Did my reasearch, still cant figure it.. PICS


Well-Known Member
If in MG soil, dont nute for at least 2 months.
and water/drain thoroughly every time, til water's coming out of several holes in your planter, not just one (that could be just a cavity in the soil)
with the time-release MG fert soil.


Active Member
Superthrive might help. The labels seems to say different things. I just use a drop or 2 in a gal. Some times 5 or 7. It might be snake oil, might be great. Tough to tell and everyone has an opinion on it. One is that its SO expensive. But at these doses, the $6 bottle will last like 2 or 3 years. So it amortizes out as pretty cheap.

Looks like it could be over or under watered.

Did you add anything to the soil? (perlite or the like)
I put perlite in all soils, MG, FF, etc. I do not like vermiculite for soil. The soil itself seems to hold enough water. I don't think you can add too much perlite. The end effect of that would be watering more often. Which means the roots are in more 'air' more of the time (one of the perks to most hydro styles.)

I don't think it looks *that* stretched considering the initial lighting and its still a seedling. It has a lot of time to fatten up.
First, I have to say as a "newb" to all of this, in the first month of growing I have learned SO much from this site. EVERY SINGLE situation I've encountered and every solution to all of these situations have been answered here at one time or another. That being said, it really makes NO sense not to read this entire site once over prior to starting any sort of grow be it big or small (something I most definetely didnt do myself).

Anyhow, that behind us, thanks to everyone that has provided help/input even though the questions I've asked have been asked coutless times before im sure.

If I had it to do over again I would do pretty much everything differently. But for these few poor plants that I have, Im going to try and make it through with what I've got, if nothing else to learn more before I go and screw up another crop!

Last couple of questions, I've noticed that there are a TON of small, or should I say TINY white specs on the tops of all my leaves. It doesnt look like the yellow dots caused by the mites sucking from the bottom, but rather somthing that is actually on top of the leaves. I sprayed the plants with carbonated water to rinse the solution used to kill the mites off, so im not sure if thats what it is, or if its something to be worried about.

Next up, as you all know, I used good 'ol Miracle-Gro potting soil (because i didnt read anything first) and being almost 4 weeks in wanted to know if it would be beneficial to transplant to some decent media? I have a Sea Of Green right down the street from me and can get some quality media, but didnt know if that will be too much stress for the plants. If its a good idea, what would the process be? To completely remove all, or almost all Miracle Gro soil from the plants and then put them into the good media, or??

Thanks again for taking the time with someone that should have taken the time to read this site and didnt prior to planting.... I appreciate it all!


Well-Known Member
It sounds to me like you have slightly over watered the mg soil and it is causing n lockout in your plant.
If it was mine i would very carefully remove it from its pot and soak all of the mg soil away from it in cool/room temp tap water that has been allowed to breathe for 48 hours and use a good compost with no time release nutes in it and some good nutes.
This will in my opinion fix your plant:blsmoke:


Active Member
It sounds to me like you have slightly over watered the mg soil and it is causing n lockout in your plant.
If it was mine i would very carefully remove it from its pot and soak all of the mg soil away from it in cool/room temp tap water that has been allowed to breathe for 48 hours and use a good compost with no time release nutes in it and some good nutes.
This will in my opinion fix your plant:blsmoke:
Understood, thank you!

My only question would be how to phisically transplant the, well, plant after I have all of the MG soil off of it. I mean, wont the roots then be just dangling straight down? How should I arrange them in the new soil? Do I just dig a hole all the way, or most of the way to the bottom of the pot with the new soil and set the roots in there? Sorry for the stupid quesions, I just want to get things as "correct" as possible now that I've screwed things up by not researching before hand. Thanks for the help.


Well-Known Member
You could do one of two things...either will work fine.
  1. Fill your new pot with your new soil, make an adiquate sized hole in the soil and place the roots down in the hole and cover with soil firmly (too keep plant from falling over) but not to hard to rip the roots off. Saturate new soil well.
  2. Guess how much soil it will take, fill pot part way with soil, lay roots down on soil and fill with more soil on top. Saturate new soil well.
Either one of these will work and within a few days you should notice your plant take-off again.



Active Member
Outlaw... Thanks for the response.

Im assuming there will be some degree of stress/shock expierienced by this transplant aand I was wondering if I should take any sort of precaution? Is there any specific way this should be done? Anything that should be added at the time? Im just throwing things out there.. Id hate to loose these things after this long ya know.

Also, if there is a substantial amount of stress and or shock, is it worth the risk? Would you reccomend doing the transplant? LOL I sound like im about to do an F'n kindney transplant or somethin'


Well-Known Member
Ive never noticed transplant shock myself unless you rip a lot of roots away.
Tran shock usually comes when plants are dug up with a shovel from the garden and loads of their roots have been spliced by the spade.
Paranoia is lithe:mrgreen:
If your still worried though buy a small tub of superthrive:blsmoke:


Active Member
Ive never noticed transplant shock myself unless you rip a lot of roots away.
Tran shock usually comes when plants are dug up with a shovel from the garden and loads of their roots have been spliced by the spade.
Paranoia is lithe:mrgreen:
If your still worried though buy a small tub of superthrive:blsmoke:

So I went down and bought some FoxFarm Ocean Forest along with some Super Thrive. I only transplanted one plant because I wanted to get everyone's take on the results and process I used before I did the remaining plants.

This morning, I CAREFULLY took as much dirt out of the pot as possible and then gradually and even more carefully dug around the root system. I found that the soil at the bottom was really compact. After about 30 minutes I was able to get most of the dirt off of the roots. I then rinsed them in some PH'd room temp. water to remove the remainder of the soil. After that was done I was left with around a foot or more in length of bright white roots. But what was hanging wasnt very thick, not many roots I guess. Anyhow, I then filled a new, cleaned, pot with the FoxFarm 3/4 of the way. Dug a hole almost to the bottom and placed the roots gently down in the hole (I made sure the soil was VERY loosely put into the pot so the roots would be able to take). I then lightly filled the hole and then filled the rest of the pot up. I mixed the reccomended amount of SuperThrive with some of the same room temp PH'd water and watered... I didnt know exactly how much I should water it, but gave it enough to where it drained a bit.

That was this morning, and it seems to be doing ok, I actually dont see any differerence at all at this point, good or bad.

So hopefully I didnt bore anyone too much with all the detail, but I just wanted to make sure I outlined the exact process I used so that anyone that wants to jump in and offer up advice before I do this to the rest of my plants can know exactly what I did.

As always, THANKS!


Well-Known Member
lighting is the worst but more and more is better if u added another 4 cfl if would be nice mg soil isnt very good lots of problems for many people for the flower cycle but u will def need way more light for the flower and diffent nutes look at the 400 watt hps while at the hydro store

u should se4e a differce soon\


Active Member
As usual, thanks to all that replied.

I am still running 18hrs on but just went down and picked up a 600w HPS setup. So I am going to start flowring shortly. I want to have everything in order before I do that though (no mite infestation, everything transplanted and doing good, nutes purchased and ready to go, room setup for the 12/12 etc.)

Not to be redundant, but is the way I went about transplanting sound like it will work, or does anyone have any other ideas/input before I do the rest?

Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
As usual, thanks to all that replied.

I am still running 18hrs on but just went down and picked up a 600w HPS setup. So I am going to start flowring shortly. I want to have everything in order before I do that though (no mite infestation, everything transplanted and doing good, nutes purchased and ready to go, room setup for the 12/12 etc.)

Not to be redundant, but is the way I went about transplanting sound like it will work, or does anyone have any other ideas/input before I do the rest?

Thanks again!
Sounded fine to me.
When you get the new light they will shoot up for sure.
Personally i think that mg soil should be used when the plant is quite large and about to flower in a repotting manner as it is classed as a hot mix.
If you over water a lot of the very tiny fine hair like roots get ruined and burned.
MG soil can be good if you repot into it,that is in the latter stages,without removing the old soil and allow the roots to venture into it at their own pace,by adding a layer of normal soil between the mg and the root ball.
Best of luck dude:peace:bongsmilie


Active Member
Well, bad news guys (for me anyway)... I transplanted 3 of the plants, and put them under the new HPS setup and now all the leaves are drying out and crumbling.. I made sure that the light is far enough away so it wont burn the leaves or even get warm (made sure it was extra far away at first just to be sure)...

So any suggestions would be great, otherwise I think its farewell to my ladies..


Well-Known Member
Well, bad news guys (for me anyway)... I transplanted 3 of the plants, and put them under the new HPS setup and now all the leaves are drying out and crumbling.. I made sure that the light is far enough away so it wont burn the leaves or even get warm (made sure it was extra far away at first just to be sure)...

So any suggestions would be great, otherwise I think its farewell to my ladies..
How far? And if you x-planted (hope you gave it a thorough watering) and popped it under a new 600W (if coming from CFLs) all at once, might be a little shock. Keep the light 2 feet, maybe 3 feet above the plants for a day or so, until they seem ok. Also make sure there is god ventilation (new air coming into the room, not just moving the same air around the room)


Active Member
the HPS is 2.5 above and I definetly have good air circulation. But when you say a "good watering" I dont know if I did that. I watered to the point that there was a signifigant amount of drainage right after the x-plant and then this afternoon when I found the crispy critters I did the same type of watering and also sprayed the leaves top side and underneath. The plants dont look bad really but if you get up close and/or touch them you can see and feel how dry they are and the tips just crumble.


Well-Known Member
yeah to what bigbudballs says. i grew with mg and i olny had problems once from trying to flush the nutes out. don't try it. you'll burn your girl.
i've seen many good grows out of cfl and fluorescent tube lighting.
get a hydrometer, worth their weight in gold growing in mg. you got the fans to fatten the stem, you'll be okay.


Well-Known Member
yeah to what bigbudballs says. i grew with mg and i olny had problems once from trying to flush the nutes out. don't try it. you'll burn your girl.
i've seen many good grows out of cfl and fluorescent tube lighting.
get a hydrometer, worth their weight in gold growing in mg. you got the fans to fatten the stem, you'll be okay.
This is a good point. Let the MG soil dry out. keeping it wet lets the little pellets dissolve faster. If it goes dry, they halt the release until watered again.