Didn't poke hole through rockwool cube for cloning


Active Member
So, as the title says, I didn't use a nail or a stick to poke a hole all the way through my rockwool cubes. I just stuck the stems of cuttings in the hole at its default size, which was about halfway through the cube. Now, all of them are clearly rooted - I can lift the cube by the stem, it's very firmly attached - but none of the roots are poking through the cube (it's been two weeks). Should I try to carefully slide a nail alongside the stems to poke a hole through the bottom for the roots?

Thanks in advance for any help!


Active Member
Alright, curiosity got the best of me and I peeled open one of the rockwool cubes. There are very fat, short roots forming, none of which appear to be penetrating the rockwool well. I guess the material was too wet and it could only really grow in the hole provided and the space close by, otherwise it couldn't get oxygen. Can I take this cutting out and stick it into soil? Would that be really stupid for some reason I'm not seeing?

I wish one of the countless cloning guides I read online and in print had mentioned how to get the moisture content right on these cubes... they all just said to soak it, then stick the cutting in... I guess these experienced growers thought it was too obvious to mention.


Well-Known Member
I've been using RW for years and have never poked a hole all the way through. Sounds like another internet myth that got going.:?:

The only times I had to use a nail was back in the early 90's when the RW cubes didn't have any holes and even then, you only went deep enough for the clone. They were 3"x3"x3" and you would do 4 cuts, 1 in each corner.

Just be sure to remove the plastic wrap before xplanting and make sure the soil is as wet or wetter than the RW. Otherwise, it will suck the moisture right out of it.



Active Member
How wet should the cube be? I spent a while dabbing some out with napkins as it was soaking wet and someone told me that was bad... thanks so much for the help.


Well-Known Member
look up sublbc on youtube, he has a guide to cloning in rw that will help you a lot.
stop misting for a few days, make them search for water through their roots, pick the cube up and shake it a bit and see how much water comes out. The roots dont need help getting through the cube dont go poking holes in it.

i had a bunch of clones that took like 3 weeks to root, once i let them dry out a bit the roots came in 2 days. they were very healthy the whole time though so i figure they were just living off of the mist water and werent using energy to grow roots.

keep them in a warm place.