Diesel Ryder 400 grow


Well-Known Member
listen I love auto's to death and i didn't mean to ruffle anybody's feathers with the 12/12 thing! it wasn't my comments. But whatever works for u guys, hell, teach me too! this is the place to learn, right?
haha, exactly bro, no worries at all!! hittin the bong as we speak, loving it. i just went to 18/6 from 20/4, do ya'll think that will hurt my yield? should i switch back? i'm torn


Well-Known Member
that's perfect...as they need a rest from the light a lil...save on power bill too....(wait!, what week r u in again??)


Well-Known Member
sorry didnt mean to sound arrogant just thought i would post what the breeders call for.

Grow, you got any updated pics bro? Im dyin to see where were at!


Well-Known Member
sorry didnt mean to sound arrogant just thought i would post what the breeders call for.

Grow, you got any updated pics bro? Im dyin to see where were at!
yeah, i like the saved power, but i want to do what the breeder calls for! hmm, should i switch back, haha!?!?! although i've seen incredible results with the diesel ryder under 18/6, so i guess it's fine. I just want to get the most out of these bitches with my 400w. I'm in week 4, and the ladies are looking REALLY great! Sorry Vapor, been real lazy with the updated pics, i'll get on it today or tomorrow. peace


Well-Known Member
hey everybody. hope your enjoying my grow, i couldn't be more happy at this point! their about 30 days old, and i'm left with 4 females, 2 have been a bit sickly, but their coming around, and then the 2 queens in the front are just fucking massive! and i want you all to meet my best friend, Riley, he's a 9 year old rat terrier.



Well-Known Member
wow, those babies look healthy bro...your doing a great job...no more yellowing leaves, huh? ok, here's a quick ques....you said that your using a 400hps, correct? well I'm gonna start a auto shop soon,(lol) and i will be growing 24, (the most @ one time i ever done!) in a 4.5' x 4.5' (width x depth) space..now we all know more light = more bud, but if i'm going with 24 in that space, (in 2 or 3gal bags) should I go with a 400hps a 600hps or just get the 1000hps?? (I am considering the 600hps because where I live, those damm po po's use those fucking thermal imaging cameras on helicoptors...and I think it would be less heat source from the 600hps than the 1000hps) whata u guys think?? BTW, there is a product out there called; Thermal-Shield, that blocks the heat sig from your grow area, lights, ect...BUT, will it do good for a 1000hps?? that's where i'm stuck..........any suggestions? anyone tried this product?


Well-Known Member
Hey kindnugs just read through the journal, good grow so far. I think you'll be fine on 18/6. The joint doctor says he only recommends switching lights to no less than 16/8, and says that can be done after the first month of growth with no loss of yield. I on the other hand have always stuck with 18/6 for my LR2's. I've been growing them for over a year now and I obviously still love them. Have you checked out the official grow guide written by the Joint doctor? It's written more for the regular Lowryders but there's some pretty good info in there that might answer some of your questions. I would think that since DR's are part of the Lowryder family that it would still pertain to them. Here's a link to it - http://www.420source.com/post/207 . You should take a look at it when you get time.


Well-Known Member
wow, those babies look healthy bro...your doing a great job...no more yellowing leaves, huh? ok, here's a quick ques....you said that your using a 400hps, correct? well I'm gonna start a auto shop soon,(lol) and i will be growing 24, (the most @ one time i ever done!) in a 4.5' x 4.5' (width x depth) space..now we all know more light = more bud, but if i'm going with 24 in that space, (in 2 or 3gal bags) should I go with a 400hps a 600hps or just get the 1000hps?? (I am considering the 600hps because where I live, those damm po po's use those fucking thermal imaging cameras on helicoptors...and I think it would be less heat source from the 600hps than the 1000hps) whata u guys think?? BTW, there is a product out there called; Thermal-Shield, that blocks the heat sig from your grow area, lights, ect...BUT, will it do good for a 1000hps?? that's where i'm stuck..........any suggestions? anyone tried this product?
thanks alot Upto! only one lady has a little yellowing left, but it's almost all gone. I still can't believe how big 2 of em have gotten, i think the large 3 gal grow bags are doin wonders. yeah, i'm using the 400. that is a good question, hmmm. I think it's up to you, the 600 would do the job fine, cause you can really pack the autos into a small space. On the other hand, with a 1000 watter, you'd see some incredible yields. Fuck, if you can get the 1000 and keep it under 80, i say do it!


Well-Known Member
hey dudes...i'm really stoned and bored, waiting for the superbowl to start, so here's some more pics, and sorry my camera is so shitty! i saw my long 2 tube 6500k fluoro just laying there in the garage, so i decided to strap that bitch up, it can't do any harm...as you can see it's just hung sideways, it's the long rectangular looking thing right in the middle, across my box(i'm too stoned to be typing, hahaha)i think it will hit those underbuds that are normally in shade..everybody have fun watching the game, rip a fatty for me! go steelers



Well-Known Member
Its weird, any other dieselryder grow ive seen i see small single cola plants. Yours are big and busshhy. Cant wait for harvest


Well-Known Member
Its weird, any other dieselryder grow ive seen i see small single cola plants. Yours are big and busshhy. Cant wait for harvest
yeah most are small, but i've seen a few on different forums where they had bushy 2 oz monsters!! this next month cannot go by fast enough, ohhh i need fresh headies!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey kindnugs did you see my post on the last page?
hey chunky, for some reason i didn't get that post before! i just read it, thanks alot..i figured the 18/6 would be kosher cause i've seen dudes get over an oz per plant. i'm loving these little bitches so far, next time i'm making seeds forsure. have you done any lowryder's outdoor yet?


Well-Known Member
also, does anybody know if i should prune some of the big fan leaves to let light hit lower parts?? a dude posted a couple pics in this journal, forgot his name, and he said he did it. i was always told not to trim healthy leaves, but then i've heard "pruning" the plant is good. any suggestions, i want max yield since i've only got 4 ladies. I had read a little of that guide by JD, it's really helpful I'm starting molasses this next watering.