Did you get this email from rollitup too???

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
Rollitup is proud to inform our members that we are sending the monthly newsletters now on a regular basis, along with HUGE discounts to many online stores. Every member needs to re-confirm to keep your account active. Those unconfirmed accounts will be removed from the list and the username will be released to the public.

If you have any questions, I have posted a quick question and answer thread here: https://www.rollitup.org/support/368790-asked-re-confirm.html



Click the link above to give us permission to send you
information. It's fast and easy! If you cannot click the
full URL above, please copy and paste it into your web

If you do not want to confirm, simply ignore this message.

Thank You,

Damien Industries, Suite #306, 234, 5149 Country Hills Blvd N.W, Cakgary, Alberta T3A 5K8, CANADA

Request generated by:
Date: September 23, 2010 15:44 EDT


Active Member
I got it and its total BULLSHIT! I'm a mod on another MJ forum and we would NEVER consider doing such a thing. If this is true then Rollitup is doing an extreme disservice to its community whether they are active or not. Any release of ANY info on members to the public is a breach of security for that member. It doesn't matter whether that member logged simply to lurk, browse while considering the merits of the site or joined to view a member secure thread then opted to go elsewhere.

What we do is illegal in most locales and the safe exchange of information related to growing and the cannabis community is of the utmost importance for the practice of mentoring online to continue.

To the Admin.....if this is what you choose to do I will inform every board on which I am active, or have admin contacts on, to make their members aware to avoid Rollitup.org at all costs do to lack of member info security.


you have 2 posts, are we supposed to care?


Perhaps you missed the point....and I chose to delete the post awaiting admin clarification......but any release of user names to the public on any MJ board is not a reasonable action. I'm active on several boards, just not Rollitup. Because some of us have our own home boards is no reason to lessen the security of our handles. One of the goals of online mentoring is to be able to share info openly, freely and with relative confidence that our info is safe and handles secure from other's use.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps you missed the point....and I chose to delete the post awaiting admin clarification......but any release of user names to the public on any MJ board is not a reasonable action. I'm active on several boards, just not Rollitup. Because some of us have our own home boards is no reason to lessen the security of our handles. One of the goals of online mentoring is to be able to share info openly, freely and with relative confidence that our info is safe and handles secure from other's use.
as in ... your user name, the name you choose to be called at this site, will be available to be used again.

if i don't reply to the email my account gets purged and a new member can use "fdd2blk". that is what is meant when said "your name will be released to the public".