Did my plant die?

She is a bit young to put into a large fully nuted container. You would be better off running new seed starts in a solo cup with either the fox farm alone or in a milder soil . This way plant acclimates to FF soil on its own and nit swimming in a large volume if it.

Then as it hardens off to soil and grow accelerates , you can transplant that cup as a “ plug “ into that large pot.

That seedling in that large pot has overwatering issues and excessive charged medium to fight thru before its even got its first true leaves. Thats too much for it.
90 degree heat will dry out you medium quickly. Watering too much causes problems, watering too little causes problems. It takes a minute to get a hang of.

sticking my finger in the soil is the only way I could get a better feeing for it. Another tip is feel the weight of the container when it’s 100% dry. Once you get a feeling for the weight you will know when it’s too dry.

I would personally use a window sill in my house to start the seedlings in. I have less failure rates when I start indoors. The seed doesn’t need sunlight until it pops out of the soil. It really doesn’t need much light until it gets established.