Diesel Ryder First grow with pictures


Active Member
Hey guys.

Tatan Thanks for info. Are Cfl's still good for growing full size plants? or would i need side lighting?.
With me only using red spec at the start, then getting a dual, it feels like im growing backwards. :wall:

Soundless If your not happy with your 20/4, change it to 18/6 first and see if that makes a difference. It would be cool if you hit it with 16/8 CFL + LED, then keep the LED's on for 2-4 hours on their own.

Nice bud. Cure it up and let me know how it smokes.
Did you check out that carbon filter link?
Try an ONA block for the smell too.


Active Member
Your Mom chopped too Early Killhit :hump:~ These babies are nice and Triched up. Naw, Very Good Advice.. I did pick a few days premature.. But I wasn't hoping for much from the AK.. As I Nute burned them.
I'm gonna let the Diesel's bake Out in there until they are bursting with goo.. Will def. let you guys know how they smoke.. Still gonna dry 'em for a few more days.. I'm gonna switch to 18/6 for the rest of the grow..

Smell is bearable again.. Just had to rearrange some fans..

Peace ~ Soundless


Well-Known Member
Hey guys.

Tatan Thanks for info. Are Cfl's still good for growing full size plants? or would i need side lighting?.
With me only using red spec at the start, then getting a dual, it feels like im growing backwards. :wall:

Soundless If your not happy with your 20/4, change it to 18/6 first and see if that makes a difference. It would be cool if you hit it with 16/8 CFL + LED, then keep the LED's on for 2-4 hours on their own.

Nice bud. Cure it up and let me know how it smokes.
Did you check out that carbon filter link?
Try an ONA block for the smell too.

Im using CFL for my full sized plants and its been pretty good so far. About the side lighting- I try to put CFL all around the plants from top and sides. Thats one advantage of CFL, You have many bulbs all over, not just one big one on top.


Active Member
K Fellas ~ This is 2.5 Weeks into Flower ~ Also, I'd just like to report that the AK47 that I chopped a bit premature is smoking great.. in both flavor and high.. It's
very Earthy Tasting ~ with a Narcotic pain Killing High.. I'm curious what to expect the high to be like with the Diesel Ryder's ~ As It's 10 times the size my AK Plants were.. And smells insanely more potent. Anyone Smoke Indoor NY City Diesel before?:hump:



Active Member
Hey guys,

Been a while since i posted pics. I broke my laptop in anger so i have to use my mums.:evil:

Tatan I hope that my plants go all the way without side lighting. I will have to see later on but fingers crossed i should be fine. Gonna pick up some LED panels for the next grow.

Soundless Did you use the exact same set up for your AK as you are using now? I would have thought the AK would have been alot bigger! Are you using DWC?

Here is pics at week 4.
I transplanted them in to the final 10" pots yesterday. Unfortunately i ran out of perlite so i only got 3 done. The other two will be done tomorrow when somewhere is open.

I ran out of space, so the bigger cupboard is up and running. As i do not have the other light yet, the smaller one is empty at the moment. i still need to put my mylar and some sort of extract in.

Only Posted one plant from the side as i needed to rotate them. To give you an idea of how tall they are.
I couldnt post all pics as there are too many. I will put them in my album when i have time.



Well-Known Member
Hey Oblivion, your plants are looking nice fella! Sorry I havent posted for a while but been flat out and barely updated my journal. Will keep watching in here! Laters!


Active Member
So the worst thing that could possibly happen to a grower just happened to me. My plants got a fast acting Root Fungus.. and I was forced to Chop Early.
I'm pretty heart broken guys.. But I wanted to let everyone know how it happened, So you guys can avoid the same fate. When I chopped my two AK47 (which were almost a full month ahead
of my Diesel Ryder's) I tried my best to remove all of the excess Root foundation that was attached to the AK's ~ But what sucks about Hydro Systems that are connected in a large Tub, is
The Roots often combine into one large Blob. It was in the dead and decaying sections of the chopped AK's Root Structure that the Fungus was brought into the environment. And man, you really can't do a Damn thing
about it once it happens.. I flushed 4 Fucking Times, the leaves kept wilting, until the very 'trunk' of the plants just collapsed under their own weight.. I was able to salvage just over 2 Ounces of Bud However..
But they weren't Fully Matured.. or 'Triched'.. I'm selling my Hydro Kit.. and going strictly Soil with my Afghan Kush Run.. Which I will start tomorrow. Anyone know where I can get ready to grow 5 lb Bags of
the best soil with Ferts already in it? I've found a couple online.. but I just want to go somewhere local and pick everything up if possible. I'm really fucking bummed out.. But hopefully in two months time..
I'll be chopping some really nice Kush ~ So all is not lost..


Well-Known Member
So the worst thing that could possibly happen to a grower just happened to me. My plants got a fast acting Root Fungus.. and I was forced to Chop Early.
I'm pretty heart broken guys.. But I wanted to let everyone know how it happened, So you guys can avoid the same fate. When I chopped my two AK47 (which were almost a full month ahead
of my Diesel Ryder's) I tried my best to remove all of the excess Root foundation that was attached to the AK's ~ But what sucks about Hydro Systems that are connected in a large Tub, is
The Roots often combine into one large Blob. It was in the dead and decaying sections of the chopped AK's Root Structure that the Fungus was brought into the environment. And man, you really can't do a Damn thing
about it once it happens.. I flushed 4 Fucking Times, the leaves kept wilting, until the very 'trunk' of the plants just collapsed under their own weight.. I was able to salvage just over 2 Ounces of Bud However..
But they weren't Fully Matured.. or 'Triched'.. I'm selling my Hydro Kit.. and going strictly Soil with my Afghan Kush Run.. Which I will start tomorrow. Anyone know where I can get ready to grow 5 lb Bags of
the best soil with Ferts already in it? I've found a couple online.. but I just want to go somewhere local and pick everything up if possible. I'm really fucking bummed out.. But hopefully in two months time..
I'll be chopping some really nice Kush ~ So all is not lost..

Sucks to hear that man...:wall:


Active Member
HEY! :hump:

Been a while..... no pc to go online with. Finally got to use one now!

Soundless Bad news. What happened? Did you have your 2 diesels in with your AK? What you growin next?

Dafoe How long you got left? Your 2 are looking real nice. How big do they measure?

Tatan Got 2 bagseeds. Nice little suprise at weekend. Apparently jamacan ice, but who knows.

Quick recap of the past 2 weeks;
Everything was fine until about a week ago. I left the biggest plant directly under the light, with about 4 inches of room to the top of the plant.
When i came home the plant had grown all the way up to the light and was starting to bend!
The top leaves got burnt and all the pistils looked flat and burnt.

The big plant was kept around the light but never directly under. Within 3 days the pistils were back up and looking nice.
Because it has only been directly under a few times since then, the bud production is less than others.

2 weeks left on saturday. All plants are getting trichnomes all over and smell great.

I have got roots coming out of the bottom of these pots, but i will not have the room for 5 bigger pots, so it will have to do.

Some pics from about a week ago

Will post more pics in a week


Well-Known Member
Hey Oblivion! Welcome back fella. WOW those plants are looking fantastic - even the leafs look in top notch!!!! Nice going. Seriously jealous that you only have 2 weeks left. I'm only on week 3 of flowering and I think the Power Africa take up to 8-9 weeks to harvest point. They are measuring about 20-26 inches now but am LSTing them to death as I'm running out of room in my cab. Good to have you back - cant wait to see the harvest. Good luck!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey Oblivion - can I just ask what your humidity is running at? I'm having problems getting mine down as have high ambient humidity 65-70%. Have just bought a dehumidifier for the room so hopefully this should sort it all out but was curious as to how high yours was just as a comparison.


Active Member
Well, I've Got 3 Feminized Afghan Kush Ryders and 1 Fem. White Dwarf each in soil.
Pics coming soon! I've ramped up my setup yet again.. Can't let the last disaster get me down..
But I'm almost out of smoke guys! Who wants to send me some of their yield in a Peanut Butter Jar.. In return for some of mine
when it's done? ;) Geez I'm so depressed.. You all saw how beautiful my Diesel ladies were.. I miss looking and smelling their delicious aroma.
I must have infuriated Shiva or some other Cannabis God.


Active Member
Dafoe When i first set up, i kept putting off buying a temprature/humidity meter. Wanted a low cost. I am not trying to jinx anything or say it is not important, but i have sill not bought one. The same goes for an EC meter. Or PH for that matter.

Since i put the plants in the bigger closet, i needed to cut a hole in the top to extract the heat through ducting...... i still havent done this :shock:

It doesnt get too hot but after 20 hours, i will turn it off and blow my big fan at the open cupboard to cool everything down. There is always a 9" fan on 24/7. I water every 3-4 days. 8 liters beween 5.

Soundless What soil mix and nutes have you gone for? I am wanting to do some auto AK but want to do a auto blueberry more. I may try out a mix of a few seeds as all the auto's have the same sort of heights and flowering times. Keep us posted on your progress........... if you didnt live on the other side of the planet there would have been a jar of mary jane on the way!:leaf:

I have just read the funniest post. Been laughing for ages. Check it out - https://www.rollitup.org/harvesting-curing/188198-how-do-you-fulsh-your.html


Active Member
I went for some nice looking Organic Mix at Home Depot ~ And mixed it with Bone Meal and Bat Guano. It's lovely Stuff..
I'm using a lot more CFL's this time around ~ What would you recommend on total Wattage for each Plant? Had a Gnat Problem so I bought some
Glue Boards.. But now I have an Ant problem! So, I'm gonna buy some baits tomorrow.. Soil brings with it, it's own unique set of problems..
The Strain I'm growing is very special and unique ~ Slightly higher priced then the other Low Ryder's, But I think the genetics and the feminization are really worth it.
Anyone have a link to a grow journal for these Afghan Kush Ryder's from start to finish? I'm assuming this is not the first.. but I could be wrong..
One more question.. I have 4 Large 5 Gallon Pots.. Two of the Pots have more than one Seedling growing.. Will this cause complication? What I mean is.. will there be room for more than one
plant to grow in such large pots? It certainly appears to have enough room.. Maybe I'll post some pictures, so you guys could give me a better answer.
I'm really curious how your Diesel's Smoke up.. As I never had the pleasure.. (frown)


Active Member
Before i put the soil mix in the pot, i put it in the microwave, until steam comes off it, to kill any pesticides. I also do this when transplanting.