Diesel Ryder Outdoor 2010 = disappointed

Hi, I'm new to the boards, not new to mary :bigjoint:

been growing a few years.

decided to start some auto-flowering diesel ryders by joint doctor from attitude. first time with these, was really excited to try them out. totally stoked ready to go. was planning a seed run with them through to July and then another harvest of sensimilla in the fall from the resulting seeds of the first ones. this is an outdoor grow.

put in the dirt April 24, after they had germed in a humi-dome. all was well. 8 of 10 seeds germinated fine. mixture of 0-0-0 potting soil (vermiculite/perlite/sand) and some organic compost (worm castings/coffee grounds/plant bulbs/banana peels/etc etc--been going for about 20 years now), no added nutrient supplements of any kind other than the above compost mix.

other reputable strains are going and thriving in the same mix, in the same location

then the floods came, TN, they were safe, under cover of a barn still getting what light was available to everything else while it was overcast.

now, 6 of these 8 have are no more. on 2 of them the first set of leaves are completely gone, stalk still standing. 4 more are just laying over on their sides, still have their leaves but look dead. 2 are thriving. and no none of the leaves on the ones not doing so well are yellow or discolored at all.
and no pests have bothered then that I am aware of.

they have not be over or underwatered either. this is known by the fact that my church, white widow, and frisian dews are all very healthy and growing considerably, and everything is on the same watering schedule.

can someone please tell me their thoughts on what might have caused this?

nah, no pics at the moment. maybe later, if no one has any ideas without them. i've described very thoroughly what's up with em i think though.


Well-Known Member
I mean diesel ryders are meant to be grown indoors and you are supposed to veg them for 2-3 weeks before you put them outdoors as they are too fragile.
I mean diesel ryders are meant to be grown indoors and you are supposed to veg them for 2-3 weeks before you put them outdoors as they are too fragile.
this not correct. they will start to flower indoor under 24 hours of light in 2-3 weeks, at which time it would be pointless to put them outside for the remainder of the flowering stage to me. aside from this, i've seen posts, threads, pictures and videos of them being done outside from start to finish. even talked to people who have done it themselves. another thing is that they are the product of crossing with a land-race strain, which would tell me they are more than capable of dealing with sunlight, not to mention all plants' genetics altogether developed "outside".

thanks for the help anyway.

i've already found another thread on here about the same thing happening to others so, something tells me there is something else afoot.


Well-Known Member
i have been trying other auto outdoors and im also desapointed, after 4 weeks 2 of my original green'omatic from ghs are dead and the other i have been feeding and all but its very short and only 3 sets of buds, same plant indoors with 3 more weeks is close to finish and although it does not seem a great yeald smeels charming and is doing good, i guess autos just need special care you cant give them outdoors...


Well-Known Member
I only grow outdoors on my balcony. So far, my autos don't seem to get as big and produce as much as what I've seen from the indoor auto growers. I'll be harvesting 2 Easyryders in a few days.


Well-Known Member
Hello. I don't know what to think, all my auto's are different. I have noticed though
the one's started indoors are much better off, this is something I am actually experiencing. I have 16 short rider's, and they stalled for about two weeks, just wouldn't move, than bam, now there flowering, tiny, almost funny how small they are. I can only surmise that the new cross auto's are so new they are still working out the kinks. I also have Ak47, auto;s and Diesel auto's, outdoors there success rate is at best poor, I paid a lot for the seeds but kinda new they would be a bear to cultivate. I think in 10 years from now all seeds will be auto's. Oh and I just bought 20 Jack Horror auto's from Nirvana, haven't received em yet there new as well. I really wish I could tell you what is going on, just keep working at it, and complain to the seed company, for no other reason than to help them get it right in the long run. Good Luck.:peace:


Well-Known Member
I havent had any problems with starting Lowlifes auto ak-47 outdoors. This is my 2nd year doing these and they are doing great. Last year My plants ended up being 2 ft and gave an average of 22 grams a plant. I tried growing Lowryders outside and they were alot harder then the aks, maybe you should just try the Ak-47 it is an easy strain to start and finish outdoors.


Well-Known Member
Hello, crfhonda. What type of nutes are you using? Do you use anything that is specifically for bud growth and weight? How long do you let your auto's go for before you pull them? Is 22 grams an average, or a constant weight? Its not that I don't like auto's, actually I think they are great, I just can't find any information on them. Maybe you know do a information clearing house on them? Thank You.:peace: