. It is nice to see the seed popped but seems unnatural to me. I think the seed would be less stressed if it was placed in soil, watered, and left alone to grow. I am a true newbie though. Should these little germinated seeds go under the light now?


Active Member
You will probably be alright you never know what exactly will happen best to just keep it going and see what happens. When I germ, depending on hydro or soil I will use either rockwool, pellets, or go right into the soil I am going to use. I also do a humidity dome and as soon as the seeds go in so does the light at 24/7. This has worked for me so far so no need to change my ways until i have a reason.


If these seeds don't take I will put right in soil and use my dome. I have great luck with my vegetables using this method.


Active Member
There really isnt a 100% way to germ. Everyone has there own way that works for them and there location. So try different methods and see what works best for you!! RUI is always here to help you through if something does happen or you need advice.