Did I water too much?


Active Member
Hello all,

Please check pictures. Not sure what happened but it took off and left the other seeds in terms of growth and now today I find that it's leaning over?

All input would be helpful.

Thanks ;-)
Im not an expert, but id say its prolly

Overwatered combined with a Small ammount of stretching.

Its possible you didnt severly overwater it.. but its stretched out a little.. and The weight of the leaves combined with overwatering was too much for your small stem to handle.. Tie it up or Prop it up with something..

How often are you watering those and how close is your light?


Thanks for the reply, I really don't have a schedule of watering, having a little trouble understanding when exactly the dirt is dry. But mainly I use a sprayer but yesterday I poured a little water into both cups. Maybe that was too much, haven't sprayed or watered since.

I've propped it up (you can see how I did in the last pic) and hopefully it will bounce back.


Active Member
Thanks for the reply, I really don't have a schedule of watering, having a little trouble understanding when exactly the dirt is dry. But mainly I use a sprayer but yesterday I poured a little water into both cups. Maybe that was too much, haven't sprayed or watered since.

I've propped it up (you can see how I did in the last pic) and hopefully it will bounce back.
Well you can get a Moisture Meter (Thats what i use) or fill a Cup with as much soil as you have in your Plant Cups and pick it up (When fully dry) Then water it (The only soil cup) and pick it up.. Get used to the difference in weight.

Make sure you have drainage holes in the bottom of the cup.. that could be the problem.. The roots could just be soaking in water.. which you dont want.


Awesome, thanks again. Well that plant finally killed over, it was way more limp and thin (root stem) so I just disposed of it and strangely the root was amazingly thin underneath the dirt. Now only have 1.

Pics show it laying over and other plant doing well??



Active Member
Hello all,

Please check pictures. Not sure what happened but it took off and left the other seeds in terms of growth and now today I find that it's leaning over?

All input would be helpful.

Thanks ;-)
id say it was a combination of overwatering and stretching looks like the stem was way to thin and clumsy to support the leaf structure :( better luck next time. Just lost one of my WW's because the stem was underdeveloped out of 10 only the one was bad :( broke my heart she wasnt fell over like that but the stem was bent considerably and the leafs were drooping over i just pulled her and said a prayer!


Word, well hopefully the other one wont do the same thing, I added a little prop to make sure. But that's tough what had happened, live and learn lol


Active Member
Word, well hopefully the other one wont do the same thing, I added a little prop to make sure. But that's tough what had happened, live and learn lol
Not sure if this has been said or not.. But get some kind of Fan on those.. the airflow will simulate wind in an outside enviroment and will tell the plant to thicken its stem basically.. You might also wanna lower your light a little.


New Member
DO NOT have the fan directly on the plant, its too much, have the fan breeze OVER top the plant with only a slight breeze hitting the plant. Get the light closer, put your hand over the plant, lower the light til its not too hot on your hand and leave it there. STOP watering, only water when the top of the dirt is crusty/dry. Put your finger 3-4 inches into the dirt, if its moist, do not water, let the plant work for its water.


Sure thing, was curious about the fans cause now its just on the plant 24/7. Will adjust it though, somehow, def can't wait to get the new case. Had lowered the lights and the plant got damaged from the tape slipping off the power strip and had gotten burned a little. But gonna see how this works out and will probably start a journal. Thanks again guys :-)