Did it turn Hermaphrodite?


Well-Known Member
Dutch Passion Blueberry from Attitude Seeds grown from feminized seed under 400hps.Looks a little weird to me all of a sudden.Started developing what look like balls to me.Started about 10 weeks into flower and I am now in week 11.Did this turn Hermi on me???? Do I need to pull it out.Please help.Looks mostly like sparse bud towards the bottom but the top is pretty thick.What do ya think????



Active Member
Dutch Passion Blueberry from Attitude Seeds grown from feminized seed under 400hps.Looks a little weird to me all of a sudden.Started developing what look like balls to me.Started about 10 weeks into flower and I am now in week 11.Did this turn Hermi on me???? Do I need to pull it out.Please help.Looks mostly like sparse bud towards the bottom but the top is pretty thick.What do ya think????
better picture maybe its hard to tell, at least its late in the game so itll still be potent


on picture 3 it has turned but the others seem fine. pult the hermi part off the plant or ull risk the whole plant turning. but other hten that you look fine