Did my plants have a mag deficiency? Why are they dropping now?


Well-Known Member
I'm not meaning to show off. My point is to let a plant tell you what it needs not the label on a bottle.
Do full strength on cal/mag won't hurt them, they love it. Mine is 5ml a gallon or 1 tsp. Also I think you should keep ph more around 6.0 - 6.5. But maybe up all nutes to 75% see how they act.
Thank you for the idea! I think I will up the cal mag once they dry up a bit
@whitebb2727 to an extent yes, but under watering will kill your plant, where as over water just stuns growth. So there's two sides to the over/under watering situation. You just have to dig into the soil 1"-2 and it will be either super dry/ moist but still drinking/ recently watered and judge from soil dryness when to feed.
^^^ agreed. Any time you flush (other than b4 harvest) you pretty much just wait and see. Does the condition worsen, get better, different change in leaves, etc
Thanks for your input and time. I'm truly shocked at how many replies I've gotten and how fast they came.
@whitebb2727 to an extent yes, but under watering will kill your plant, where as over water just stuns growth. So there's two sides to the over/under watering situation. You just have to dig into the soil 1"-2 and it will be either super dry/ moist but still drinking/ recently watered and judge from soil dryness when to feed.
Do full strength on cal/mag won't hurt them, they love it. Mine is 5ml a gallon or 1 tsp. Also I think you should keep ph more around 6.0 - 6.5. But maybe up all nutes to 75% see how they act.
Just wanted to let you know I appreciate you relaying your wisdom and tactic my way! Thanks for your time!


Well-Known Member
@whitebb2727 to an extent yes, but under watering will kill your plant, where as over water just stuns growth. So there's two sides to the over/under watering situation. You just have to dig into the soil 1"-2 and it will be either super dry/ moist but still drinking/ recently watered and judge from soil dryness when to feed.
Cannabis is a drought resistant plant. Over watering will kill it faster than under watering.

Reason being it is a plant that you loom at every day. It can lay down on the ground from lack of water and will stand back Jo when watered.

The 1-2 inch thing does not always apply. The pic I just provided would need to be watered by that rule. I know it doesn't need water. It is a deep pot.

The best way to k ow is pick it up. Take two lots and fill with soil. Let one dry and one moist. Pick them up and feel the difference.

I don't advocate sticking finger in your pot or digging to see if it dry. That tears roots and possibly allows pathogens to enter.
You will go "oh shit" and water it before it dies.
That's good to know and yea I've actually decided to wait until the medium feels pretty light
You will go "oh shit" and water it before it dies.
I hear ya. I plan on waiting until the pots feel light again before watering. I have tried that 2 inch method and it just seems that's the only thing dry is the top 2 inches. The rest of the pot will seem soaked and still heavy.
Cannabis is a drought resistant plant. Over watering will kill it faster than under watering.

Reason being it is a plant that you loom at every day. It can lay down on the ground from lack of water and will stand back Jo when watered.

The 1-2 inch thing does not always apply. The pic I just provided would need to be watered by that rule. I know it doesn't need water. It is a deep pot.

The best way to k ow is pick it up. Take two lots and fill with soil. Let one dry and one moist. Pick them up and feel the difference.

I don't advocate sticking finger in your pot or digging to see if it dry. That tears roots and possibly allows pathogens to enter.

{Just my 2 cents}
But if cannabis was drought resistant there would never be a case of a plant dying from under watering. And too much under watering ,your right, the plant will sag or droop, its the plant trying to preserve water, its slowly dying at that point. Leaves will begin to turn crispy and crumble away. The reason roots grow stronger at the state of being under watered is because they go out searching for water but should be fed shortly there after.


Well-Known Member
{Just my 2 cents}
But if cannabis was drought resistant there would never be a case of a plant dying from under watering. And too much under watering ,your right, the plant will sag or droop, its the plant trying to preserve water, its slowly dying at that point. Leaves will begin to turn crispy and crumble away. The reason roots grow stronger at the state of being under watered is because they go out searching for water but should be fed shortly there after.
Cannabis grows well in some pretty inhospitable locales around the globe..places cactus can have issues.


Well-Known Member
{Just my 2 cents}
But if cannabis was drought resistant there would never be a case of a plant dying from under watering. And too much under watering ,your right, the plant will sag or droop, its the plant trying to preserve water, its slowly dying at that point. Leaves will begin to turn crispy and crumble away. The reason roots grow stronger at the state of being under watered is because they go out searching for water but should be fed shortly there after.
*resistant* key word.


Well-Known Member
resistant: "not affected or harmed by something"
under watering harms the plant if not watched closely is all I'm saying
My point being that over water is a more common problem with new growers.

I can't remember who but it was someone on here said "it is easy to over water". Its hard to sit and watch a plant. People feel the need to do something for the plant when often the best thing to do is wait.


Well-Known Member
Yours looks great! And thank you for the input. I will lay off and let things dry out and go from there.
One trick I use is feeling the amount of moisture. through a drainage hole. I go 5 or six days without watering, But your medium type and environment also plays a huge part. Outdoors during the summer my plants drink 1/2 gallon a day.


Well-Known Member
Cannabis is a drought resistant plant. Over watering will kill it faster than under watering.

Reason being it is a plant that you loom at every day. It can lay down on the ground from lack of water and will stand back Jo when watered.

The 1-2 inch thing does not always apply. The pic I just provided would need to be watered by that rule. I know it doesn't need water. It is a deep pot.

The best way to k ow is pick it up. Take two lots and fill with soil. Let one dry and one moist. Pick them up and feel the difference.

I don't advocate sticking finger in your pot or digging to see if it dry. That tears roots and possibly allows pathogens to enter.
I agree. I usually try to feel for moisture in the loose top layer and drainage holes but knowing your plants will always yield better results.

Also on the drought topic. Cannabis produces trichomes as a way to reflect light away from itself keeping its buds cooler. Trichomes are the only part of the plant that produces THC.