Die You Mite Bastards!!!


Well-Known Member
if it was about marketing, wouldn't they tell you to buy them sooner? babe!
because then you'd buy something that DOES last. if it stops working in a month, and you have more bugs, but you saw it worked, don't you think you'd be apt to buy more of them?

geez, i promise i know what the fuck i'm talking about..... :-?


Well-Known Member
very nice lookin, it works for me now, and when it stops, then i will simple put a peditor bug in, alot of ppl get these and have to deal with it, its never worth killing any plant over, its not going to stop the things, i dont believe in buying, selling, promoting anything, thats why i only have used a 99 cent bottle of dish soap ever 6 months to treat them. although this has worked for me and others i know, for now, i know they are just waiting in the other room for me to drop my guard.


Well-Known Member
although this has worked for me and others i know, for now, i know they are just waiting in the other room for me to drop my guard.
exactly; therein lies the problem. if you don't kill them all, the survivors breed. their offspring is resistant to treatment, because the parents survived. this is what makes them so difficult. usually by rotating products you can keep them in check, but as i stated before, my whole local area is mite infested. indoor and out. there is not a chance for me to avoid them, i can only fight. i've used products until they don't work anymore. after this episode, i'm going back to the first product to see if they've gone long enough to have it affect them.


Well-Known Member
then this is another thing that i dont understand, is that you and other ppl clame to be "veterans" then you would know that these things dont go away no matter what you do, if you are growning indooors, the only thing you can do is keep them at bay


Well-Known Member
then this is another thing that i dont understand, is that you and other ppl clame to be "veterans" then you would know that these things dont go away no matter what you do, if you are growning indooors, the only thing you can do is keep them at bay
i never ever had mite problems at my old home. never :p

lots of times it comes down to location. i agree that once you have them you're pretty screwed, but i also know that if there are none in the area, they're much easier to exterminate completely at first notice. if you're in my shoes, you're stuck with them, and the fight can be very very difficult. i know my products quit working when they come in full force even through treatments.


wheres my neg rep when i need it?

ever try diatomecious earth?
i'm using it for my gnats... but it says it works for mites as well as a bunch of other nasties...

just another weapon to have in your arsonal


Well-Known Member
i never ever had mite problems at my old home. never :p

lots of times it comes down to location. i agree that once you have them you're pretty screwed, but i also know that if there are none in the area, they're much easier to exterminate completely at first notice. if you're in my shoes, you're stuck with them, and the fight can be very very difficult. i know my products quit working when they come in full force even through treatments.
i agree!....completely, i live in a very cold clima


Well-Known Member
i never ever had mite problems at my old home. never :p

lots of times it comes down to location. i agree that once you have them you're pretty screwed, but i also know that if there are none in the area, they're much easier to exterminate completely at first notice. if you're in my shoes, you're stuck with them, and the fight can be very very difficult. i know my products quit working when they come in full force even through treatments.
i agree!....completely, i live in a very cold climent, and i grow in my unheated garage, so yea, this is just something i have to deal with, it makes me soooooooo much appriecate the outdoor season


Diatomaceous Earth

What insects can DE be used for?
Diatomaceous Earth may be used as a barrier to control adult flea beetles, sawfly, coddling moth, twig borer, thrips, MITES, cockroach, slugs, snails and many other insects such as:
Aphids, thrips, earwigs, silverfish, and ants. Can be used for bedbugs, cabbage root flies, carrot root flies, fleas, pillbugs, ticks and is helpful in dealing with fungus gnats. Indoor and Outdoor Application: Sprinkle a light layer of DE in areas where pests frequent, including under stoves, cabinets, sinks, garbage cans, window and door frames and sills,
entrance ways, sewer pipes and drains, and in cracks and crevices. Repeat treatment as needed.
Carpet Beetles: Thoroughly dust along baseboards, carpet edges, under furniture, carpet, and rugs, and in closets and shelving.
Bedbugs: Take apart bed and dust joints and channels. Dust any hollow tubing and the interior framework as well as the mattress and all cracks in the room.
Fleas: Thoroughly dust carpets and pet's bedding and sleeping areas, as well as cracks and baseboards. It also can be rubbed into your pet's fur.
Flies: Thoroughly dust areas where flies frequent (walls, straw bedding, livestock pens). It also can be applied to livestock coat as an insect repellent/contact insecticide.


Well-Known Member
i noticed a mite problem about 4 weeks ago but it was an isolated case the mite where only on one plant and on the two clone from that plant both clones i destroyed and i treated the remining plant with spectrum pesticide 1 table spoon to a gallon sprayed every inch of the plant top and bottom mite where dead in 30 minints i did however spray (all) my plants just to be safe then after about an hour i sprayed them with plain water to rinse off the residue the plants didnt mind this at all i dont think they really where effected by it at all and this is some harsh pesticide made me half sick just to administer it be sure to use gloves and face mask, now 4 weeks later i noticed 3 spider mites on the same first plant that had them the ones befor where a diffrent kind of mite these spider mites look alot diffrent being darker in coloring ect... i sprayed all the plants again just to be on the safe side i even spray the rim of the pots the floor around them and the window sill after 30 mins all mites where dead little fuckers battle won planning on spraying again within 48 hours to prevent further outbreak from the eggs that my hatch though bottle says it kills eggs to but better to double check when it comes to them nasty little fuckers, but spectrum pesticide is so far the best product ive found if all else fail give it a try it may win the battle for you to


Well-Known Member
i noticed a mite problem about 4 weeks ago but it was an isolated case the mite where only on one plant and on the two clone from that plant both clones i destroyed and i treated the remining plant with spectrum pesticide 1 table spoon to a gallon sprayed every inch of the plant top and bottom mite where dead in 30 minints i did however spray (all) my plants just to be safe then after about an hour i sprayed them with plain water to rinse off the residue the plants didnt mind this at all i dont think they really where effected by it at all and this is some harsh pesticide made me half sick just to administer it be sure to use gloves and face mask, now 4 weeks later i noticed 3 spider mites on the same first plant that had them the ones befor where a diffrent kind of mite these spider mites look alot diffrent being darker in coloring ect... i sprayed all the plants again just to be on the safe side i even spray the rim of the pots the floor around them and the window sill after 30 mins all mites where dead little fuckers battle won planning on spraying again within 48 hours to prevent further outbreak from the eggs that my hatch though bottle says it kills eggs to but better to double check when it comes to them nasty little fuckers, but spectrum pesticide is so far the best product ive found if all else fail give it a try it may win the battle for you to
spray again in four days, again in another four. thier breeding cycle takes 4-7 days, so you need to treat again to kill larvea and new young adults before they can breed again. if they do, you'll get resistant mites. products that are supposed to kill eggs usually don't affect spidermite eggs.


Well-Known Member
I really hope DE works for you. I can't believe I didn't think of that wayyy earlier. But hey, I'm a stoner among other things and I've never really had a major mite problem. Best of luck


Well-Known Member
Clone up.. what is the temp in your garage? I was thinking bout using my garage to veg in. In my grow room its only 60-67 with the light on it dips into the high 50s during lights out.