Did you know Bruce Lee smoked weed?


Well-Known Member
Omg must have killed him thats why its illegal
You're probably being sarcastic, but just in case. he died of a cerebral edema (a swelling of the brain caused by a congestion of fluid). No specific cause has ever been giving. Most of the doctors who were involved with the autopsy concluded the he had a severe reaction to a medicine given to him for a headache which contained meprobamate and aspirin.


Well-Known Member
from what i hear he preferred eating hash.

HERMENAUT: Hermenaut of the Month: Bruce Lee

"................... [FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif][FONT=Times, Times New Roman, serif][SIZE=+0]He ordered a custom-built gold Rolls-Royce, popped pills for his recurring back pains and headaches, ate hash brownies to relax, drank as much as 20 cups of sake a night, developed partial amnesia, and fought anyone who challenged him. The press called him "The King of Hong Kong."

they say it may have been something in the hash that added to the cause of his death. not the actual pot or thc but some type of "cutter".

Bruce Lee@Everything2.com

".................. A few Bruce facts you may or may not be au fait with.
Although rumour has it that he died in mysterious circumstances, his own doctor believes that his brain reacted to a chemical present in the hash cakes he was so fond of - a rare and unfortunate allergic reaction to a usually harmless drug."


New Member
Yo guys?
look in to it more carefully, it's worse......Bruce Lee has been killed by poisening. Q.Q
during so called Autopsy they saw that his handpalms and feet were blackish.....from poisening.
had to do something with medicin not smoking shit. (he did smoke stuff though to relax)
but the details will come up in the future....cant be release just yet or something.....look it up carefully you'll see.
for instance? the ambulance would've taken 15min. to drive to the hospital from where he lived, but instead took 45 or so.
conspiracy my friends from on of his enemies. they payed that ambulance to take a longer drive and payed someone to put too much of a certain ingrediënt. painkiller i beleave


Well-Known Member
Yo guys?
look in to it more carefully, it's worse......Bruce Lee has been killed by poisening. Q.Q
during so called Autopsy they saw that his handpalms and feet were blackish.....from poisening.
had to do something with medicin not smoking shit. (he did smoke stuff though to relax)
but the details will come up in the future....cant be release just yet or something.....look it up carefully you'll see.
for instance? the ambulance would've taken 15min. to drive to the hospital from where he lived, but instead took 45 or so.
conspiracy my friends from on of his enemies. they payed that ambulance to take a longer drive and payed someone to put too much of a certain ingrediënt. painkiller i beleave
Those fuckin guys practised the run by doing JFK! Google it, I swear


Well-Known Member
Bruce lee did not smoke weed. He ate it and claimed it did more for his bad back rather than smoking it. He did smoke other stuff and eat plant extracts of sort.