dieing bottom leafs , yellow & light green please help

I have an outdoor medical garden and our plants are flowering. Never had any problems with them until about 2 weeks ago :confused:. Some of our bottom and inner growth leaves are turning light green to yellow spots to some turning brown and dieing. The rest of the plants seem very healthy. We had a couple that finished already with no problems. We are still fairly new and are not sure if its a pest or heat issue. We have chem dawg, cannalope haze and SFV OG. All are a lil over 5 ft. from the bottom of the pot, we topped them so they didnt get too tall (privacy issues).

Our nutrients consist of liquid karma, tiger bloom, foxfarm bloom, bud candy, molassas and use foxfarm ocean forest soil. Each plant is in 5 gallon pots. We try to keep it PHed around 6.0

Please take a look at some of the pictures i took of some of my leaves. Any advice will be greatly appreciated! DSC00540.jpgDSC00496.jpgDSC00546.jpgDSC00503.jpgDSC00524.jpgDSC00519.jpgDSC00452.jpg
here's a nug from last harvest bongsmilie DSC00459.jpg



Well-Known Member
danm that nug looks fuckin delicious lol

hmm not sure what that could be always water till you get some drainage out bottom

some strains ive read its normal and natural for the lower leaves to yellow or discolor in bud stage. buds look great to me so wouldnt worry sure its the strain so not a problem!

awesome plants and nugs
i might also put them in bigger pots cause there pretty big and sexy :)


Well-Known Member

It's a bit early but they're yellowing because the fertilizer you are using has very little nitrogen and the plant is transfering nitrogen from the fan leaves to more critical areas of the plant. This is fine to start half way through flower but if you are still in stretch you should be giving your plants some nitrogen. I like Fox Farms solubles, Open Sesame has nitrogen to carry the plants through stretch so they're still green when the buds start to form.

Nitrogen can slow flowering, if you're far into flower don't add nitrogen. The liquid fertilizer calls for Grow Big during week 3 and 4 of flower, to give the plant some nitrogen. We don't want to loose our biggest solar panels too early, and the fan leaves feed the rest of the plant the perfect amount of nitrogen through late flower.



DSC00566.jpgwhite dots appear on some leafs:cry: and there is a lot of inner growth death plz help

DSC00576.jpg if u look very closely u can see white specs on the rim of the pot is actually some type of microorganism seem to alot in every pot & lives on the top of my soil,& whats a natural way to remove them ex. garlic, with out affecting my final product. It very well could be nitrogen but im almost done with week5 so kinda not sure.:neutral:
Again thanx for all the advice i greatly appreciate it :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member

W & B I've never seen that type of growth before, I suggest going through the Marijuana Plant Problem sub forum for a thread title that looks like your problem - someone has probably had a problem like yours before, it might just be a mater of surfing thread titles for awhile. You might get a better response posting the same question there.


My first guess is mold or fungus - how humid is your grow room? If your have a hygrometer it'd be worth it to check your humidity levels. Check through the plant problem forum, if someone else posts a problem that sounds like yours see if they're using something to kill the growth - there will be a product made just to fix your problem. Better air flow will usually stop new mold growth but you'll need to kill the existing mold first.



Thanks hobbes. The thing that is making me trip out the most is that this is happening in the flowering stage. But like i said its only on the bottom. I have cut some of the bottom bud off, worried that it was dying, waited until it was dry and smoked it. It was still extremely sticky and still tasted good (of course would of been better if was flushed and done flowering) but im just not sure why the leaves are slowly dying under the buds. Ill have to look through some of the threads later. Im surprised i havnt gotten more responses back, I guess not too many people have had the same problem.
As far as humidity gos, i noticed some humidity on the top in the grow room about a week ago, but that was after it had rained.(Dont worry the rain water does not hit the plants.) Could humidity do this to the plants?


Well-Known Member

"Could humidity do this to the plants?"

Yes. Stagnant air beneath the canopy can cause all kinds of problems. Even if you're drawing fresh air in from the bottom of your grow if it is only from one air inlet, the fresh air will angle up to the outlet and most of the bottom of the garden will stay humid with old air.

Do something to get some air flow beneath the canopy and the problem might cure itself. A fan aimed to push air across the base of the plants / top of your pots and eventually go to an Air Floor. There may be no need for chemicals to kill the growth, try a fan and a bright light on the base in case the growth is light sensitive. The side lighting will help your lower buds as well.

If you can't vent to the outdoors look into a dryer vent to remove moisture from the air.


" i noticed some humidity on the top in the grow room about a week ago"

You should definitely have a hygrometer. I have one in my grow room all the time and never need it, but I always know the humidity. Put the hygrometer on top of the soil in your lowest bucket.


Air Floor

I've been thinking on and off about air flow in the garden and how any intake vent on the bottom side of the grow room is going to curve up to the exhaust and air in parts of the garden may be stagnet. I've seen some cabinet grows with air intake vents under the floor so I drilled 120 x 1/2" holes in the 8' x 3' floor of my flower cage and made the rest of the cage more air tight. My cage floor is 34" off the room's floor. The cage walls stop just below the cage floor to allow lots of air flow.

I rolled my walls down and right away I could feel a positive air pressure. I stood up on the air floor with the walls down and I could feel a breeze coming up through the holes, all over the floor. When I put the plants back their leaves were shaking slightly from the breeze. Now I'll see if the fresh air coming from under the leaves makes the plants grow better.

I didn't want to weaken the 1" plywood too much so I drew a grid with rows and columns 3" apart and skipped every second spot on the grid. I'm going to use a 1" drill bit to ream out some of the holes on the two end panels,to increase the air flow away from the air exhaust in the middle of the cage. 6" between holes in a row or colum, ~4" diagonally. The area of a 1/2" hole is ~0.2", a 1" hole has an area of ~0.785".


My floor is cut into 4 sections of 24" x 37", I drilled 30 holes per panel. On the seams I drilled every spot because there was nothing to weaken. The faint circles are where each of the 12 buckets go when the garden is full.

The grid feels like a low flow air hockey machine.


The Light Rail and closed interior, the air exhaust on the middle left. Putting the Reflectix roof on brightened the room more than I thought it would.



love that set up !!! im gunna open up my green room on top about 2 feet its very open . hope it increases air flow also added a couple of holes on all side . i moved the plants out of the grow room for 2 day n flushed the out so there's no salt build up, plants look happy and nug growth seems to be on track . next time im going to do an indoor grow no pest n my dogs cant eat my branches lol .


Well-Known Member
there are several critters that can show damage like what you have in pic, they are catapillars, spider mites, thrips and white flies

but your pics look more like mites damage, get a good magnifyer/microscope and check for critters


Well-Known Member
I am inclined to agree with Riddleme on this one.

Looks alot like mite damage on this pic


the grouping of the white damage is what im talking about on this leaf in perticular.

when it is thrips damage it tends to be silvery scratches from feeding.

I would definately look over all your plants top side and underside with a jewellers loop or magnifyer.

Double and triple check and then identify your problem better then search for a solution.


That 5hit

Well-Known Member
nice green house
but i woulld think that the non-vented plastic dome roof will cause bud mold
humidity will build up under there be carefull
humidity is great during vegg, but is not good during flowering
I have little crawling bugs that r living in the top of the soil what would be a organic way to get rid of them ? i also increased air flow in my green room will the bug come back right away if the grow room is more open? here r sum pics of those little jumping bug in the top soil
View attachment 1002385 bugs r to small so cant get a clear pictureView attachment 1002400
thanks for all the info
there are several critters that can show damage like what you have in pic, they are catapillars, spider mites, thrips and white flies

but your pics look more like mites damage, get a good magnifyer/microscope and check for critters
omg i thing i have all of these i havested 1 plant n i found about 3 or four differente bugs on my plant what should i do ???? should i harvest now to save my babys