Diesel Generator Grow


Well-Known Member
uhh... I didn't say anything mean to you at all. That is a sweet generator, and I could actually see like 5 pound harvests coming from it perpetually. Especially if its 2 1000w HPS just for flowering, and you have enough space, and you are growing the right strain, and vegging for a decent period. But I am very curious of the set up and would love to see pics if you have them....

splif face killah

Active Member
well, so far i personally have heard you claim 3 pretty intense different grow ops, a lot of times contradicting yourself if you facts and numbers.

and ive been on RIU for only a few weeks so....yeah, sounds like bullshit.

plus why would anyone in a non-safe state such as florida(which also has some mandatory minimums for pot growing btw) brag about multiple huge ops on the interent, hot boy shit right there, anyone with that much experience would be keeping thier mouth shut, or already hemed up.

plus i have found in my many years of forum lurking, any one who tries to start a fight on the interent is under 19 or of the mental equivanlent


Well-Known Member
i have 3 1000 watt hps running direct on the generator and 1 using my power and i get alot more then 2 lbs guy you should really try aeroponics with AN nutes

very good info man. I appreciate honestly. i believe you its not like you need to make it up and its not like its impossible. I think off 3 1ks you could do 5 pounds even if its 2 pounds id be happy as shit and its still worth it. good info, i have something to aim for again ((wipes tears away)). thanks.


Active Member
no problem, there are alot of haters on this site always talking shit thing is they have no money and are still stuck on soil yes better taste and smoke but yield and time sucks aeroponics man all the way


Well-Known Member
if you grow for yourself not for money the taste and smoke come first!!
i also urge you to put up some photo's of your setup?? it intrigues me!


Active Member
might as well solar power that shit i have a freind with a cottage in remot north and they generate hydroelectricity simple really they have a 30 foot deep hole in the middle of the river water cascades down spins paddles generates power alot of it too i have seen relitivly large hunting retreats powerd this way


Well-Known Member
wind turbines??? im living in ireland and occasionally you see people with them in the garden for heating the water. over here you can get a grant for putting grass on your roof!!!


Well-Known Member
i think as time passes lots of peope will come forward and say yeah i do it, i use a genie i grow. or yeah i used to or blah blah blah I use a generator. Even if its more expensive, and you have to creatively hide noise now your off the electric grid, and that is worth it at twice the price if your going big and making a profit above all. or like me just want to smoke your own good stuff and lots of it.


Well-Known Member
even in a remote location I recommend this:
first- Dig a big hole for your generators to sit in, and line it with egg cartons, to include the top you should make for it (this will reduce the amount of noise to almost none),
second- convert your generators to use veggie oils instead of diesel or gasoline, it may cost a bit at first, but it will save you tons of bucks in the long run, and make way less pollution, and less chances of fire,
Third- Cover the top of your structure with soil that is native to the area (about 3 inches thick is perfect) and have some kind of vegetation growing from it (so line your roof to something resistant to the soil, and use metal for the roof), it would be way harder to detect the building from the air this way... especially if you painted it camo colors,
Fourth- run your electricity through a couple alternators to boost the efficiency of your generators.

Any cheap alternative methods of electricity is recommended... do it semi close to a really large water source (like within 5 miles), so you can dig a long trench from the water source to your spot, and run nice new piping to your spot to fill a reservoir tank that is on site (at least 6 inches deep).

I know some people that are doing it, and that is what they told me, and they also said: "Go Big or Go Home" because it wouldn't really be worth it otherwise. They are doing it in 50'x100'x20' (WxLxH) steel frame buildings that are in thickets of trees to cover them, and divide the buildings like 2/3 flowering and 1/3 vegging. They run 5 10,000w generators per building. I have no idea what their harvests are like, but I know that about two years after they started they bought new houses and cars, and started a few more "Grow Factories" as they like to call them. They started out running on regular fuels, but it cost them too much money, and they HAD to convert to make it worth it.
Good luck, that was the best advice that I got, and I got it from a people that are actually doing it in Colorado...


Active Member
Yes and it's very good advice i agree with you i didn't know you could convert them to veg oil im doing research norw on this thank you and great advice man


Well-Known Member
for them, it was a do it yourselfer job they decided to do after three months of buying diesel..... I don't know how to do it though, and I am sure it is a bit too complicated to get the directions from them and then post here (Im too much of a lazy stoner to do that at the moment...), but you should be able to find them through google... there was more too,.... I'm sorting my thoughts and bongsmilie.......


Well-Known Member
even in a remote location I recommend this:
first- Dig a big hole for your generators to sit in, and line it with egg cartons, to include the top you should make for it (this will reduce the amount of noise to almost none),
second- convert your generators to use veggie oils instead of diesel or gasoline, it may cost a bit at first, but it will save you tons of bucks in the long run, and make way less pollution, and less chances of fire,
Third- Cover the top of your structure with soil that is native to the area (about 3 inches thick is perfect) and have some kind of vegetation growing from it (so line your roof to something resistant to the soil, and use metal for the roof), it would be way harder to detect the building from the air this way... especially if you painted it camo colors,
Fourth- run your electricity through a couple alternators to boost the efficiency of your generators.

Any cheap alternative methods of electricity is recommended... do it semi close to a really large water source (like within 5 miles), so you can dig a long trench from the water source to your spot, and run nice new piping to your spot to fill a reservoir tank that is on site (at least 6 inches deep).

I know some people that are doing it, and that is what they told me, and they also said: "Go Big or Go Home" because it wouldn't really be worth it otherwise. They are doing it in 50'x100'x20' (WxLxH) steel frame buildings that are in thickets of trees to cover them, and divide the buildings like 2/3 flowering and 1/3 vegging. They run 5 10,000w generators per building. I have no idea what their harvests are like, but I know that about two years after they started they bought new houses and cars, and started a few more "Grow Factories" as they like to call them. They started out running on regular fuels, but it cost them too much money, and they HAD to convert to make it worth it.
Good luck, that was the best advice that I got, and I got it from a people that are actually doing it in Colorado...
i hear scarface music and see $$$ signs. great info +rep and damn good line "go big or go home". I advocate that message on the premise that if mother natures gift to us is illegal. You might as well go large and get a lot of it if your going to possibly face the law. so dont bother with cfls or leds or nonsense either. vertical, generators, ebb and flow, nutrients. im like michael knight on this mission now.


when I was building houses were used generators all the time, our 1200 watt generator went through about through about 3 gallons of diesel a day running it about seven ours. so i would guess that if you ran it 18 hours a day it would be around 8 gallons a day and like five gallons a day if you run 12/12. With gas prices by me that would be 32 dollars a day for veg and 20 dollars a day for flower thats a lot of money. Maybe your gen. is more efficient than the ones we used, but even if it were twice as efficient your still talking 16 dollars or 10 dollars a day which is still much more that it would cost just running them off your house electricity.

Actually...it depends on the area of grow space. I actually would save on generator but what the heck I feel comfortable with a good Powerbox timer and 240V coming in it by wire


It can be done and is all the time but you need 200000 dollars to get it done right so don't think out of your price range


New Member
It can be done and is all the time but you need 200000 dollars to get it done right so don't think out of your price range
We've set up quite a few generators and it doesn't cost anywhere near $200,000. Not even $20,000. Especially for 2400w. Can you explain where you got this number from?