Diesel Ryder First grow with pictures


Active Member
Hey guys, this is my first grow. I am growing under a 300w cfl and growing in a mixture of 20% topsoil - 30% compost - 50% perlite.

Got 10 diesel ryder seeds of the net and threw 5 in to water last tuesday. 12 hours later all 5 seeds were then put on to paper towells to germinate.
All 5 had germinated by thursday and went straight in to pots.

Unfortunatley before i even got chance to use my Cfl it "smashed" (my fault!). I had no other alternative but to buy some emergancy Cfl's untill a new 300w would arrive. I had to buy 2 15w cfl lamps that i then put over them on saturday when all 5 sprouted.

Over the next couple of days they shot up, due to stretching as these lamps were far to low wattage for them.

Here is some pics at 3 days old



Active Member
Because of this radical stretching, i had no choice but to replant early so i could plant them deeper, so on wednesday all 5 got replanted in much larger pots.

Thankfully my new replacement came the next day so they have much more light.

I am currently on day 6 but have only been using my 300w for less than 48hrs.
All 5 look healthy but i just hope the stretching does not come back to bite me on the ass with airy buds!

Here is some pics of them 6 days old. First two pics are of the setup then a shot of each from the top and side going in order from 1 to 5 :leaf:


Latin Weed Grower!

Active Member
Because of this radical stretching, i had no choice but to replant early so i could plant them deeper, so on wednesday all 5 got replanted in much larger pots.

Thankfully my new replacement came the next day so they have much more light.

I am currently on day 6 but have only been using my 300w for less than 48hrs.
All 5 look healthy but i just hope the stretching does not come back to bite me on the ass with airy buds!

Here is some pics of them 6 days old. First two pics are of the setup then a shot of each from the top and side going in order from 1 to 5 :leaf:
Howdy Broher!

Just poped here to say that your transplanting and also your plants look amazing for the days. I wish my ones hadn't died this morning, Oh uauauuu, Learning from mistakes.........

How about more pics? How about the stretching? Has it decreased at all?

Wait to hear from you,
Latin Weed Grower!:roll:


Active Member
Howdy Broher!

Just poped here to say that your transplanting and also your plants look amazing for the days. I wish my ones hadn't died this morning, Oh uauauuu, Learning from mistakes.........

How about more pics? How about the stretching? Has it decreased at all?

Wait to hear from you,
Latin Weed Grower!:roll:
Hey bro, sorry to hear about your loss.
I am now on day 12 and stretching has stopped since i replanted and put them under my 300w.

A few problems last night, as my brother was staying in my spare room where the herb resides and on entering the door was ajar with light pouring out. Looked like i stole the sun and was hiding it in my cupboard!

I pulled the plug quickly so for the next 12 hours they were in darkness. They still look all good just need to keep a good eye on them.

Here is link to pics on day 11, through photobucket. I have bee trying for ages but it wont let me post the IMG link. If anyone knows how to solve this please HELP. Will edit the links when i find out how. :peace:



Well-Known Member
Hey Oblivion, planted my plants under a similar setup about 2 days before you so am going to be watching this thread as I want to go CFL all the way as well if I can. Am subscribed fella and good luck - Looking good so far and well worth changing the pots, they look fine now! :) Keep it up! (My journo link is in my sig)


Active Member
Hey Oblivion, planted my plants under a similar setup about 2 days before you so am going to be watching this thread as I want to go CFL all the way as well if I can. Am subscribed fella and good luck - Looking good so far and well worth changing the pots, they look fine now! :) Keep it up! (My journo link is in my sig)
Hey dude, like your setup. Everything looks groovy with your plants.
CFL all the way. No need to go HPS, yes it will yield better but with CFL you have less heat, less electricity and less chance of getting chaught!
Stick in there!


Active Member
Finally got the hang of my Nute regiment.. and I'm adding some additional LED's soon.. All I have to Learn is How to Stretch them a Bit More.. But what a fast growing, resilient, and wonderfully aromatic Plant Man!
Hey man, nice plants. How old are they? Like the led's, looked in to led growing quite alot but need to work out how to compliment the CFL with the led's without losing any light output.

Looks like you have gone with led side lighting and that looks promising. If you have got a grow journal put the link in your sig so we can all have a look.

My stetching was purley accidental, if i did not transplant them they would have been about 4-5 inches by now and probably bent over!


Active Member
Hey man, nice plants. How old are they? Like the led's, looked in to led growing quite alot but need to work out how to compliment the CFL with the led's without losing any light output.

Looks like you have gone with led side lighting and that looks promising. If you have got a grow journal put the link in your sig so we can all have a look.

My stetching was purley accidental, if i did not transplant them they would have been about 4-5 inches by now and probably bent over!
Here's part of my journal.. it's been quite sometime since I've updated it though.. lots of changes..

They are 4-1/2 Weeks Old Now.. The plants in the far back were a failed experiment.. I now Have at least 30,000 additional Lumen's on them.. Combination T5 Floro.. CFL.. and over 100 true Watts of High Powered LED's. I would recommend getting one 120 Watt LED.. an mount it on one of the side walls.. Especially for Dwarf Plants.. they Fucking Love LED's for some reason.. bongsmilie

Latin Weed Grower!

Active Member
Here's part of my journal.. it's been quite sometime since I've updated it though.. lots of changes..

They are 4-1/2 Weeks Old Now.. The plants in the far back were a failed experiment.. I now Have at least 30,000 additional Lumen's on them.. Combination T5 Floro.. CFL.. and over 100 true Watts of High Powered LED's. I would recommend getting one 120 Watt LED.. an mount it on one of the side walls.. Especially for Dwarf Plants.. they Fucking Love LED's for some reason.. bongsmilie

Howdy oblivion3005!

Man, In my opinion and comparing to my babies, I think they are fine and have the same height as my ones, don't you think?


Congrats on your plants....:weed:


Active Member
Nice colours soundless LED's make the bud tricked up alot more than normal so when they start to blossom get that camera nice and close for the bud porn!

I am still considering constructing my own LED boards from pcb's, led's, resistors etc, but i think i would get carried away. Mezmarised by the lights!

Gonna buy some soon i think.

Have you looked in to UV LED's along side the rest. UV isnt a 'needed spectrum colour', but from what ive seen it really helps out:peace:


Well-Known Member
Hey Oblivion. Have you got any further info on the UV as I have a spare UV strip light (about 12cm) banging about near my Technics that is going to waste. If it helps a grow I might consider sticking it in my cab! Nice going still Soundlessdawn - keep updating, you have loads of people interested in the outcome of the LED's. Continued good luck!!!! :)


Active Member
Hey Oblivion. Have you got any further info on the UV as I have a spare UV strip light (about 12cm) banging about near my Technics that is going to waste. If it helps a grow I might consider sticking it in my cab! Nice going still Soundlessdawn - keep updating, you have loads of people interested in the outcome of the LED's. Continued good luck!!!! :)
If its there then dont let it go to waste!
I read an awsome thread but it wasnt on Rollitup so will not be posting the link, but if you google Diesel Ryder in the LED grow box you will find it.

The guy has built loads of LED's and uses them alongside his CFL's. They are blue and red (needed coulours of the spectrum), white (think he used these to add to his CFL's as they are not high wattage), and finally he uses UV. It really helps the ticknomes out later on when budding.
Besides the coulors and shadows on the plants would be cool. It will not harm them in any way, maybe go with it on for 6 hours at first and see how it goes.


Active Member
Hey guys,
Sorry for not posting pics in a while, was getting sick of thumbnails and wanted them big. Had an issue with the size and linking them in from photobucket but all sorted now.

Photobucket got scrapped and all pics got uploaded to my album for the IMG codes! at last.

This thread has been a little boring without pics so i will post new pics more frequent, been a bit lazy! i really admire your posting routine Dafoe keep it up. You too Latin!

On day 17 in soil now and gave it the first dose of nutes last night. You may have read i had not been sent any grow nutes, only bloom, so as only a week of growth left, i had no choice but to use bloom at under a quarter strength as i didnt want to give it nitrogen deficiency.

As the Diesel ryder only produces one main cola, i raised the height of the cfl, to about 12 inches from the plants just for 20 hours to give the smaller ones a bit of a boost, which has seemed to do nicely.

The lamp is now back down but i am still 3-5 inches away.

Anyway here are BIG pics at last! Day 17 (pics taken before 4 hour rest period)



Active Member
Hmm.. I can give you some advice on how to get these buggers as big as possible.. The Diesel Ryder's in particular seem to LOVE NUTES.. I use the Fox Farm Products grow Big and Big Bloom.. :weed:
as well as Tiger Bloom.. and I use each one of them right at the beginning! Of course I don't give a very high dosage of the Bloom Blends until about week four ~ But I'm telling ya.. they will not Nute burn very easily..:hump:
You would have to drown them. And the bat guano and worm castings are present in most good soils anyway.. Just check the ingredients label.. I've also fallen in love with The_B0fin's LED grow journal.. LED's if done right..
are no joke my friend.. and this guy is like the Jesus of LED growing.. He's my fucking hero.. Anyway here's a few of my Ryder's at week 5.. They are bushy.. and most certainly not ONE cola plants.:hug:
I'll be sure to post some Bud Porn leading up to week 8.. and then the finished product after cured of course. Think I'll just keep my journal going here if you don't mind.. Since we're on the same strain.. It will be the best way for everyone to learn me thinks..:clap::idea::spew::joint:




Active Member
Hey Soundless, you are more than welcome to share this thread.

I have had a few mistakes with these plants, such as not having grow nutes, stretching early on, still not installing my extract fan, not testing PH or temp at all and worst of all i have just found out the bastard sent me a red spectrum CFL, not a dual spectrum. :cuss:
Considering the ALL the mess up's i am glad they are doing ok.

Having trouble sexing them. No sign as of yet but i am deffinetley going to purchase some sort of magnifying glass to try and see nice and close!

Going to be ordering a dual 300w (lets hope he gets it right this time), at weekend with some grow nutes to put away ready. Will set up when plants are coming up to 5 weeks so i can have a harvest every 5 weeks.

Will not be adding LED's till i get other stuff sorted like making a DWC system and buying some nice bubble mylar. My cheap mylar looks like a badly rapped christmas present!

LED's are top of the list though. They are amazing. Would always still compliment with CFl's unless i was putting out the same wattage as the The_B0fin's.

When looking to build my own, he uses a 12v current limited, multiple output, bench PSU. This bugger costs £250 from rapid!

Soundless, if you dont mind me asking, how much did your LED panels cost each?
When posting pics, instead of adding as attachments, upload them in to your album and then copy the IMG code directly in to your text eg.

Stars (*) are only used to show you how it would look on your post. Heres how it looks without. (hope the stars work and dont show pic or i will look like a nob)

BIG PICS :bigjoint:

Not much new with plants, just started to grow more leaves, so will not be posting pics today. Raised the height quite a bit too se how that goes over the next couple of days.

Anyone know how much a 8" pot holds in liters? Think i may have to resize pots in a week or two as transplanted quite deep the first time coz of stretching


Active Member
Oblivion:The LED's are both 55 Watters ~ They were $120 a piece. Luckily a Friend Fronted me the dough in exchange for a small piece of my Crop.. Cause They can get expensive. Might even upgrade to a 300 Watt LED one of these days. Anyway ~ Here are some Big Pics! They are finally starting to flower up ~ and i swear this bushy mass used to be two plants ~ They merged into one beast ~ I'm running out of room to tell you the truth. Still over Feeding them NUTES.. and they're getting Obese. The Pic of the white Bag of Rocks ~ Are Zeolite Rocks, They absorb Odor ~ and So Does The Ozone Machine.. Smells pretty Sterile in here.bongsmilie



Active Member
Hey Soundless, $120 a piece is not much considering they will last for around 50,000 hours! Thats 5 years.
Looking pretty cram packed in there, have you got more room for them?

How long did it take for you to sex them?
I tried again today but very hard to see close. I think i saw one small white hair appearing so definitely one female. Not too sure about the others.

Do male plants give off smell??
Just ordered a new 300w dual spectrum, with reflector. Just need some bubble mylar and all good to go with second setup.

Will post pics tomorrow after giving it a dose of nutes (bloom unfortunatley)


Well-Known Member
Hey Oblivion, cheers for the UV advice, sounds like a go-er to me. Will have a read up on the page you mentioned and bang that puppy in there when I start flowering and see what gives. Will also stick a photo up on my journal closer the time and see what everyone thinks. Your plants are looking good mate (as are the super large pics now :) ) with good leaf formation and the nutes seem to be working regardless!!! Will be keeping an ongoing eye.I'm going to be topping tomorrow although am nervous about taking a pair of scissors to my babies - wish me luck!!!

Hey Soundless. Have some serious LED envy going on here - I;m gonna see how this grow goes first and then decide if I;m going to swap over to LED;s for next grow. Will def want to see your results Soundless - good luck!!!