Dieing Clones in DWC - Help!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone.

I just started my 2nd grow with my new Setup and so far some of my clones are dieing and some turning yellow while other ones are doing ok.

The Setup is 7g buckets with few 1000w lights.
I am using Dutch Master Gold Line A+B+Zone
PH is 5.8
Water temp was 80 for couple of days due to few issues I was having but is going down now planning on going down to about 70
My tap water is 200 TDS. After adding all the nutrients I am at 510 TDS.
Also my lights are about 28iches from the clones at 75% strength.

I planning on buying more clones tomoorow morning to replace the ones that are down.

Please let me know what you guys think my problem is. I am stressing out!!!

Time for a :joint:



If you can, buy a water filter to prefilter before adding nutes. Reverse Osmosis is the best. then bump up your PPM to 500-600PPM once your tap water is filtered to 0 PPM.
the 200 ppm in your tap water will not be helpful to your grow at all. at least your problem is fixable for under $500.


Well-Known Member
I see what you are saying but I really dont think thats my problem...
Also, my humidity is 20%!!! Way to low for Veg?


Well-Known Member
that humidity could very well be it. thats far to low for growing period.

looks like some sort of underwatering to me. are the roots in the water on those plants?


New Member
yo.. Your clones are real small. Try taking 10 inch clones or close to that. Pinch the tops as soon as you take the cutting. you dont need 1000w to start clones do them with a normal light bulb.


Well-Known Member
i dont think clone size is the issue. i take 4-5 inch clones when its most practical.

are these pre-rooted clones, or were they put right into the dwc?


Well-Known Member
i dont think clone size is the issue. i take 4-5 inch clones when its most practical.

are these pre-rooted clones, or were they put right into the dwc?
I bought the clones from a dispensary. The were barelly rooting when I put them in. The roots are starting to develope, but some are still down. idk.,, so you think I need to spray them alittle with water?


Active Member
In my experience dispensary clones leave much to be desired. Most already are undercared for. I find it is necessary to nurse them for a week before acclimating them to their final environment.


New Member
looks liek heat stress br() thats why they dieieing u put these babies under a few 1000w lights.
u crazy mang


Well-Known Member
Yes, I am thinking to throw away all the clones. Get the filter, then put them in with light high up. I fucked this one up.