Diesel Ryder First grow with pictures


Active Member
See ~ The Posts are coming in ~ I'm very happy we've combined efforts here, to learn the best wayz to grow these wonderful Lowryders! I've just received some feminized Afghan Kush Ryder's! I am so excited to try them out ~ Thinking of going for a soil Run with these girls.

Hey Soundless, $120 a piece is not much considering they will last for around 50,000 hours! Thats 5 years.
Yeah, I'm happy about it for sure.. I want to get a 300 Watt Overhead LED, but they are $$$

Looking pretty cram packed in there, have you got more room for them?
I'm trying to make room ~ Honestly, I need to switch to soil, or a Bigger Hydro Bin, When the time comes if you want to buy my equipment from me along with to water pumps, air stones, and a 150 Watt HPS, I'll give you a killer deal. ;-)

How long did it take for you to sex them?

About Week 3 two small white hairs appeared at the first inter node ~ But to tell you the truth, there are some subtle things about the size of the leaf structure and the degree of branching and growth rate, that can also clue one in to what sex they might be. I think because you hit a few snares at the beginning is the only reason you can't tell sex at the stage in the game.. Just keep checking the inter nodes with a scope if possible.. Sometimes "balls" will burst.. So male "shows" can sometimes be deceiving.
I tried again today but very hard to see close. I think i saw one small white hair appearing so definitely one female. Not too sure about the others.

Do male plants give off smell? :mrgreen:

Sure they smell ~ But nothing major, It's the big flowering Buds that wreak on these things, and make no mistake ~ It's quite the smell.
Just ordered a new 300w dual spectrum, with reflector. Just need some bubble mylar and all good to go with second setup.
Cool Care to send an exact link to the bubble mylar and bulb so i can see what you're using?:roll:

Will post pics tomorrow after giving it a dose of nutes (bloom unfortunately)

It's all about the type of nutrients and minerals.. A lot of times the Bloom Blends will benefit the plants in ALL stages of growth believe it or not.:bigjoint:


Active Member
Soundless, hows it going. Weekend is already here and that means tomorrow is a wake 'n' Bake! ALL DAY!

I am already using a 300w Cfl, so it is exactly the same but dual spectrum.
I did get sent a 300w dual at first, but i smashed it, and the replacement was a red only.

Here is a pic of mine at the moment so the other is the same.
Notice the cupboard underneath the open one, this is the same depth and width, but the same size as a doorway.
This will be home for a second grow.

The desk fan is 9" to get a feel for the size of lamp.

Eventually the dual 300w will be up top to do plants until they are 4-5 weeks old, then they will be moved down to the bigger one, where my existing red 300w will be for flowering till harvest.
I needed the dual so it would sustain growth and 2 weeks flowering until moved.

Having trouble finding some cheaper bubble mylar. I have found really nice diamond mylar, but this costs £40 / $70 per 10 meters. I got 5 meters of ordinary mylar for an 1/8 of this price. I know it doesnt look pretty but it does the job.

Soundless, Afgan Kush sounds like the shiznit. Im going for a fem batch lowryders next too. You have a rough idea how many fems you will get, as long as the herms dont turn up for the party:o!

Dafoe, Read the thread when you have free time, its quite long, but after it you will be an LED junkie...trust me. Be careful with those scissors!

Got some questions on extract fans for everyone but will ask those tomorrow, need to post more pics later on first.


Well-Known Member
Hey Oblivion. Will def have a read up. Really like your setup , very compact and discreate. I'm using the same CFL as you know and couldnt believe how big they are when it came through the post - monsters!!!! But seem to be doing the job. Keep posting and I'll keep reading!!!! Enjoy the weekend (some of us have work - booooo!) :)


Well-Known Member
Hey Oblivion. Will def have a read up. Really like your setup , very compact and discreate. I'm using the same CFL as you know and couldnt believe how big they are when it came through the post - monsters!!!! But seem to be doing the job. Keep posting and I'll keep reading!!!! Enjoy the weekend (some of us have work - booooo!) :)

Yeah lol.. huge bulb...
Nice setup Oblivion :), and the plants are looking nice so far, good job.


Active Member
Hey guys,

Extract fan, finally up and running, only 3 weeks late.

Tatan Thanks man, they are big, i think every single person who opens the box is baffled! :confused:

Dafoe Got both sizes of the pencil cups today. In stapels exactly where you said, right at the back. Coincidence?! Will try for active carbon tomorrow

Soundless Hows your height situation? Hope those plants are blossoming. Any buds showing yet?

I got home from work earlier, to all plants showing sex. I THINK!

All 5 plants have pistils and no signs of any balls around them. If a plant has pistils, could it sill be male? Some close pics of pistils later on, but very hard to get shots of these. My camera has some gay features on it, and its hard enough getting the normal pics. I had to go with my mobile and zoom so sorry for bad quality.

The plants are doing fine, with new leaf formations. A few leafs are curling, but only slightly, nothing that will not go away. All stems are getting thick too.

The stems seem to have some sort of film on it starting to peel. What is this?

I got the plants out to take pics but got sidetracked and came back 1 hour later and all look a little droopy, still fine though.

Day 21

Here is pics of pistels. All 5 have these, but only got shots from 2 plants



Well-Known Member
Yup those are pistils... and no.. if it has pistils it cant be a male, but it can be a hermie, if it develops some male flowers. But if they do, you can just pluck them out.

That film on the stem, as far as I know is just "baby skin" that the plant is peeling off and is natural.

About the pots ... I do the same as you... I wait until I sex them and then repot, cause why repot a male. So looks like you dont have to worry about males :) Were your seeds feminized ? Cause if they arent feminized wow man.. you got really lucky hehehe congrats! By the way what size pot do you plan on putting them on ? Cause I wouldnt think you would need something much bigger.


Active Member
Thanks for info. Will keep a good eye on them. Just cant belive that all 5 have pistils! Lets hope those herms stay away.

4 plants are pretty much the same in height and growth, but one is much bigger than the rest.

That one's probably gonna have BIG ass balls!:shock:

Tatan im going to try ang get another week or two out of these pots if i can. 5 10" pots would be pretty tight, gonna wait till my bigger closet is set up.


Well-Known Member
Congrats on the mesh cups!!!! BIGGER congrats on a family of 5 females - awesome! Looking mighty fine there Oblivion - am watching closely :)


Active Member
Soundless Hows your height situation? Hope those plants are blossoming. Any buds showing yet?

They are indeed Blossoming Up! :hump: I don't know what's going on Man ~ I'm not complaining obviously ~ But that One Diesel Ryder Big Mamma in the Front.. is absolutely the Bushy~est Plant/Fastest Grower ~ That I have ever seen in my life. Obviously, Not the Tallest.. But the Yield to Height Ratio looks like it could be one for the Guinness Books for sure. Just check the Pics.. That's JUST the big Momma by herself ~ Wow..:spew:

I have a question for everyone ~ I have these two 150 Watt CFL's that are too big for an ordinary socket.. They are Mogul Socketed just like the 300 Watt one's you are using Oblivion. I've been searching EVERYWHERE for a more "Omni"directional Mogul Base.. Meaning.. I don't want the ones that have the Hood.. and can be Lowered.. etc.. I want one that I can "direct" Tip~Down onto the budding females like TheB0fin has in his boxes. Does anyone know where I might find something like what I'm describing; short of building one myself? Home Depot.. Has squat.. Those Reflective Domes are close.. but they require mounting.. and I want something that can stand by itself.. Or at least have a more stable Clip.. to clamp on to something. :confused:



Active Member
Ohh ~ And Double Congrats on an All Female Grow! Awesome Luck of the Draw my friend! The Ends of my branches are turning a beautiful shade of purple due to the LED's Me thinks.. It's so freaking psychedelic looking Man.. :hump:


Active Member
Thanks everyone

Lets hope balls stay away. I am thinking should i still set up my next grow with my new light next weekend, or should i use both 300w in the taller cupboard to concentrate on getting as much bud of these 5 fems?

Soundless What size do you need? I think mine is an E40. I couldnt find those either. I think the professor had much smaller holders. If yours needs the same size holder as mine, you could use one of these


You could just use this and hang it vertically


Active Member
Got home today to find my cfl was broken. Because i did not buy a proper reflector, i had to use the eazy roller sting to tie around the end of the light.

It still works but only just on. :cry:

If anyone does not have a proper reflector for the cfl, get one!! These lamps are very delicate. I have already smashed the first one, and my second is now gone.

The good news is the new light and reflector came today!:mrgreen:
I will not be able to set up the second grow yet but at least i have light.

The new 300w cfl is weird. I dont know wat i was expecting. It is half cool white, and half warm white... literally.

Bit of a bummer considering all 5 plants are getting big pistils and need the full 300w red spec, which is now broke. This one will do but i think my yield may be reduced. It was bought for my growth/early flowering chamber, so in that respect it is perfect for what i bought it for. Just wasnt planning on using this to flower.:dunce:

I am able to buy a new 300w red light and reflector package on the 18th, so i will do this on the day! Shit happens........ to me! :blsmoke:

Was gonna post pics but not right now. Im running out of height real fast, so the bigger cupboard is being used soon. Just need some more mylar and and some extract ducting


Active Member
Ohh man that sux Oblivion ~ Not trying to make you paranoid.. But there are dangerous levels of mercury inside CFL bulbs, especially in those monsters you are using ~ Most minor breaks are not much of a problem.. As Mercury evaporates over time, But you still need to be super, super careful. I had a small CFL burst over a plant.. and I simply picked it and tossed it in the garbage even though it had some frosty ass nugs!:cuss:
Just some neighborly advice. :bigjoint:

I'm just gonna build my own Box like The B0fin ~ To void any shabby ballast problem.



Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about your cfl... but 300W is a lot.. I would not expect your yield to be significantly less. It will probably turn about the same.


Active Member
Anyone know of some more ingenious way to get rid of Odor.. in a smaller Room other than Ozone Generators? The Ozone is giving me a fucking headache ~ and it's just not safe to breathe in as often as I have been..
I've tried Oona Blocks ~ But then it just smells like a Lemon Lime Toilet in here.. I've tried Zeolite Rocks as well ~ Not very effective for big blooming plants ether.. Any suggestions?


Active Member
Hey guys, will post pics later after the lights go off.

Soundless Luckily my lamp did not smash. If you look in that photo you can see where the 2 'U' ends of the cfl are really bent towards the end. This just gave over time of pressure caused by the string, and other things like me moving it to fit an extract/filter.

I made the same carbon filter that Dafoe has. The link is in his grow journal. This is inexpensive to make and really works.

Tatan This Dual 300w (8U), literally has half (4U's) red spectrum (warm white) and the other half blue spectrum (cool white).

I have positioned it so the warm white is facing down, but the cool white is very over powering. Maybe i could have the red side at the top so it is using more of the reflector?? What do you think? It will only be for 2 more weeks and then i will buy a new 300w red package.

Because i had only ever used a red spec. on my plants, they have gone crazy and grew a good inch or so already. Maybe this is because the plant is not satisfied by the amount of light and is trying to grow.

Dont want to put anyone off the dual 300w's. These really are good if you need them to do some veg and some flowering. It would probably go all the way till harvest but im not planning on finding that out!


Well-Known Member
Yeah... the warm light will cause more stretching whic is ideal for flowering but not veg...
you could put the cool side closest to them...


Active Member
Hey Tatan,
I have had to use a 300w red spectrum all the way throughout this grow. All growth has been achieved through the red spectrum! Didnt get sent a dual at the start of my grow.:twisted:

Considering this, i have been very lucky that they have gone all the way in to flowering. Now that this new 300w is on, my plants have never seen the cool white before so one went a bit crazy and now looks massive compared to the others.

This might sound like a stupid question, but for my next grow as i will still be using auto flowers, when will i know when they are 'flowering', so i can switch from the dual to a pure red?

I already have nicely developing pistils all round. Is this the sign?


Well-Known Member
Hey Tatan,
I have had to use a 300w red spectrum all the way throughout this grow. All growth has been achieved through the red spectrum! Didnt get sent a dual at the start of my grow.:twisted:

Considering this, i have been very lucky that they have gone all the way in to flowering. Now that this new 300w is on, my plants have never seen the cool white before so one went a bit crazy and now looks massive compared to the others.

This might sound like a stupid question, but for my next grow as i will still be using auto flowers, when will i know when they are 'flowering', so i can switch from the dual to a pure red?

I already have nicely developing pistils all round. Is this the sign?
yup, here is the deal...
Right after a plant is placed under 12/12, the plant is still in veg, but as it starts getting long nights it will slow its growth and then completly stop growing, and then growth begins again, its the stretch, and this is when the plant grows the most.

You have autoflowering, that means the plant will transition to flower on its own. So, I would definitly put the warm lights once you see signs of sex in the plants, cause then the plants are going to start stretching.

I didnt know your plants were in wam since the getgo, I thought your cool light had broken. So ... your plants still look really good with the light they have had... and now with flowering i would imagine they would do even better.


Active Member
]What's up you classy Gents ~ Here is some Bud Porn of a somewhat failed attempt at an AK 47 Lowryder Run.. I say Failed.. Because I Nute Burned them a Bit.. :cuss:and it stunted their growth something ridiculous.. Can't complain though ~ They Smell fucking insane.. and Still have a bit over an Ounce.. All I can Say is the Diesel Mamma I've got Flowering is at least 12 times the size of these.. QUESTION: Is it even a good idea to put Auto Flower's on 12/12? I mean.. I've been blasting them with about 20 hours of light even through Flowering.. is this a Mistake? Will I have better smoke on a 12/12 Flowering schedule? I figured since Auto's go into Bloom based on Age and not Light schedule.. That it would be a better idea to keep as much light as possible on them.. Or Is that retarded?:dunce: And now without further Ado: the Bud Porn! ~ I know.. I got a little carried away with the amount of Pics.. But I'm just really determined to show everyone How amazing LED's really are when used as supplemental Light.. :eyesmoke:
