Diesel Berry Auto, Chem Sister, AND Dutch Diesel 400W


Active Member
HI all,
Im starting my third grow. Ive put the to regular strains into a tent, with one 400W hps in it will be putting second 400 in when it arrives next week.
THe tent was switched to 12/12 on 1/4 and the auto finished seedling stage 3 days ago. the estimated time on the auto is 65-75 days from seed. Im really not sure of the other two regular strains ima just have to pay closed attention. I figure it wont be anything under 8 weeks.
Im not sure why some of the pictures are upside down, but the small plant is the autoflower. The one under the t5's ( soon to be replaced by another 400whps) is the Chem sister, the Dutch Diesel is already under A 400W.



Active Member
Here are a few Cali O clones that i took from a buddies plant.
Also some pics of the cloner itself. Its i black tubes with pin holes the length of the tube that's submerged.
Its Made from a cooler and styrofoam, i also put a seedling heat mat under it to warm the water. I just got
7 out of 10 CO's although to are pretty beat but i think they will come around in a week or so.
The picture of the four clones have been LST'd already theyve already put on almost an inch of new growth.
But the other three came out of the cloner later and are going to be a couple weeks behind the other four.



Active Member
UPDATE: Just got my new 400w to go on the left half of the tent, over the Chem. Sister.
25 Days into flower and they are beginning to put on some girth. Pic 478 is the dutch diesel
and 480 is the sister. the other picture is of my auto flower, in the gray pot. Ive also transplanted
a few Cali Oranges into the green fabric pots. There is also 1 clone that ive put into flower just to get
a look at what this strain will be like. Pics later once it starts doing something.



Active Member
Quick update,
month in feels like it blew buy. Both the Sister
and the Dutch are putting on noticeable mass, every
2-3 days i check 'em. They are a bit yellow on the older/
lower leaves. ill try and get a picture with no lights on tomorrow
right before they turn on.
Pics: #484 is the auto and cali orange clones.
#485 is the Dutch Diesel
#486 Is the Chem sister



Active Member
UPDATE: DAY 45 of flower
The girls are looking real good and super
resiny. Both plants trichs are cloudy and a
even saw a couple amber ones on the Chem Sister.
I have managed to the the Dutch Diesel looking
a more healthy green color. But the Sister is still just
downing the nutes and yellow. I don't think that there
is to much longer to wait for the sister, 3 weeks probably i will
flush her.
As for the auto flower It has began its flower phase just little
fuzz balls right now. I have done sone lst-ing to it so it has
begun to bush some. I also accidentally topped her. taking off
3 node, hasnt seem to bother it to badly



Active Member
Day 56. Looking and smelling great two weeks two go for the sister, it seems to be maybe one extra week for the dutch diesel. Picture 499 is the diesel and 501 are the sisters. the big nugs in the forefront are being supported by a string, way to heavy to stand on its own. this plant is actually a little ahead of the bigger one in the screen. Ive examined trich's with a micro scope they are about 25% amber now, compared to the scrogged one wich is about 10%. The dutch is 0% amber so it is definitely going to take longer.

