Diesel lowryder (+ others) problems


Well-Known Member
I have yellowing, spotting on leaves of my plants. One diesel lowryder is the worst of the bunch with many leafs showing this problem and now I noticed that some of the pistles on this one .

I'm growing organically, using miracle grow organic soil. I'm growing under cfl's at the moment. Temps avg 70f - 80f degrees. All plants are appox 30 days old now. I water using boiled and strained rainwater only (PH level unknown but have read that PH of rain water is acceptable).

I had germed 3 diesel lowryders, 3 lowryders #2 and 2 greenhouse cheese feminised plants. 1 diesel and 2 lowryder #2 were males and so got the axe (see pic 4 for all the remaining females). 2 cheese fems are in the back.

All plants seemed to develope this problem with the already one mentioned faring the worst. The problem developed following a week of high humidty. I read of BMO SPT so bought that and applied which helped plenty. The leaves were drooping but now all upper leaves on all plants are upright.

I read here in RIU that autoflowering plants could use some nitro which I gave them 2 days later using BMO's Grow It Green (npk 5-2-5). Hoping that was a good move?

Please advise anyone and everyone.

Thanks and peace!



Well-Known Member
put in bigger pots but dont worry so much about a odd yellowing leave. they prob starting flowering faze now .Im not speaking about something i know fuck all about every prob you r haveing im haveing too with ak47 low[all i can say is never again?


New Member
They are over-watered. You got drainage holes in there? I don't see any saucer-like catchers underneath. Sometimes it can take a a long time to properly drain of the excess.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Guys. I'll cut back on the watering and see how it goes.

The cans are one quart size containers with 6 holes drilled on the bottom of each. When watering, water leaks out of the containers quite freely. The soil is a fast draining mix of MG Organic soil and clean sand. THe mix would have been better with some added perlite but couldn't find it at the time so I increased the amount of sand in the mix. I'll prop up the cans with something to airate the bottoms.

The plants are looking better after using SPT and Grow-it-Green products. The leaves have lifted up again and there's new growth showing on the 2 cheese girls located in the back of the picture. The plants had their first feeding just recently just before the picture was taken.


Active Member
I personly think its the miracle grow I used it on my 1st grow and my plants looked like s!&* now I use fox farm I have no problems really I think miracle grow is too ponent or acidic for what we do thats just my thaught I would say transplant into some none time released soil give it some nutes ( besides miracle grow nutes) when looking better :hump:


Active Member
haha I'm gonna try to return the Miracle Gro Organic tomorrow I think and pay the additional to get the Ocean Forest. I hope they let you return soil? haha


Active Member
I Am also growing diesel ryders and they have similar probs but only grew about 3 sets of tiny lil yellow leaves used mg buldbosster i had about the place bad idea i am only a begginer to but i think to stay away from mg in the future repotted 3 of them into a pot of plain garden dirt and a lil perlite n looking greenand growing better now